Business Communication - I Solved Question Papers
Dibrugarh University
2018 (November)
COMMERCE (General/Speciality)
Course: 101 (Business Communication - I)
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 24

1. Select the right alternatives:                 1x4=4

a)         An example of watchdog audience is
1)      Censor Board.
2)      PS to Ministers.
3)      General Public.
4)      Print or electronic media.
b)         Which of the following is a good example of horizontal communication in an organization?
1)      When employees give their supervisor’s reports listing their accomplishments during the last year.
2)      When the department heads of marketing and research get together for a meeting.
3)      When a supervisor issues a statement to all subordinates explaining the new travel policies.
4)      None of the above.
c)          _____ of the letter consists of main message.
1)      Heading.
2)      Inside address.
3)      Salutation.
4)      Body.
d)         Group discussions are conducted by an organization
1)      For selection of candidates for a job.
2)      For selection of candidates for admission into professional institutions.
3)      For judging the personality of candidates, their communication skill, knowledge and their ability to work as a team.
4)      All of the above.
2. Write True or False of the following:         1x4=4
a)         Communication between human beings and non-human entities is mass communication.               False, Extra personnel
b)         Upward communication is used to provide feedback to higher-ups, inform them of progress toward goals, and relay current problems.                       True
c)          Semantic barrier is related to the process of coding and decoding the message.     True
d)         Interaction between three to twelve people who share a common goal, a sense of commitment, and who attempt to influence one another is known as seminar.               False
3. Write answer to each of the following questions in about 100 words:             4x4=16
a)      “Communication is sharing of understanding.” Comment.
Ans: The term communication is derived from a Latin word „communis‟ which means common. This means establishing a common ground. Now whatever is common is shared by all. But what is that which is shared by all in communication? It is fact, ideas, understanding, opinions, information etc.
In the words of Newman, Summer & Warren, “communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, and opinions by two or more persons.”
According to Keith Davis, Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another.”
Communication should not be interpreted as merely sending or receiving messages. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding. It is a two way process and is complete only when there is some response from the receiver of information.
b)      State some of the tips for success in group discussion.
Ans: Tips for Success in GDs (Group Discussions) 
a)      Initiate - Break the ice, be the first one to start the discussion, if somebody else has started, relax. There are a lot of opportunities later. 
b)      Listen - Carefully. Communication is a lot about listening. Listen, Comprehend, Analyse. When you listen carefully, it allows you to contemplate and analyse which helps in speaking the right thing at the right time. 
c)       Remember - Names, Facts, Figures, Quotations. It helps a lot if you know who has spoken what. If permitted, you can use a notepad to write. 
d)      Observe - Body language, how conversation shapes up, gets diverted. Then do the right thing at the right time. 
e)      Manage - People. At times there are people who create difficult situations. These are best opportunities to demonstrate assertive attitude. 
f)       Communicate - Be frank, clear, firm and jovial in your communication. Your voice should reach out but not irritate people. 
g)      Summarise - If you did not initiate the talk, this is the right time. If you have been listening carefully, your summary will be the best one. 

c)       Differentiate between business letter and personal letter.
Ans: The following are the difference between business letter and personal letter
Business Letter
Personal Letter
Business letter is written for business purposes.
Personal letter addresses Personal affairs or activities.
It is universally used.
It is personally used.
Certain rules are followed to draft such letter
There is no rule to draft such letter
Here various structures are maintained
No structure is maintained to write such letter
It is generally concise and complete
It is generally large in size.
Such letter uses direct and persuasive Method.
Such letter uses the only direct method.
d)      List some medias of written communication for employees of an organization.
Ans: Written communication means communication through words written. In written communication, both the parties to the process, i.e. sender and receiver, exchange their ideas through written words, graphs, diagrams, pictographs, etc. It transmits messages through letters, memos, notices, circular notes, manuals etc. While oral communication is spontaneous and natural, written communication requires conscious efforts. Written communication depends on language as a means up of sentences into clauses and of matter into paragraph etc is very important.

