Principle of Business Management May' 2015 | Dibrugarh University (2nd Semester)

[Principles of Business Management, Dibrugarh University, B.Com 2nd Sem, Question Papers, Semester Exam, May' 2015]

2015 (May)
Commerce (General/Speciality)
Course Code: 204
Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1.       Write True or False:                                1 x 8=8
a)      Management is regarded as a perfect science.
b)      Management by objectives is a clever device for the exploitation of labourers.
c)       Responsibility can be delegated but authority cannot be delegated.
d)      Coordination and cooperation are used in the same sense.
e)      Planning is a mental exercise.
f)       ‘Division of labour is an essential element of an organization.
g)      The theory of scientific management was propounded by F. W. Taylor.
h)      Control is not applicable at all levels of management.

2.       (a) Evaluate the contribution made by F. W. Taylor and Henry Fayal to the growth of management thought.                14
(b) Describe the nature and objectives of business management.            7+7=14

3.       (a) Explain the concept of decisions making and its role in business management.     7+7=14
(b) Discuss the objectives and limitations of Management by Objectives (MBO) in detail. 7+7=14

4.       (a) Explain the concept of ‘organization’ and ‘organizing’. Discuss elaborately the different techniques of organizing.  3+3+8=14
(b) What do you mean by ‘departmentation’? Discuss in detail the various methods of departmentation.    4+10=14
5.       (a) Compare and contrast A. Maslow’s and F. Herzberg’s theory of motivation.                          14
(b) Briefly discuss the traditional techniques of managerial control.          14
6.       Write short notes on (any four):       4x4=16
a)      Span of management.
b)      Limitations of planning.
c)       Democratic leadership.
d)      Return on investment.
e)      Long-term planning.
[ Old Course ]
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32

1.       Answer the following:
a)      Write down any two functions of a manager.                              2
b)      Who first propounded the principle of Unity of Command? 1
c)       Mention two limitations of planning.                              2
d)      Write two differences between formal organization and informal organization.      2
e)      Write the full form of ROI.        1
2.       (a) What do you mean by business management? Explain its significance.     3+8=11
(b) Write a brief note on the development of management thoughts.                    11
3.       (a) Discuss briefly the various techniques of decision making.                             11
(b) Describe the role of planning in a modern business organization.       11
4.       (a) What do you mean by departmentation? Explain briefly the determinants of departmentation.    3+8=11
(b) Discuss the different aspects of line and staff organization.                   11
5.       (a) Explain Abraham Maslow’s theory of motivation.
(b) “None of the leadership styles is fault proof.” Comment and explain.
6.       (a) Explain the importance of a good control system in business management.                           12
(b) “Planning without control is meaningless and control without planning is a waste.” Elucidate the statement.                 12
7.       Write short notes on (any four):       4x4=16
a)      Management of objectives.
b)      Span of Management.
c)       Process of organizing.
d)      Management information system.
e)      Division of work. 

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