ITPB | Information Technology Practices in Business Important Questions for Upcoming Exam | B.Com (CBCS and Non CBCS)

Information Technology Practices in Business (ITPB)
Important Questions for Upcoming Exam
Dibrugarh University Important Questions

Unit – 1: Concepts of Information Technology and its Fundamental aspects

Q. What do you mean by information technology? What are the basic features of information technology? 2016, 2018

Q. Discuss the role of information technology in business.                          2015

Q. Explain the impact of information technology on the following:

Ø  Business Environment                          2016, 2018

Ø  Educational environment                    2017SN, 2018

Ø  Social Fabric                                               2017SN

Ø  Information revolution                         2015SN

Q. What do you mean by Information and Communication technology? Distinguish between IT and ICT. Highlight its strengths and weakness.                             2015, 2016

Unit – 2: Tools of Information Technology

Q. Write a brief note on the traditional and emerging technology used in business.

Q. Discuss the role of the following in developing business in India:

Ø  Radio                                            2015SN

Ø  Telephone                                  2015

Ø  Videos

Ø  Printing Press

Q. What is Media Convergence? Discuss the importance of media convergence in business.     2015

Unit – 3: Introduction to Computer and Number System

Q. What are the various elements of computer? Also give a block diagram.                        2016, 2018

Q. Analyse briefly the generation wise development of computer.        2016, 2017, 2018

Q. What is operating system? Discuss its functions.                        2017

Q. Define software and hardware. What are its various types? Discuss the functions of utility software’s. 2016

Q. Define the term Data and Information and Distinguish between them. What are the various sources of information?

Q. Why data and Information are needed? Describe briefly the different categories of data and information.

Q. Explain the different number system we have.

Ø  Binary                           2015

Ø  Octal

Ø  Decimal

Ø  Hexadecimal

Q. What do you mean by BCD Code? State its uses and disadvantages.

Q. Write a brief note on:

Ø  Input and output device                       2018SN

Ø  Digital  computer                                     2018SN

Ø  Number Sys1tem                     2016SN, 2018SN




Unit – 4: Computer Network and Interne

Q. What do you mean by electronic data interchange? How does it work? What are its elements?         2016, 2017

Q. Point out the advantages and Limitations of EDI.                        2015, 2017, 2018

Q. What do you mean by computer network? What are its basic components? What are different categories into which networks can be divided?                           2016

Q. What is network structure or topology? Explain the different types of network topologies.  2016SN, 2016, 2017, 2018

Q. What is internet? What are the uses of internet in different sectors? Explain various issues/disadvantages of internet.                                2015, 2016, 2017, 2018

Q. Write a brief note on growth of internet.       2016, 2017

Q. Short Note:

Ø  WEB browser

Ø  WWW                                          2016SN, 2017SN

Ø  LAN                                                                                                2016SN

Ø  ROM and RAM                                                                          2016SN, 2017SN

Ø  Primary and Secondary Memory                      2016SN

Ø  Intranet and Extranet                                            2017

Q. Distinguish between:

Ø  Internet, Extranet and Intranet

Ø  Internet and World wide web

Ø  Hub and Bridge


Q. Learn how to convert Binary numbers, Octal and Hexadecimal numbers into Decimal number or Vice-versa.

Q. Basic idea of BIT, BYTE, KB, MB, GB and TB

Q. Full Form which are asked in previous exams

Q. Multiples choice questions asked in previous exams.

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