4. (a) Define communication. Why is communication essential? Explain the elements of the communication process. 2+3+9=14
Ans: Meaning of the term “Communication”
The term communication is derived from a Latin word „communis‟ which means common. This means establishing a common ground. Now whatever is common is shared by all. But what is that which is shared by all in communication? It is fact, ideas, understanding, opinions, information etc.
In the words of Newman, Summer & Warren, “communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, and opinions by two or more persons.”
According to Keith Davis, Communication is the process of passing information and understanding from one person to another.”
Communication should not be interpreted as merely sending or receiving messages. It involves a systematic and continuous process of telling, listening and understanding. It is a two way process and is complete only when there is some response from the receiver of information.
Significance (Need) of Business communication
Communication is the life blood of business. It is an all pervasive function of management. Today the organizational structure is designed on the basis of specialization and division of labour. Large number of people work together who are functionally related to each other. Thus, co ordination is must amongst the workmen. Co-ordination can be achieved only when there is mutual trust and understanding between them. This understanding is created by effective communication. Thus communication is an essential ingredient for effective management. Further the role of communication may be summed up as:-
1.       The objectives, plans and policies of the organization are cleared to the workers through communication.
2.       It provides unity of direction to various activities of the enterprise.
3.       It helps in controlling and coordinating the various activities of the organization.
4.       It helps in motivating the workers of an organization.
5.       It helps the managers to develop their managerial skill.
According to Sir John Harvey-Jones, “Communication is the single most essential skill. Effective   communication is the need of the day.” In recent times communication has become all more essential due to the following reasons:-
1.       Growth in the size of the business organization: An efficient system of communication is required because the business organizations are growing tremendously. Thousands of people work in the organization. Organizations have factories or offices in different parts of the country or even world.
2.       Advance technology: Day by day rapid changes are taking place in science and technology leading to obsolescence of old technology. Thus in order to upgrade or modernize technology proper communication between the superior and subordinate in an organization is a must.
3.       Tough competition in the market: Globalization and liberalization have resulted in cut throat competition. Thus to survive such competition, persuasive communication in form of advertisement, publicity, personal contacts are essential.
4.       Growing specialization: Division of work paved way for specialists to work in different department’s sound communication is thus essential for ensuring mutual cooperation and understanding between different departments.
5.       Trade union movement: trade union movement is on its growth. Management now has to consult trade unions on various matters. A strong and meaningful relation between management and trade union is possible only by effective communication.
6.       Human relation: Employee’s participation in management helps to develop among them a sense of loyalty and belongingness towards the organization. Thus effective communication between management and employee is necessary to develop mutual trust and confidence.
7.       Public relations: Public relations help an organization to improve its image in society as the organization has a social responsibility especially towards the customers.
Process of Communication
The process of communication is the inter relationship between several independent components. It consists of a chain of related actions and reaction which together result in exchange of information. In order to understand the process of communication, it is necessary to describe each of these components. A model of communication process is as follows:-
1.       SENDER
2.       IDEATION
3.       MESSAGE
4.       INCODING
6.       RECEIVER
7.       DECODING
9.       FEEDBACK
(b) What is effective communication? Explain the PAIBOC method for effective communication.           3+11=14
Ans: Meaning of Effective Communication
Communication becomes effective when the receiver understands the meaning of the message as the sender intends. All communication attempts may not be effective. Certain barriers and problems may cause communication failure. When information is received timely, exact meaning of the message is understood and proper feedback is given, communication becomes effective. Consequently, to make an effective communication, the following qualities of communication are needed:
1. Timely receiving.
2. Understanding exact meaning of the message.
3. Proper feedback is given by the receiver to the sender.
R.W. Griffin mentioned about Effective Communication, "Effective communication is the process of sending a message in such a way that the message received is as close in meaning as possible to the message intended."
PAIBOC Method of Effective Communication
This method is a combination of discipline and creativity and is a guide to effective communication. PAIBOC stands for Purpose, Audience, Information, Benefits, Objections and Context.
1. Purpose: Before designing the message, the sender must be clear about the purpose of the communication. The target of the mission of the communication must be known to the sender. Otherwise, communication failure is certain.
2. Audience: To send out a meaningful communication, the sender needs to know the audience or audiences he is dealing with. Otherwise one lands with a situation where one has spoken but not told. If it is a buyer’s market, with a choice of products to the consumer, the need to know the audience is even more urgent.
