Business Communication - I Solved Question Papers
Dibrugarh University
2017 (November)
COMMERCE (General/Speciality)
Course: 101 (Business Communication - I)
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 24

1.       Select the right alternatives of the following:                               1x4=4
a)      In effective communication, the encoder becomes a decoder when there is
a.       Noise
b.      Audience
c.       Feedback
d.      Channel
b)      Identify the correct sequence of the following:
a.       Source, Channel, Message, Receiver
b.      Source, Receiver, Channel, Message
c.       Source, Message, Receiver, Channel
d.      Source, Message, Channel, Receiver
c)       Listening is badly affected by
a.       Message overload excess of listened material
b.      High speed of speaking
c.       A sizable hearing loss physiological problem
d.      All of the above
d)      Who cannot write a business letter to you?
a.       Restaurant
b.      Shopping mall
c.        Friend
d.      Sports team
2.       Write True and false of the following           1x4=4
a)      Communication models are multi dimensional.              TRUE
b)      The initial audience can accept or reject a sender’s message.      FALSE, they can guide only
c)       Seminars and presentations are same.                                                          False
d)      It is not necessary to have polite manners for a leader.                          False
3.       Write answer to each of the following questions in about 100 words.            4x4=16
a) Briefly explain how communication is important for managerial functioning?
Ans: Communication is the life blood of business. It is an all pervasive function of management. Today the organizational structure is designed on the basis of specialization and division of labour. Large number of people work together who are functionally related to each other. Thus, co ordination is must amongst the workmen. Co-ordination can be achieved only when there is mutual trust and understanding between them. This understanding is created by effective communication. Thus communication is an essential ingredient for effective management. Further the role of communication may be summed up as:-
1.       The objectives, plans and policies of the organization are cleared to the workers through communication.
2.       It provides unity of direction to various activities of the enterprise.
3.       It helps in controlling and coordinating the various activities of the organization.
4.       It helps in motivating the workers of an organization.
5.       It helps the managers to develop their managerial skill.
b) Why is audience analysis done? Explain briefly
Ans: To send out a meaningful communication, the sender needs to know the audience or audiences he is dealing with. Otherwise one lands with a situation where one has spoken but not told. If it is a buyer’s market, with a choice of products to the consumer, the need to know the audience is even more urgent.
To know an audience is to know what motivates the members of it. In Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, Antony has to speak to the Romans after Caesar’s murder. The Romans at that time dislike the dead king. Antony has to gain sympathy for Caesar and create antipathy for the killers. He starts by befriending the listeners. He then makes an ironical remark about how people forget the good in others (here Caesar), and partially praises the murderers! He does not want to shock the listeners. He then shows how good a friend Caesar was to Antony …… and eventually shows how generous Caesar was to the citizens of Rome. Antony manages to reverse the mob opinion against the murderers and gets the Romans to hunt for them.
This is a masterpiece of persuasive communication based on common human psychology. A businessman may manipulate minds much the same way. He starts with an appeal to the values which the audience likes even if he has to create new values.
The audience may like the virtue of economy (limited spending), yet the businessman may play on human psychology to sell luxury goods that simplify life and make it comfortable. He appeals to a value (comfort) which is often deeper than the value of saving money.
c) What is the role of organizer and speaker in seminar?
Ans: Seminar
A seminar may be defined as “a discussion in a small group in which the result of research or advance study is presented through oral or written reports.” Seminar is simply group communication in which open person makes a presentation or speech on a topic by highlighting it contents in the light of present and pressing problems. This presentation or speech is followed by questions and expect comments from the audience. Thus seminar is mixture of speech and group discussion. During seminar one person acts as chairman of the session and conducts the seminar by introducing the topic and the speaker. At the end of the session, he asks the audience to raise questions and ensures that the discussion follows in the light of the theme.
