Principle of Business Management May' 2012 | Dibrugarh University (2nd Semester)

[Principles of Business Management, Dibrugarh University, B.Com 2nd Sem, Question Papers, Semester Exam, May' 2012]

2012 (May)
Commerce (General/Speciality)
Course Code: 204
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
1. (a) Write True or False: [1x5=5]
(i) The theory of scientific management was propounded by Taylor.
(ii) The book, General and Industrial Management was written by P.F. Drucker.
(iii) Management by objectives is a continuous process.
(iv) Rationalisation is an element of scientific management.
(v) Correction of deviation is the first step in the process of control.
(b) Fill in the blanks: [1x3=3]
(i) Zero-based budgeting technique was first introduced in America in the year _____________.
(ii) Management audit is a ____________ technique of control.
(iii) ____________________ is determination of future course of action.

2. Write short notes on (any four): [4x4=16]
(a) Autocratic leadership
(b) Strategic Planning
(c) Authority and Responsibility
(d) Positive leadership
(e) Functional organisation
(f) Process of decision-making

3. (a) “Management is concerned with ideas, things and people.” Comment.      11
(b) Write in brief note on the development of management thoughts.                  11

4. (a) Explain the meaning and process of management by objectives.   3+8=11
(b) “Decision-making is problem solving in different situations.” Discuss.                               11

5. (a) Discuss the factors which are to be considered in choosing a suitable form of Departmentation.     11
(b) What do you mean by “Span of management”? Explain the factors which affect an effective span of management.                3+8=11

6. (a) Compare and contrast Maslow’s theory and Herzberg’s theory of Motivation.        11
(b) “None of the leadership style is fault proof.” Do you agree? Comment and explain.  11

7. (a) Briefly explain the traditional and modern techniques of control.   12
(b) “Trying to control everything may end up in controlling nothing.” Discuss.      12

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