3. Information: information to be included in message must be clearly drafted before sending. For this sender should make a list of points that must be included and emphasized and then check whether the drafted message includes those points or not.
4. Benefits: The sender must try to convey possible benefits to readers. Sender must develop reasons behind his decision and logic behind his argument.
5. Objections: The sender must list out the objections expected from the readers and deal effectively to overcome these objections.
6. Context: How will the context affect the reader's response? For this, the sender must think about his relationship to the reader, morale in the organisation, the economy, the time of year and any special circumstances.
5. (a) What are the common barriers to communication in an organization? How can these be overcome? Describe three instances of communication breakdown.              6+5+3=14
Ans: Types of Barriers in communication: The barriers to communication in an organization may be broadly categorized into following groups:
1. Physical barriers (RECEIVER’S ORIENTED)
2. Socio- psychological or personal barriers (RECEIVER’S ORIENTED)
3. Organizational barriers (SENDER’S ORIENTED)
4. Semantic barriers (SENDER’S ORIENTED)
5. Mechanical barriers (SENDER’S ORIENTED)
However, such a classification does not suggest that these are mutually exclusive. Rather, it is helpful in understanding the nature of communication barriers.
1. Physical Barriers: There are the environmental factors that also obstruct or reduces the sending and receiving of communication, such as physical distance distracting noises and other interferences difficulty arises in communicating a message, when the physical distance increases:-
Noise: Noise is first and foremost barrier to effective communication. Noise may be caused by machines, equipment, communication device, disturbances in the time of transmission etc. noise also encompasses many other factors such as the sender may use ambiguous or confusing signal. The receiver may misinterpret the message. Thus communication is likely to be spoilt due to noise.
Time and distance: Time and distance also acts as a barrier in smooth flow of communication. Distance between the sender and receiver acts as a hurdle. Although this barrier can be overcome by technology but still in case of breakdown, this exists. Different timing of shifts at workplace also act as barriers in imparting on vital information.
2. Socio-psychological or personal Barriers: There are certain socio psychological factors which restrict the free flow of communication. They are the attitude and opinions, status consciousness, ones relations with fellow workers, seniors, and junior’s etc. family background. These restrict participative communication:
I. Motives, attitudes, judgments, emotions, and social values of people from the part of the personal barriers. Psychological distance is also developed with this.
II. Individual Differences: There are differences in the motives, attitudes and sentiments of the people. So this causes problems in encoding and decoding other’s sentiments, attitudes and motives.
III. Differences in interest: The interest of people also differs. A problem may be important for one person but may not carry weight for another. The ideas, question, attitudes, feelings etc of other party may represent an obstacle to one’s own personal goal.
IV. Division of People: Communication is ideas and viewpoint also gets affected by the division of people into classes, castes and communities.
V. Difference of viewpoints: Communication suffers when there are differences in view point of the different people.
VI. Lack of planning: Good communication never happens but has to be planned. When people take it lightly and communicate without planning it turns into miscommunication or mal communication.
VII. Cultural barriers: Due to difference in the cultural background the same word, phrases, symbols, actions etc. may mean different to different group of people. Mis understanding may take place due to this.
3. Organizational Barriers: Organisational barriers arise due to defects in the organization structure and the communication system of an organization:
I. Hierarchical distance: Downward communication promotes hierarchical distance. The chances of information being filtered are more at this structure, because there are several layers. Information received from the top may not reach at bottom in the same shape. The information gets coloured which brings hierarchical distance.
II. Diversion: Diversion of information is also one of the causes which brings barrier to communication process. For example sometimes a manager diverts the information meant for one person or group to another.
III. Colouring: Information are also coloured by the manager intentionally with a view to twist the situation in their favour. For example, an office may quote his subordinate wrongly, to spoil his career or his chance of promotion or his image in the eyes of the boss.
IV. Status barriers: Status is a barrier of communication in a formal organization. Organizational interaction and communication are influenced by the status and the expectations.
V. Goal conflicts: Goal conflict acts as communication reducers. Different goal lead to bifurcation of interest. Due to this communication suffers.