Organizer’s Role: To make seminar effective, organizers should
a)      Plan the seminar in advance by deciding the date, venue and theme of the seminar.
b)      Publish the relevant material in advance.
c)       Advertise it is newspapers and invite various participants within time.
d)      Ensure the proper arrangement of OHP, slides, lighting, and other audio visual aids.
e)      Facilitate arrangement of sitting, tea or lunch, etc.
Speaker’s Role: The speaker of seminar should
a)      Prepare the topic before hand by searching the material from library and websites, organizing the in the topic in logical order and pondering over the various relevant issues.
b)      Ensure that his speech is informative, illuminating and interesting.
c)       Use the appropriate visual aids like OHP, transparencies, slides, etc.
d)      Take the time limits into consideration.
e)      Try to answer maximum questions of the audience of the end.
f)       Convey thanks to the audience for their patient listening.
g)      How speech or presentation can be made effective, have been discussed in the chapter on speech and presentation.
d) What should be the guiding points for writing an office memo? Explain briefly.
Ans: Refer my article on Memo
4.       (a) What is communication? What is the need for communication? Explain the significance of communication. 2+4+8=14
Meaning of the term “Communication”
The term communication is derived from a Latin word „communis‟ which means common. This means establishing a common ground. Now whatever is common is shared by all. But what is that which is shared by all in communication? It is fact, ideas, understanding, opinions, information etc.
In the words of Newman, Summer & Warren, “communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, and opinions by two or more persons.”
According to Keith Davis, Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another.”
Communication should not be interpreted as merely sending or receiving messages. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding. It is a two way process and is complete only when there is some response from the receiver of information.
Need and Significance of Business communication
Communication is the life blood of business. It is an all pervasive function of management. Today the organizational structure is designed on the basis of specialization and division of labour. Large number of people work together who are functionally related to each other. Thus, co ordination is must amongst the workmen. Co-ordination can be achieved only when there is mutual trust and understanding between them. This understanding is created by effective communication. Thus communication is an essential ingredient for effective management. Further the role of communication may be summed up as:-
6.       The objectives, plans and policies of the organization are cleared to the workers through communication.
7.       It provides unity of direction to various activities of the enterprise.
8.       It helps in controlling and coordinating the various activities of the organization.
9.       It helps in motivating the workers of an organization.
10.   It helps the managers to develop their managerial skill.
According to Sir John Harvey-Jones, “Communication is the single most essential skill. Effective   communication is the need of the day.” In recent times communication has become all more essential due to the following reasons:-
1.       Growth in the size of the business organization: An efficient system of communication is required because the business organizations are growing tremendously. Thousands of people work in the organization. Organizations have factories or offices in different parts of the country or even world.
2.       Advance technology: Day by day rapid changes are taking place in science and technology leading to obsolescence of old technology. Thus in order to upgrade or modernize technology proper communication between the superior and subordinate in an organization is a must.
3.       Tough competition in the market: Globalization and liberalization have resulted in cut throat competition. Thus to survive such competition, persuasive communication in form of advertisement, publicity, personal contacts are essential.
4.       Growing specialization: Division of work paved way for specialists to work in different department’s sound communication is thus essential for ensuring mutual cooperation and understanding between different departments.
5.       Trade union movement: trade union movement is on its growth. Management now has to consult trade unions on various matters. A strong and meaningful relation between management and trade union is possible only by effective communication.
6.       Human relation: Employee’s participation in management helps to develop among them a sense of loyalty and belongingness towards the organization. Thus effective communication between management and employee is necessary to develop mutual trust and confidence.
7.       Public relations: Public relations help an organization to improve its image in society as the organization has a social responsibility especially towards the customers.
Objectives of Business Communication
The objectives of business communication are wide and large. Information, Order, permission, Warning, Motivation, Advice and Raising morale are activated through the means of communication. The objectives of business communication are stated below:
1. To Exchange Information: The prime objective of communication is to exchange information internally and externally i.e. to deal within the organization and outside the organization.
2. To Achieve Goal: The goal of the organization can be obtained through effective organizational communication. Everybody tries to acquire such goal and therefore it requires effective organizational communication.
