Gauhati University - M.Com Distance Syllabus: International Business

4.21 International Business
1. Foreign Direct Investment and Multinational Corporations - MNC culture, MNCS and LDCs, joint ventures.

2. Regional Economic Integration, SAARC, ASEAN, European Economic Community, EEU, NAFTA, SAF TA, SAPTA.

3. India and WTO - Free and Fair trade, Trade in Services, Removal of trade barriers, Tariff and nontariff barriers Dispute settlement mechanism, Innovation and Intellectual property Rights.

4. Export Impolicy, Duty entitlement Pass Book (DEPB), Letter of credit, Bank finance for export and import, documentation, customs duty Foreign exchange management, Foreign exchange exposure, risk management, transfer of international payments- Western Union Money Transfer.

5. Convertibility of Rupee currency, current and capital account transactions, Issues and Perceptions-heading techniques, derivatives and future IMF and World Bank.

6. Foreign Investment Institutions, Instruments: GD Rs, ADRs, FIIs-their role in Indian Capital Market. Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA).

7. Merger, Acquisition, takeover International merger and acquisition (M&A) International Strategic Alliance.

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