4. Semantic Barriers: Semantic means the relationships of signs of their reference. Semantic barrier arises from the disadvantages of the symbolic system. Symbols have got number of meaning and one has to choose any one of them according to the requirement of communication. Symbol or the language is the most important tool of communication which has to be used very carefully:-
I. Words with different meaning: Some words convey more than one meaning. When the receiver assigns a different meaning to a word than what the sender intended, there occurs miscommunication.
II. Denotation and connotation: Words have two types of meaning = Denotation and connotation. Denotation is the literal meaning of the words connotation are the suggestive meaning of the words. Connotation is the suggestive meanings of the words. Connotation may be positive or negative.
III. Offensive style of communication: Badly expressed messages lose their impact. Offensive style of communication leads to communication breakdown causing loss of time and money.
IV. Wrong assumptions: Communication should not be based on assumption as it may lead to wrong interpretation. All possible efforts should be made to clarify assumptions.
V. Selective perception: many a time the message is decoded by the receiver in a way which may be selective. In other words most of the receivers protect their own interest and expectations leading to a particular type of feedback which becomes a communication problem.
5. Mechanical Barriers: Mechanical barriers include inadequate arrangement for transmission of news, facts and figures. Example poor office layout and defective procedure and the use of wrong media led to poor communication.
I. Information overload: Excess of communication is called information overload. Brevity is the soul of communication. The receiver cannot comprehend and absorb beyond his mental capacity. His mind will remain closed for the excess part of the communication. Therefore one should be brief and to the point.
II. Loss of transmission: When messages are transmitted from person to person they are filtered. In other words they are diluted and distorted on the way. In oral communication about 30% of the information is lost in each transmission.
Steps to overcome the barriers of communication in an organization
In order to remove barriers to communication an open door communication policy should be prepared and followed by managers at all levels. The superiors in the organization must create an atmosphere of confidence and trust in the organization so that the credibility gap may be narrowed down. Major efforts in this direction are:
1.       Two-way communication: The organization’s communication policy should provide for a two-way traffic in communication upwards and downwards. It brings two minds closer and improves understanding between the two parties the sender and the receiver. There should be no communication gap.
2.       Strengthening Communication Network: The communication network should be strengthened to make communication effective. For this purpose the procedure of communication should be simplified, layers in downward communication should be reduced to the minimum possible. Decentralization and delegation of authority should be encouraged to make information communication more efficient.
3.       Promoting Participative Approach: The management should promote the participative approach in management. The subordinates should be invited to participate in the decision making process. It should seek cooperation from the subordinates and reduce communication barriers.
4.       Appropriate Language: In communication certain symbols are used. Such symbols may be in the form of words, pictures and actions. If words are used, the language should be simple and easily comprehensible to the subordinates. Technical and multi-syllable words should, as far as possible be avoided. The sender must use the language with which the receiver is familiar.
5.       Credibility in Communication: One criterion of effective communication is credibility. The subordinates obey the orders of their superior because they have demonstrated through their actions that they are trustworthy. They must practice whatever they say. The superior must also maintain his trust worthiness. If the superior is trusted by the subordinates, communication will be effective.
6.       Good Listening: A communicator must be a good listener too. A good manager gives his subordinates a chance to speak freely and express their feelings well before him. The manager also gets some useful information for further communication and can also have a better understanding of the subordinates needs, demands etc.
7.       Selecting on Effective Communication Channel: To be effective the communication should be sent to the receiver through an effective channel. By effective channel mean that the message reaches its destination in time to the right person and without any distortion, filtering or omission.
8.       Preventing Predictable Decision Making Errors: Predictable errors in decision making are preventable errors. And a few simple techniques can help in clear of the most common wrong turns in decision making.
Communication Breakdown: Failure to exchange information due is called communication breakdown. Some of the common instances of communication breakdown are listed below:
1. More than one staff in the same organisation doing the same task at a time without realising.
2. Staff committed a mistake due to miscommunication or lack of enough information or wrong information.
3. An important task not completed within the stipulated time because co-ordinating staffs are not giving updates to each other.