3. To Maintain Co-ordination and Co-operation: Co-ordination and co-operation among three levels i.e. corporate level, divisional level and functional level of an Organization are maintained through communication.
4. To Plan: Planning decides what is to be done in future. All the information and data which are required to make a plan for business can be obtained or gathered through communication.
5. To Facilitate Direction and Motivation: The boss gives direction or order to his subordinate. And managers need to motivate their employees to increase the concentration and productivity. Hence, communication helps to facilitate direction and motivation.
6. To Achieve Efficiency: Communication can provide information regarding past and present. It also helps to anticipate about future. So, Communication increases efficiency of the workers by providing instant information.
7. To Solve Problem: Communication can remove the gap between employees and employer. Fruitful communication ensures a network in an Organization to solve problems. Conflict arises and exists in an Organization. Fruitful communication ensures a network to solve conflict. It also removes the gap between employee and employer.
8. To Create Consciousness: Communication helps both employer and employee to be conscious about their respective roles, duties and activities. As a result, responsibility and accountability is located among the concerned persons.
9. To Increase Job Satisfaction: Job satisfaction requires better job environment and better job environment is possible if there exists communication chain. Strong chain helps to overcome job related stress.
10. To Improve Employer-Employee Relationship: To achieve the Organizational objectives, there must be good relationship between employee and employer. And to improve such relationship, there must be effective communication.
(b) What is communication model? What are the essentials of a communication model? Explain David Berlo’s SMCR model of communication in detail.                                         2+4+8=14
Ans: Communication model: Models of communication refers to the conceptual model used to explain the human communication process. A model is widely used to depict any idea, thought or a concept in a more simpler way through diagrams, pictorial representations etc.
Essentials and use of communication model:
1. Communication models are useful in teaching. Each model seems to suggest one or more communication variables which the others have neglected.
2. They are useful because they can usually be applied in one way or another to practical communication situations.
3. These models can be used to generate specific testable research hypothesis.
4. These models can be manipulated more easily than the reality they represent.
David Berlo Model of Communication:
While the Aristotle model of communication puts the speaker in the central position and suggests that the speaker is the one who drives the entire communication, the Berlo’s model of communication takes into account the emotional aspect of the message. Berlo’s model of communication operates on the SMCR model.
a) S – Source: The source in other words also called the sender is the one from whom the thought originates. He is the one who transfers the information to the receiver after carefully putting his thoughts into words. It is done with the help of communication skills, Attitude, Knowledge, Social System and Culture.
Communication Skills: An individual must possess excellent communication skills to make his communication effective and create an impact among the listeners. The speaker must know where to take pauses, where to repeat the sentences, how to speak a particular sentence, how to pronounce a word and so on.
Attitude: It is rightly said that if one has the right attitude, the whole world is at his feet. There is actually no stopping for the person if he has the right attitude. A person might be a very good speaker but if he doesn’t have the right attitude, he would never emerge as a winner.
Knowledge: Here knowledge is not related to the educational qualification of the speaker or the number of degrees he has in his portfolio. Knowledge is actually the clarity of the information which the speaker wants to convey to the second party. One must be thorough in what he is speaking with complete in-depth knowledge of the subject.
Culture: Culture refers to the cultural background of the community or the listeners where the speaker is communicating or delivering his speech.
b) M – Message: When an individual converts his thoughts into words, a message is created. The process is also called as Encoding. Any message further comprises of the following elements:
Content: One cannot show his grey matter to others to let him know what he is thinking. A thought has to be put into words and content has to be prepared. Content is actually the matter or the script of the conversation. It is in simpler words, the backbone of any communication.
Element: It has been observed that speech alone cannot bring a difference in the communication. Keep on constantly speaking and the listeners will definitely lose interest after some time. The speech must be coupled with lots of hand movements, gestures, postures, facial expressions, body movements to capture the attention of the listeners and make the speech impressive. Hand movements, gestures, postures, facial expressions, body movements, gestures all come under the elements of the message.
