Course No. 204 - NEW COURSE
(For B.Com (General) And Six Speciality Programmes)
Marks: 80
Hours: 40
Objective: This course
familiarises the students with the basis of Principles of Management.
Course Contents:
UNIT I: Concept of
management; development of management thought; classical and neo- classical
systems; Systems Approach, contingency approaches. 20: 10 hrs
UNIT II: Concept of
planning; importance of planning; features of a good plan. Decision making-
concept and techniques of decision making; Management by objectives-features,
process, advantages and limitations; 20:
10 hrs
UNIT III: Organizing-meaning,
nature, process and significance; span of management, organization
structure-its importance, departmentation, types of organization structure. 20:
10 hrs
UNIT IV: Motivation and
leading people at work: Motivation- Concept and theories- Maslow, Herzberg
,McGregor. Leadership- Concept, Qualities of a leader, leadership styles.
Managerial control: concepts and process. 20:
10 hrs
Text and Reference Books:
1.Drucker Peter F: Management
Challenges for the 21st Century; Butterwerth Heinemann, Oxford.
2.Louis A. Allen: Management and
Organization, MC Graw Hill, Tokyo.
3.Kalwar M.C. & Pathak R.K.,
Principles of Business Management, Avilekh Publication and Production, UPABAN, Guwahati.
4.Bhat Anil & Kumar Arya:
Management, Principles, Process and Practices, Oxford University Press, New
5.Bhattacharyya: Principles of
Management, Pearson, New Delhi.
6.Kaul: Business Organisation and
Management: Text and Cases, Pearson, New Delhi.
7. Bose: Organisation and Management, New Central Book Agency, Hyderabad.
7. Bose: Organisation and Management, New Central Book Agency, Hyderabad.
UNIT-I: Concept of management:
Development of management thought; Classical
and neo- classical system; System Approach, contingency approaches;
managerial skills.
UNIT- II: Concept of planning;
Importance of planning; Features of a good plan,
Decision makings. Click here
Management by objective :feature, process, advantages and limitations. Click here
Management by objective :feature, process, advantages and limitations. Click here
UNIT-III: Organizing:
Meaning, nature, process and significance;
Span of management, organization structure. Click here
UNIT-IV: Motivation and leading people at work:
concept and theories – Maslow, Herzberg, McGregor ; Click here
Leadership – concept, Qualities of a leader, leadership styles. Click here
Leadership – concept, Qualities of a leader, leadership styles.
UNIT-V: Management control:
Concept and process; Effective
control systems; Techniques of control. Click here
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