(b) What is corporate communication? What are the most notable forms of external corporate communication? List the median of external corporate communication.    14
Ans: Meaning of Corporate Communication
Communication is the transfer of ideas and information from one person to another person. It is a bridge of meaning among people so that they can share what they fell and know. By using this bridge, a person can safely cross the river of misunderstanding that sometimes separates people.
Corporate communication is broadly defined as a corporation's attempt to inform the public, including all its consumers, private investors and the media. Corporate communication represents the very voice with which corporate institutions interact with the outside world and is inclusive of communications regarding investor relations, government relations, labor relations and employee development. Corporate communications is the process of facilitating information and knowledge exchanges with internal and key external groups and individuals that have a direct relationship with an enterprise. It is concerned with internal communications management from the standpoint of sharing knowledge and decisions from the enterprise with employees, suppliers, investors and partners.
In the words of William Scott,” Administrative communication is a process which involves the transmission and accurate replication of ideas ensured by feedback for the purpose of eliciting actions which will accomplish organizational goals‖.”
Forms of Communication
Corporate communication is mainly divided into two parts:
a) Internal Communication
b) External Communication
1. Internal Communication: Communication among the members of an organization is known as internal communication. That is when executives and employee of an organization communicate each other within the organization then it will be labeled as internal communication.
2. External Communication: When executives and employees of an organization communicates or exchanges information with outsiders of the organization then it is called external communication.
Both internal and external communication can be subdivided into two types:
i. Formal Communication
ii. Informal Communication 
i. Formal Communication:  When information exchanged through formal organization channels by following fixed rules then it is knows as formal communication.
ii. Informal Communication: Fixed rules and system cannot prevent people from talking with each other. Thus the communication that takes place within and outside of an organization through unofficial lines can labeled as informal communication.
Formal and Informal Communication are further divided into the following forms:
(A) On the basis of media of presentation: From this point of view communication can be of three types:
(1) Written communication 
(2) Oral / Verbal Communication
(3) Non-Verbal Communication
(1) Written Communication: When information, ideas, or feelings exchange in written form that is known as written communication. Written communication has its own importance and for some particular purposes it has no other alternatives.
(2) Oral / Verbal Communication: It is a process of communication through words. Verbal communication consists of words arranged in meaningful patterns. Oral communication normally takes place in a face to face situation. It may be formal or informal.
(3) Non-Verbal Communication: Communication without using words or writings known as non-verbal communication. In other words, non-verbal communication means communication through physical movements and facial expressions. Gestures, posture, eye movements, etc. are examples of non-verbal communication.
(B) On the Basis of Information flow: Depending on the flow of information there are different types of communication:
(1) Vertical Communication
(2) Horizontal Communication
(3) Cross / Diagonal Communication
(1) Vertical Communication: When communication takes place between superior and subordinates than it is known as vertical communication. Here flow of information can be of two types:
(i) Downward
(ii) Upward 
(i) Downward: it is the flow of information from higher authority to lower authority.
(ii) Upward: Here the flow of information goes to higher authority from subordinates.
(2) Horizontal Communication: This type of communication flows between employees of equal level.
(3) Cross / Diagonal Communication: Communication across the formal chain of command is known as cross or diagonal communication. In this case executives and employees of different departments and of different levels communicate each other without maintaining the official channels.
(C) Other forms of Communication:  Besides the above types of communication there can be some other forms of communication like mass communication.
Mass Communication: When communication takes place among large group of people then it can be termed as mass communication. There is no formal system for mass communication, it is situational. For different social and political purposes mass communication can takes place.
Medium of External Communication
External Communication medium is divided into two categories:
a) Physical Media: Physical media means channels where the person who is talking can be seen and heard by the audience. For example:
1. Large Public meetings
2. Viral communication
b) Mechanical Media: Mechanical media means written or electronic media. For example:
1. Weekly letters or newsletters
2. E-mail
3. Internet
4. Social Media
5. Magazines
6. (a) What is mock interview? Explain the role of the interviewer for effective conduct of a mock interview with suitable example.         4+10=14
Ans: Mock Interview
A Mock Interview is a practice interview designed to simulate a real job interview as closely as possible.  Mock interviews are one of the best ways to improve interview skills and prepare for an interview.  The practice gained in a mock interview is invaluable. Mock interviews can be completed in person, by phone or by video conference.  All three methods work well.  The key to success in a mock interview is recreating the interview experience as much as possible.