Treatment: Treatment is actually the way one treats his message and is conveys to the listeners. One must understand the importance of the message and must know how to handle it.
Structure: A message cannot be expressed in one go. It has to be properly structured in order to convey the message in the most desired form.
Code: Enter a wrong code and the locks will never open. Enter a wrong password, you will not be able to open your email account. In the same way the code has to be correct in the communication.
c) C - Channel: Channel actually refers to the medium how the information flows from the sender to the receiver.
How does one know what the other person is speaking ? - Through Hearing.
How does one know whether the pasta he has ordered is made in white sauce or not ? - Through Tasting.
How does one know that there is a diversion ahead or it’s a no parking zone? - Through Seeing. How will an individual come to know that the food is fresh or stale ? How do we find out the fragrance of a perfume ? – Through Smelling.
How will you find out whether the milk is hot or not ? - Through Touching.
All the five senses are the channels which help human beings to communicate with each other.
d) R – Receiver: When the message reaches the receiver, he tries to understand what the listener actually wants to convey and then responds accordingly. This is also called as decoding. The receiver should be on the same platform as the speaker for smooth flow of information and better understanding of the message. He should possess good communication skills to understand what the speaker is trying to convey. He should have the right attitude to understand the message in a positive way. His knowledge should also be at par with the listener and must know about the subject. He should also be from the same social and cultural background just like the speaker.
There are several loopholes in the Berlo’s model of communication. According to the berlo’s model of communication, the speaker and the listener must be on a common ground for smooth conversion which is sometimes not practical in the real scenario.

5.       (a) What is grapevine? Discuss its various types, advantages and disadvantages. How can it be made effective? 2+6+6=14
Ans: Informal Communication: Communication arising out of all those channels of communication that fall outside the formal channels is known as informal communication. Informal communication does not flow lines of authority as is the case of formal communication. It arises due to the personal needs of the members of an organization. At times, in informal communication, it is difficult to fix responsibility about accuracy of information. Such communication is usually oral and may be covered even by simple glance, gesture or smile or silence.
Informal communication is known as grapevine. Grapevine arises because of the desire of the people to communicate without following the formal channel of communication. It follows no setlines, nor any definite rules, but spreads like grapevine, in any direction anywhere.
Informal or grapevine communication has the following characteristics:
(1) Formation through Social Relations: This communication is born out of social relations who mean that it is beyond the restrictions of the organisation. No superior-subordinate relationship figures therein. A more sociable superior can gather much information through this channel.
(2) Two types of Information: Through this communication, information about the work and the individual can be collected.
(3) Uncertain Path: Since it is beyond the restrictions of the organisation, it follows no definite channel. Like a grapevine, it moves in a zigzag manner.
(4) Possibility of Rumour and Distortion: Responsibility for the true or false nature of communication does not lie on any individual and, therefore, not much attention is paid to its meaning while communicating. Consequently, the rumours keep floating.
(5) Quick Relay: Informal communication makes news spread like wildfire. Not only this, people start adding something of their own which sometimes changes the real meaning of the communication.
Advantages of Formal Communication
Informal communication is free from maintaining rules and regulations, procedures and others. Such communication bears low cost than formal communication. Although informal communication does not follow any set rules or principle but it offers some advantages which are as follows:
1. Alternative System: There are some messages which cannot be sent through formal way and therefore requires some alternative. Such alternative can be informal communication. 
2. Interpretation: Message sent to subordinates requires explanation or interpretation and informal communication is the valuable means here. 
3. To Present Grievances: Employees can't make any complaints to superiors through formal communication. But informal communication gives the employees a better opportunity to raise their complaints, grievances or claim. Sometimes, in this way, as an informal communication system, grapevine affects much. 
4. Increase Efficiency: Employees can freely exchange their opinions in terms of informal communication. They can ask any question without any hesitation. Thus a cordial communication environment is created to increase the efficiency of employees. 
