(For B.Com.General And Six Speciality
Courses )
Marks: 80 Hours: 40
Objective: The objective of this
course is to develop effective business communication skills among the
Course Contents:
Unit I: Introducing Business
Communication: Basic forms of communication; Communication models and
processes; Effective communication; Theories of communication; Audience
analysis. 20: 10 hrs
Unit II: Corporate Communication:
Formal and informal communication networks; Grapevine, Miscommunication
(Barriers); Improving communication. 20:
10 hrs
Unit III: Practice in business
communication, Group discussions, Mock interviews, Seminars, Effective listening exercises;
Individual and group presentations. 20:
10 hrs
Unit IV: Business letters and memo
formats; Appearance request letters, Good news and bad news letters; persuasive
letters; Sales letters; Collection letters; Office memorandum. 20: 10 hrs
Text and Reference Books:
1 Balasubramanyum: Business
Communication; Vikash Publishing House, Delhi.
2 Kaul: Business Communication;
Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
3 Kaul: Effective Business
Communication; Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
4 Bezborah, P. & Mahanta K.:
Business Communication, Kalyani Publishers.
5 Bovee : Business Communication
Essential, Pearson, New Delhi.
6 Chaturbedi/Chaturvedi: Fundamentals
of Business Communication,Pearson, New Delhi.