Purposes/Objectives of mock interview
a)      Practicing for actual interview.
b)      Describes the manner of actual interview.
c)       Develops the strategy of interview.
d)      Minimize worry and anxiety prior to actual interview.
e)      Aims at making firms impression effective.
f)       Practicing communicating of one’s skill clearly.
Role of Interviewer
Giving an interview is equally important as taking interview, one has to be very careful while giving an interview, there are following guidelines in general which could enable an interviewer to conduct a good and effective interview.
a) Preparation
b) Conduct during interview
c) Evaluation
a) Preparation: The interviewer should prepare himself before the interview; the following points are to be considered in this regard.
1. Reading applicant’s Resume: There is much information provider in his resume so the resume should be read in detail. So as to asks the question in the perspective of resume.
2. Being aware of state Regulation: There are many policies and rules and regulation made by a state about the recruitment of employees. The interviewer should be aware of them so as to avoid any prospective lawsuit.
3. Planning the questions: The interviewer should plan the pattern of question, the number of question types length duration etc. should be clear in the mind of interviewer.
4. Omitting personal bias: There might be many biases in the minds of interviewer about the candidates. In order to make the interviewee fair he should avoid these biases.
b) Conduct during the interview: Having prepared for the interview the interviewer should consider the following points during interview.
1. Letting the candidate speak: The main objective of interview is to have the information from the candidate as much as possible, so interviewer should let the candidate speak as much as possible.
2. Using the language of candidate: If there is no restoration regarding the language such a language should be used in which the candidate feels easy and free.
3. Avoiding arguing with the candidate: The purpose of interview is to evaluate the candidate not to solve a dispute, so argumentation with the candidate should be avoided.
4. Not interrupting the candidate: The candidate is already under a lot of pressure. So the candidate should not be interrupted.
5. Controlling the emotions: During the interview there are many stages on which the interviewers might get emotional. This may cause failures to the interview process.
6. Establishing eye contact: In order to be confident and the put the candidate at case, the interviewer should establish an eye contact with the candidate.
7. Using body language: Use of body language can play an important to make the question clear the candidate.
8. Asking open ended questions instantly: The close or dead ended questions are not very useful to acquire more information. So open-ended question should be asked as much as possible.
c) Evaluation: After the interview the last step is to evaluate the interviewee. For this purpose there are following points which should be given importance.
1. No personal bias: There might be many candidates with whom the interviewer may have personal bias. This should be avoided in any case so as to hire the potential people.
2. Clear cut standards: The interviewer should try to establish a clear-cut standard for evaluation such as point system.
(b) Define presentation. How does individual presentation differ from group presentation? How can one make individual presentation effective? Explain.         2+3+9=14
Ans: Presentation: Presentation can be defined as a formal event characterized by teamwork and use of audio-visual aids. The main purpose of presentation is to give information, to persuade the audience to act and to create goodwill. A good presentation should have a good subject matter, should match with the objective, should best fit the audience, and should be well organized.
Individual and Group presentation
In business communication, the word presentation means a “prepared speech on a given topic that is made to a small audience”. A presentation can be classified into two categories: Individual Presentation and Group Presentation.
In Individual type of presentation, there is only one speaker who expresses his views on a given topic to an audience. Individual presentations allow a person to completely control the thoughts, ideas and methods of presenting without outside influence if they choose. An individual presentation is based solely on one person's thoughts, time, and effort.
A group presentation is supposed to be a subject matter with content that is agreed upon by all of the members present. A group presentation needs to incorporate the thoughts and opinions of the people in that group. This allows for more viewpoints and can lead to an overall improved and effective presentation. While individual presentations allow someone to work at their own leisure and pace, group projects require a sacrifice of time and increased effort to meet outside of class and possibly at crazy times. Group projects usually offer less flexibility and can be much harder to accomplish things if too many people are running in too many different directions.