5. Improving Relations: Any created between management and the labor can be settled through informal communication. Co-operation and co-ordination can be established through harmonious relationship between management and labor. Such relationship is only possible through informal communication.
6. Providing Recommendations: Subordinates feel free to provide management with their suggestions and recommendations on different job related issues like work methods, procedures and conditions etc.
7. Measuring Reaction: Before releasing any new information, management wants to know the reaction of employees. In such a case, informal communication can be valuable in measuring the reaction of employees before any information is conveyed through informal channels.
8. Solution to Problems: With the help of informal communication, the management is able to know problems, conflicts and complaints and the like. Therefore management can take necessary action timely and effectively.
Disadvantages of Formal Communication
Although informal communication creates so many advantages but they are not free from drawbacks or limitations. Some significant demerits or disadvantages of informal communication system are as follows:
1. Distortion: Informal communication networks do not follow any set of rules, definite liners or ways. So it can transmit any kind of information to any person without any respect or fear. It may spread wrong or distorted news which may sometimes prove harmful even to the employees. So, it is the one of most considerable disadvantages of informal communication.
2. Lack of Secrecy: In informal communication, everybody can freely interact as there are no restrictions or rules. Any secret matter is likely to be flashed without any problem or hesitation. This may cause a huge damage to any organization.
3. Incomplete Information: Information released from such communication network is usually incomplete. So, There is each and every chance of it to be misunderstood or misinterpreted.
4. Non-Co-Operation: Sometimes, confusion develops among the persons involved in informal communication. As a result, they may remain separate without any co-operation. 
5. Lack of Resistance: As informal communication does not follow any established system, it is beyond any control. Organization has no mechanism to resist its movement.
6. Huge Rumor: Most of the time, informal communication fabricates the real facts and makes some rosy picture. This really damages the working environment of any organization.
7. Misunderstanding: Lack of conduct, decency, decorum and rules cause misunderstanding in informal communication. As a result there may be conflict between employees.
8. Committing Mistakes: This sort of communication are subject to errors and mistakes because no official’s rules or regulation operate in this case of informal communication.
How can the Grapevine be used effectively?
Grapevine is quite powerful and influential. It can cause considerable damage. Hence management tries to crush it completely. But Grapevine cannot be completely eliminated. The Grapevine can be used effectively in the following way:-
1. The manager should adopt an open door policy and should keep each one well versed about plans, prospects policy matters or any other changes in the organization.
2. The manager should identify the leader and try to win his confidence. The manager should involve the leaders in the decision making.
3. The manger should listen to every gossip or rumours and analyse it to get to the nerve of the feelings of employees.
4. The manager should maintain a cordial relationship with his subordinates so as to reduce the possibility of grapevine.
5. As far as possible the manager should work towards providing healthy atmosphere at the workplace. One cannot stop rumours or curb grapevine altogether but efforts should be taken to check these as far as possible.
(b) What is informal communication? Write the importance of informal communication. Discuss its advantages and disadvantages.                2+6+6=14

6.       (a) What is group discussion? Write down the purposes of group discussion. Discuss  briefly five characteristics of a successful group discussion.                      2+4+8=14
Group Discussion
Group Discussion is an important tool in the selection process. It is mostly used for selecting candidates for management posts. Here, the candidates are divided into small groups. Each group contains six to eight candidates. Each group is given a topic for discussion. They are also given a time limit for discussing this topic. The topic may be a general or current topic. For e.g. "Leaders are born, not made". Each participant has to give his or her views about this topic. The selectors observe the full discussion. After the time limit is over, the best candidate from the group is selected. The same process is followed for other groups.
Group discussion is mostly unstructured. That is, every single step is not planned in advance. Each candidate is not given a time limit for speaking. Similarly, the order of speaking, that is, who will speak first and who will speak last is not fixed in advance. The candidates have to decide how to conduct the group discussion. The selectors see how the group takes shape, and who contributes most to it. They also judge the knowledge of each candidate, time management, leadership quality, behaviour, etc.
