B.Com 3rd Year Question Papers (Distance): International Business' 2016

2016 (August)
Course: 305
(International Business)
Full Marks: 90

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Write the full form of the following: 1x8=8
  1. EOU.
  2. ECGC.
  3. IMF.
  4. FDI.
  5. FTZ.
  6. VAT.
  7. BREXIT.
  8. SWIFT.
2. Write short notes on: 5x4=20

  1. Export Credit Insurance.
  2. Multilateral Agreement.
  3. Duty Exemption.
  4. Export Processing Zone.
3. (a) What do you mean by foreign trade? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of foreign trade.       4+9=13
(b) Discuss the features of India’s foreign trade since independence. 13
4. (a) What is foreign exchange control? Explain the various methods of foreign exchange control measures.   4+8=12
(b) Explain the various barriers to international business. 12
5. (a) Discuss about the various export promotion policies adopted by Government in recent times. 12
(b) Discuss the role of EXIM Bank in India’s foreign trade. 12
6. (a) Discuss the various stages of export trade and import trade. 12
(b) What is SEZ? Distinguish between SEZ and EOU. 4+8=12
7. (a) What is joint venture abroad? Discuss the advantages of entering joint venture abroad. 4+9=13
(b) What is bilateralism? Explain the significance of bilateralism in the context of international trade. 4+9=13

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