B.Com First Year Question Papers (Distance): Business Communication' 2014

Paper: 101
(Business Communication)
Full Marks: 90
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Select the correct alternative: 1x5=5
  1. The person who initiates the communication process is called the
  1. Decoder.
  2. Encoder.
  3. Messenger.
  1. Communication network in any business organization is
  1. Internal and external.
  2. Oral and written.
  3. Verbal and non-verbal.
  1. In business writing pre-drafting stage relates to
  1. Defining the problem.
  2. Organizing the material.
  3. Revising the first draft.
  1. A report must be
  1. Objective.
  2. Impartial.
  3. Both objective and impartial.
  1. Non-verbal communication relies on
  1. Appearance.
  2. Observation and interpretation.
  3. Body language.
2. Find out which statement is true and which one is false: 1x4=4
  1. Encoding is the process of interpreting the message.
  2. Upward and downward flow of messages constitutes vertical communication.
  3. Editing relates to examining the text once again thoroughly to make improvements.
  4. The need interview arises because there are unlimited vacancies for a limited number of aspirants.
3. Write the answers to the following questions within 100 words each:
  1. Enumerate any three objectives of communication in business organizations.    3
  2. Write briefly about grapevine communication. 3
  3. Show the differences between a letter and a memo. 4
  4. What are the four steps to be followed in writing an analytical report? 4
  5. Suggest four tips for developing intercultural communication skills. 4
4. (a) Explain the SMCR model of communication developed by David Berlo. 8
(b) Communication is not complete till it is received, understood and acted upon Elucidate. 5
(c) Enumerate the respective merits and demerits of oral and written communication. 6+7=13
5. (a) List any six sender-oriented barrier to communication. 6
(b) How can these barriers be overcome? Suggest measures to overcome the barriers. 7
(c) Write briefly on the following:
  1. Objectives of Mock Interviews. 6
  2. Role of seminars in business. 7
6. (a) Mention any four purposes for which memos are written. 4
(b) Suppose you are the Regional Manager of United Bank of India, Dibrugarh and draft a memo conveying to all employees that a mock fire-drill will be held next week as part of Disaster Management strategy, Mention the exact date and time, venue, and exit points. 8
(c) “Collect the money but keep the customer” is the guiding principle for writing collection letters. Do you think so? Give reasons. 4
(d) Imagine that you are the Collection Manager of The Indian Express Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi-1. Write a collection letter tactfully to Baruah Paper Agency, Guwahati-3, against which a bill for Rs. 15,000/- has been pending payment for two months. 8
7. (a) What are the five steps involved in planning a report? 5
(b) The Human Resource Manager of Ashoka Cement Plant, Durgapur has been asked by the ‘Managing Director’ of the plant to submit a report on the causes behind a recent incident of strike by workers. Imagine you are the HR Manager and prepare a report based on your findings and recommendations. 8
(c) How does a sales presentation differ from a training presentation? 5
(d) Discuss briefly the Principles of effective training presentations. 8
8. (a) What are the purposes of appending a resume to a job application? 4
(b) Prepare a resume for the job of Sales Manager of the Pharmaceutical Company. 8
(c) Write short notes on the following:
  1. Advantages of e-mail. 6
  2. Video conferencing. 6

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