Business Laws Solved Question Papers
B.Com 1st Sem
Dibrugarh University
2018 (November) – Semester System
COMMERCE (General/Speciality)
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 24
Time: 3 hours
1. Fill in the blanks: 1x4=4

a) Agreement
with a minor is void.
b) Parties’
competent capable of entering
into contract.
c) A
sale is an executed contract.
d) Promissory
Note has two parties. (Maker and Payee)
2. Write True or False: 1x4=4
a) Money
cannot be treated as goods. False
b) The
Consumer Protection Act was passed in 1986. False
c) National
Saving Certificate is negotiable instrument. False
d) Industry
and industrial disputes are same. False
3. Define consideration.
Explain the rules regarding consideration. 14
Ans: Consideration and Its Essentials
Section 2 (d) of Indian Contract Act, 1872,
defines consideration as “When at the desire of the promisor the promise or any
other person has done or abstained from doing or does or abstains from doing
something, such act abstinence or promise is called a consideration for the
Consideration is based on the term ‘quid-pro-quo’ which means ‘something in return’. When a person
makes a promise to other, he does so with an intention to get some benefit from
him. This act to do or to refrain from doing something is known as
Consideration is an advantage or benefit which
moves from one party to another. It is the essence of bargain. It is the
reciprocal promise i.e. to do something or abstain from doing something in
return of a promise. It is necessary for an agreement to be enforceable by law.
In consideration both the parties give something & get something in return.
It may be in cash or kind.
following are the rules related to the consideration
Consideration must move at the desire of promisor. If it is
done at the instance of a third party without the desire of the promisor, it is
not consideration. Act done at the desire of a third party is not a
consideration. Act must be done voluntarily at the desire of the promisor.
(ii) It
may move from the Promisee or any other person in the Indian Law so that a
stranger to the consideration may maintain a suit. A consideration may move
from the promise or any other person. Consideration from a third party is a
valid consideration. Under English Law, however, consideration must move from
the Promisee only.
Consideration may be past, present or future. The words used in Section 2(d) are
“has done or abstained from doing (past), or does or abstains from doing
(present), or promises to do or to abstain from doing (future) something” This
means consideration may be past, present or future.
(iv) There
must be mutuality in consideration.
(v) It
must be real & not illusory, infinite or vague. Although
consideration need not be adequate, it must be real, competent and of some
value in the eye of law. Physical impossibility, legal impossibility, uncertain
consideration & illusory consideration.
(vi) Consideration must not be unlawful, illegal,
immoral or opposed to public policy. The consideration given for an
agreement must not be unlawful. Where it is unlawful, the courts do not allow
an action on the agreement.
Consideration need not be adequate. Consideration as already explained
means “something in return”. This “something given”. The law simply provides
that a contract should be supported by consideration. So long as consideration
exists, the courts are not concerned as to its adequacy, provided it is of some
value. “The adequacy of the consideration is for the parties to consider at the
time of making the agreement, not for the court when it is sought to be
What is meant by
contingent contract? Describe its essentials and rules. 2 +(3+9)=14
Ans: Contingent Contract
According to the Contract Act a contingent
contract is one whose performance us uncertain. The performance of the contract
which comes under this category depends on the happening or non- happening of
certain uncertain-events. On the other hand, an ordinary or absolute contract
is such where performance is certain or absolute in itself and not dependent on
the happening or non-happening of an event. A contingent contract is defined as
a contract to do or not to do something, if some event, collateral to such
contract, does or does not happen (sec. 31).
(A) A contracts to pay Rs. 50,000 if B’s house
is destroyed by five. This is a contingent contract as the performance depends
on the happening of an event.
(B) A asks B to give loan to M and promises
that he (A) will repay the loan if M does not return it in time.
Characteristics of a Contingent Contract: A
Contingent Contract must have three essential characteristics. There are:
(1) The performance of the contract
depends on the happening or non-happening of a certain event in future. This
dependence on a probable future event distinguishes a contingent contract from
an ordinary contract.
(2) This event must be uncertain, that
means happening or non-happening of the future event is not certain, i.e., it
may or may not happen. If the event is hundred percent sure to happen, and the
contract in that case has to be performed any way, such a contract is not
called a contingent contract.
(3) The event must be collateral or
incident to the contract. Therefore, contracts of indemnity, guarantee and
insurance are the most common instances of a contingent contract.
Rules regarding contingent contracts: To
enforce the performance of a contingent contract the following rules have to be
1. Where the performance of
a contingent depends on the happening of an uncertain future event, it cannot
be enforced till the event takes place. And if the happening of the event
becomes impossible, such contracts become void (sec. 32). Example- A
contracts to sell B a piece of land if he (A) wins the legal case involving
that piece of land. A loses the case. The contract becomes void.
2. Where the performance of
a contingent contract depends on the non-happening of a future event, the
contract can be enforced if the happening becomes impossible (sec. 33). Example- A
agrees to sell his house to B if Y dies. This contract cannot be enforced till
Y is alive.