How presentation is made effective
Following factors affect the effectiveness of any presentation:
(a) Audience Analysis: Effective presenter generally analyzes his / her audience minutely. Improper audience analysis leads to ineffective presentation. The style of the presentation is largely dependent upon the types and size of the audience.
(b) Communication Environment: Communication environment affects the effectiveness of the presentations. Much of the audience notices the physical things surrounding the speaker, the stage, lighting arrangement, background, ventilation etc. Proper arrangement of these things can enhance the impact of the presentation.
(c) Personal Appearance: Personal appearance of the speaker has great impact on the audience. Well dressed up person can attract and motivate people. Therefore, the speaker should wear neat and clean clothes and take time to check his / her appearance just before starting presentation.
(d) One of Visuals: Visuals can enhance the professional image of the presentation. Use of visuals can make a presentation more credible and more interesting. The presenter should check the equipment in advance before presenting.
(e) Opening and Closing Presentation: The beginning and closing of a presentation are the positions of emphasis. Those presenters, who can open the presentation with interesting remarks, are likely to create more interest and enthusiasm for listening the presentation. Similarly, the ending of the presentation has profound impact on the audience.
(f) Organization of Presentation: Clarity in presentation is essential that comes with proper organization of the information. Proper organization of presentation enhances the effectiveness of the presentation. On the other hand, improper organization of the presentation will not influences the audience.
(l) Language: The quality of presentation is affect by the language. To make the audience understand the message, the speaker has to talk in the language known to the audience. To enhance the impact of presentation, he / she should choose the catchy words that appeal to the heart and emotions of the audience.
(m) Quality of Voice: Quality of voice of the presenter affects the effectiveness of the presentation. Voice modulation is likely to have greater impact upon the audience whereas monotonous voice will bore the audience.
(n) Body Language: The effectiveness of the presentation is also affected by the body language of the speaker. A speaker having eye contract with audience in likely to impress more that a speaker reading out the hand outs. A speaker who look more at the audience is judged as better informed, more experienced, more honest, more confident, the friendliest than a speaker who delivers the speech with less eye contract.
(o) Answering Questions: The effectiveness of presentation is also affected by presenter’s skill in handling questions asked at the end of presentation. A speaker who answers the audience’s questions and handles hostile questions with tact is likely to influence the audience more. On the other hand, a speaker who answers rudely will leave negative impact upon the audience.
7. (a) What are the different ways of starting a sales letter? Assume that you are A. Das, Sales Manager of Modern Furniture, Dibrugarh. Your store has recently manufactured a sofa-cum-bed which, when not is use, can be dismantled and kept in a corner, occupying very little space. Draft a sales letter to be sent to about 500 middle-class families in Dibrugarh city to promote its sale.     4+10=14
Ans: Although the primary aim of sales letters or offers is publicity yet it is the most important written form of business communication. It reaches out to a large number of people interested in a particular product or service and turn them into buyers. Even if people are not interested in the product, them the aim of this letter is to make them interested in it. Starting with the assumption that the receiver may resist the offer, the sales letter has to be persuasive or powerful enough to make recipient act. They are unsolicited letters, mostly written by professional writers. The effectiveness of such letters depends on the writer’s ability to use language suited to his purpose that is above all to influence the recipient – his thinking, taste and behaviour. This is the aim of persuasion. Sales letters are, therefore, persuasive or indirect approach letters. There are three effective ways to start a sale letter:
a) Ask a question: A good questions is immediately reader involving and will draw his attention. For example: Is your room small, no space for sofa?
b) Be direct and to the point: An effective sales letter must to direct and to the point. For example: This letter – every word of it – is about the quality and cost of product we are introducing in the market.
c) Build rapport: Rapport is a good sense of understanding and trust. If companies have good rapport with its customer, then they won’t mind to buy goods at higher price. For example: You know more about smart consumer shopping than any generation before. You shop with more care. You serve with more style.
Sales letter
Modern Furniture, Dibrugarh
(Name and Address of the Recipients)
Dear (Sir/Madam) – Name of the recipients

We at Modern furniture, Dibrugarh glad to inform you that we have just manufactured and launched a sofa-cum-bed which, when not in use, can be dismantled and kept in a corner and occupying very little space.