Purposes/Objectives of group discussion:
Group discussion actually detail the area of approach to a problem or topic. A fruitful group discussion should include the following objectives:
1. Suggestions: Advice and ideas, together with suggestions, they form the core heart of a group discussion. It is through these tools that a meaningful and practically implementable solution can be reached. Intermingling of these suggestions give rise to a new ones, creating a space for best possible output.
2. Wide approach: Group discussion helps to provide wide approach to any matter under consideration, as it include members from a large number of different sections of a particular business organisation. The beauty of entire process is in the area of span it can give to a problem’s redressal.
3. Decision Making: Group discussion should be able to justify itself as a tool for rational evaluation of a problem and thereon reach to a suitable decisions, based on erstwhile suggestions made by the members. It also makes it easier for the leader to able to take even the toughest of decision with an ease, because by group discussion he can know what is supported by other members of the organisation.
4. Exchange of ideas: Group discussion should also be able to tap the working of every mind, engaged in the process, by the exchange of ideas put forth.
5. Productive activity: Group discussion is always supposed to be a productive activity in a business concern. It always a method which helps to procure the best possible decision for a concern.
Tips for Success in GDs (Group Discussions) 
a)      Initiate - Break the ice, be the first one to start the discussion, if somebody else has started, relax. There are a lot of opportunities later. 
b)      Listen - Carefully. Communication is a lot about listening. Listen, Comprehend, Analyse. When you listen carefully, it allows you to contemplate and analyse which helps in speaking the right thing at the right time. 
c)       Remember - Names, Facts, Figures, Quotations. It helps a lot if you know who has spoken what. If permitted, you can use a notepad to write. 
d)      Observe - Body language, how conversation shapes up, gets diverted. Then do the right thing at the right time. 
e)      Manage - People. At times there are people who create difficult situations. These are best opportunities to demonstrate assertive attitude. 
f)       Communicate - Be frank, clear, firm and jovial in your communication. Your voice should reach out but not irritate people. 
g)      Summarise - If you did not initiate the talk, this is the right time. If you have been listening carefully, your summary will be the best one. 
(b) What is seminar? How is it different from presentation? Discuss the individual role of different parties to make a seminar effective.                        2+4+8=14
A seminar may be defined as “a discussion in a small group in which the result of research or advance study is presented through oral or written reports.” Seminar is simply group communication in which open person makes a presentation or speech on a topic by highlighting it contents in the light of present and pressing problems. This presentation or speech is followed by questions and expect comments from the audience. Thus seminar is mixture of speech and group discussion. During seminar one person acts as chairman of the session and conducts the seminar by introducing the topic and the speaker. At the end of the session, he asks the audience to raise questions and ensures that the discussion follows in the light of the theme.
Significance of seminar
Seminar helps bring expert in a particular subject together to present their experiences and vies. There is a meaningful discussion on the papers, presented, their summaries and recommendations, if any, of these papers are published in the form of a report for wider circulation.
A seminar is an effective method of oral communication. Thus, one important aspect of a seminar is thorough and indepth knowledge of the subject and proper delivery. This involves careful articulation, stress on important words and effective modulation of the voice.
How to Make Seminar Effective
The effectiveness of seminar depends upon how different parties and persons play their role in effective way. These parties and persons include organizations, speakers, chairperson and audience.
Organizer’s Role: To make seminar effective, organizers should
f)       Plan the seminar in advance by deciding the date, venue and theme of the seminar.
g)      Publish the relevant material in advance.
h)      Advertise it is newspapers and invite various participants within time.
i)        Ensure the proper arrangement of OHP, slides, lighting, and other audio visual aids.
j)        Facilitate arrangement of sitting, tea or lunch, etc.
Speaker’s Role: The speaker of seminar should
h)      Prepare the topic before hand by searching the material from library and websites, organizing the in the topic in logical order and pondering over the various relevant issues.
i)        Ensure that his speech is informative, illuminating and interesting.
j)        Use the appropriate visual aids like OHP, transparencies, slides, etc.
k)      Take the time limits into consideration.
l)        Try to answer maximum questions of the audience of the end.
m)    Convey thanks to the audience for their patient listening.
n)      How speech or presentation can be made effective, have been discussed in the chapter on speech and presentation.
Chair Person’s Role: The chairperson of the session should
a)      Introducer the topic briefly. This should be followed by the speaker’s introduction in brief by highlighting ht area of his specialization and his achievements.
b)      Ensure that the speaker finishes his speech within the time limit.
c)       Invite questions from audience at the end of the speech.
d)      Ensure that the discussion follows in the light of the theme and no one hurts the feelings of another during question/answer session.
e)      Sum up findings of the speech after question answer session.
f)       Thanks the speaker and the audience at the end.
Audience’s Role: The audience should
a)      Occupy seats before the start of the seminar.
b)      Listen patiently to the speeches of various speakers.
c)       Note down important points and citations.
d)      Avoid distributing the speaker during the speech.
e)      Ask relevant question
f)       Stay till the conclusion of the seminar.

7.       (a) What are the various approaches of designing persuasive letters? Imagine you are Mr. A.K Dey, Managing Director of Star Marketing Group, Calcutta. Now draft a letter of recommendation to the General Manager of Skyline Industries Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, in favour of Mr. Vivek Sharma for the post of Production Manager who has worked in your organisation for the last three years.                       3+11=14
(b) What are the different series of collection letters? Assume that you are the Manager of Bharat Agencies, Guwahati. Now draft a first series of collection letter in semi block format as a reminder to collect the overdue balance of Rs. 85,000 from Mr. Bansal of Dibrugarh    14

(Old course)
Full marks: 80
Pass marks: 32

1.       Select the right alternatives of the following: 1x4=4
a)      Prior to giving a response, the receiver decodes the perceived message and then frames the response, which is also termed as
a.    Strategic reply
b.   Feedback
c.    Endorsement
b)      Interaction with peers or colleagues is referred to as
a.       Vertical communication
b.      Diagonal communication
c.       Lateral communication
c)       The essence of any speech is
a.       Content
b.      Choice of words
c.       Style
d)      Biased listening is a result of
a.    Prejudices
b.   Semantic problems
c.    Arguments
2.       Write True and false of the following    1x4=4
a)      The receiver and the decoder are the one and the same person.
b)      Grapevine is a credible and reliable channel of communication.
c)       In the context of business communication, a speech refers to a talk by a designated speaker.
d)      Body language always speaks the truth while the speaker may play with words to hide the truth.

3.       Write answer to each of the following questions in about 100 words.                              4x4=16
a)      Communication is the life blood of any business organisation. Elucidate
b)      Point out any four characteristics of grapevine.
c)       What are the skills necessary for making presentation effective?
d)      What do you mean by international communication?
4.       (a) Define business communication. Explain the basis forms of communication.         2+8=10
(b) What do you mean by effective communication? State the guidelines for effective communication. 2+8=10
5.       (a) Describe briefly the communication network of a modern business organisation.  10
(b) Enumerate any five barriers to communication.                                                                  10
6.       (a) What are the ten communication of good speaking? Discuss any two in detail. 5+5=10
(b) What is meant by presentation? Explain the role of audio visual aids in presentation.                               2+8=10
7.       (a) What do you mean by non verbal communication? Write an elaborate note on proxemics as non verbal spatial language                                              4+10=14
(b)  Good listening is a must to ensure satisfactory service to customers. Discuss the statement with reference to service organisations             14
8.       (a) What are the advantages of using e-mail as a tool of modern business communication? Prepare a set of guidelines for writing effective e mails?            4+8=12
(b) Do cultural differences affect the communication process? Discuss the importance of cultural diversities in international communication.       2+10=12

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