We can assure you that our product is best in the market and price of the product is also very reasonable as compared to other suppliers. Also, buyers are giving very good review to our product.
Hereby we humbly want you to try our product. We assure you that you will be satisfied after using this product. One of our salesmen will ready to help you out with explaining about the product and will help you with the orders.
Thanking you
A. Das
Sales Manager
Modern Furniture, Dibrugarh
(b) List some purposes of office memorandum. As the General Manager of S. K. Industries, Guwahati, draft an office memorandum informing the office staff regarding change in office working hours.                        4+10=14
Ans: Memorandum is popularly known as memo. The literal meaning of the word memorandum is a note to assist the memory. Memos are the written internal communication means for exchanging information relating to day-to-day functions within the organizations.
Objective of Memo
We know memorandum serves various purposes. It is a common means of writer, communication within the organization. The main purposes of memos are discussed below:
1.       Maintenance good relationship: It can help to maintain the good relationship among the boss and subordinates, because the bossing attitude is absent here.
2.       References: Memo is a written document. So, it can be used for future references.
3.       Inform the decisions and actions: The main objective of memo is to inform the decisions and actions. For this purpose, it should be written by the higher authority.
4.       Request the decisions and actions: The objective of memo is to request the decisions and actions. For this objective, it may be drafted by the sub-ordinate.
5.       Provide information: Another important objective of the memo is to provide information form one level to another within the business.

Date: 31st Oct, 2019
To: All the working Staff
From: Y (Human Resource Manager)
Sub: Information to Human resource manager about the change in working hours from (10 a.m. to 7 p.m .) to (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) and also direct the working staff to follow the new schedule.
Due to winter, season there is a change in working hours from (10 a.m. to 7 p.m.) to (9 a.m. to 6 p.m.). All the working staff are hereby directed to follow the new timing.
This was done for your convenience and your support in this regard will be highly appreciated.
Thanking you
Human Resource Manager
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
1. Select the right alternatives:           1x4=4
a)         An example of communication channel is
1)      Feedback.
2)      Context.
3)      Noise.
4)      Face-to-face conversation.
b)         A means of transmission of rumour is
1)      Upward.
2)      Downward.
3)      Horizontal.
4)      Grapevine.
c)          Letters that please the receiver are called
1)      Yes letters.
2)      Routine letters.
3)      Invitation letters.
4)      Good news letters.
d)         A memorandum (memo) is considered a brief form of written communication for
1)      Internal use.
2)      External use.
3)      Formal use.
4)      Legal use.
2. Write True or False of the following:     1x4=4
a)         Encoding is the process by which the receiver draws meaning from the symbols encoded by the sender.  False, Decoding
b)         Gossip is an example of informal communication.   True
c)          In business letter, our address and phone number are shown in the letterhead.     True
d)         Brainstorming is a technique of seminar.     False, Training
3. Write answer to each of the following questions in about 100 words:        4x4=16
a)         Differentiate between intrapersonal and interpersonal communication with examples.
b)         Explain the role of listening in communication.
c)          Write a note on the limitations of non-verbal communication.
d)         What are the various modern forms of communication used in business now-a-days?
4. (a) What is communication? What are the advantages and disadvantages of oral communication?2+8=10
(b) What are the types of business communication? How can there by better communication in an organization?           5+5=10
5. (a) Explain how communication is the essence of management and how formal channels of communication provide for vertical, horizontal and lateral flows.      10
(b) What is formal communication? Explain its characteristics and advantages.         3+7=10
6. (a) What is a survey? Discuss its steps to conduct a successful survey.        3+7=10
(b) What is motivational speech? Write a note on the qualities of a motivational speaker.   2+8=10
7. (a) What is effective listening? What are the characteristics of effective listening? Write a note on the principles of effective listening.                   2+6+6=14
(b) What is videoconferencing? State its advantages and disadvantages.           3+11=14
8. (a) What do you mean by international communication? How can the manager of a global firm adapt to intercultural diversities? Elucidate.                                                    3+9=12
(b) What are the modern technological aids used for communication? What are the guidelines to be followed to handle fax and telephone effectively?       4+8=12

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