3. If the contract is
dependent on the manner in which a person will act at an unspecified time, the
event shall be considered to become impossible when such person does anything
which makes it impossible that he should so act within any definite time or
otherwise than under further contingencies (sec. 34).
4. Contingent contract to do
or not to do anything, if a specified uncertain event happens within a fixed
time, becomes void if the event does not happen and the time expires or its
happening becomes impossible before the time expires [sec. 35(1)].
5. Contingent contract to do
or not to do anything, if a specific event does not happen within a specified
time, may be enforced when the time so specified expires and such event does
not happen, or before the time so specified it becomes certain that such event
will not happen [sec. 35(1)].
6. Contingent agreements to
do or not to do any thing, if an impossible event happens, are void, whether or
not the fact is known to the parties at the time when it is made (sec. 36).
4. Elucidate the differences
between condition and warranty. Describe the implied conditions in the Sale of
Goods Act with examples. 4+10=14
Ans: ‘Condition’
and ‘Warranty’
In a contract of sale, the subject matter is
‘goods’. There are millions of sale transactions which occur in the normal
course, all around the world. There are certain provisions which need to be
fulfilled because it is demanded by the contract. These prerequisites can either
be a condition and warranty. The condition is the fundamental stipulation of
the contract of sale whereas Warranty is an additional stipulation.
Condition: Section 12(2) states that a
condition is a stipulation which is essential to the main purpose of the
contract. The breach of a condition gives rise to a right to treat the contract
as repudiated or broken. So according the above
definition it is clear that condition is very essential for the performance of
a contract. The breach of condition will be regarded as the breach of the whole
Example: A buys
from B hair oil advertised as pure coconut oil. The oil turns out to be mixed
with herbs. A can return the oil and claim the refund of price.
Warranty: Section 12(3) states that a warranty
is a stipulation which is collateral to the main purpose of the contract. The
breach of a warranty gives rise to a claim for damages but not a right to
reject the goods and treat the contract as repudiated. The above definition shows that for the implementation of a contract
warranty is not essential. For the breach of warranty only damages can be
Example: A while
selling his car to B, stated the car gives a mileage of 12 kms per litre of
petrol. The car gives only 10 kms per litre. B cannot reject the car. It is
breach of warranty. He can only claim damages for the loss due to extra
consumption of petrol.
between Condition and warranty:
Basis of Difference
A stipulation which is essential to the main purpose of the
A stipulation which is collateral to the main purpose of the
Result of Breach
The aggrieved party can terminate the contract due to breach.
The aggrieved party cannot terminate the contract.
The aggrieved party can terminate the contract, claim damages or
treat it as breach of warranty.
The aggrieved party cannot terminate the contract but can only
claim damages.
A breach of condition can be treated as a breach of warranty.
A breach of warranty cannot be treated as breach of condition.
Link with contract
It is directly associated with the objective of the contract.
It is a subsidiary provision related to the
object of the contract.
Implied Conditions:
Condition as to title: In a contract of sale, unless the
circumstances of the contract are such as to show a different intention, there
is an implied condition on the part of the seller that –
(a) In the case of a sale, he has a right to
sell the goods and
(b) In the case of an agreement to sell, he
will have a right to sell the goods at the time when the property is to pass.
2. Sale by
description: Where there is a contract for the sale of goods by description,
there is an implied condition that the goods shall correspond with the
description (Section 15). If you contract to sell peas, you cannot oblige a
party to take beans.
3. Sale by
sample: In a case of a contract for sale by sample, there is an implied
(a) That the bulk shall correspond with the
sample in quality
(b) That the buyer shall have a reasonable
opportunity of comparing the bulk with the sample.
(c) That the goods shall be free from any
defect, rendering them unmerchantable.
4. Sale by
description as well as sample: Section 15 further provides that if the sale
is by sample as well as by description, the goods must correspond both with the
sample and with the description.
Condition as to quality or fitness: Normally, in a contract of sale
there is no implied condition as to quality or fitness of goods for a
particular purpose. The buyer must examine the goods thoroughly before he buys
them in order to satisfy himself that the goods will be suitable for the
purpose for which he is buying them. However, in the following instances, the
condition as to quality or fitness applied –
(a) Where the buyer, expressly or by
implication makes known to the seller the particular purpose for which he needs
the goods and depends upon the skill and judgement of the seller whose business
it is to supply goods of that description, there is an implied condition that
the goods are reasonable fit for that purpose. [Section 16(1)]. For e.g. an
order was placed for some Lorries to be used “for heavy traffic in a hilly
area”. The Lorries supplied were unfit and broke down. Held, there is a breach of condition as to fitness.
(b) An implied condition as to quality or
fitness for a particular purpose may also be annexed by the usage of trade.
[Section 16(3)]
Condition as to merchantability: Where goods are bought by description
from a seller who deals in goods of that description, here is an implied
condition that the goods are of merchantable quality. This means that the goods
should be such as are commercially saleable under the description by which they
are known in the market at their full value.
Condition as to wholesomeness: In the case of eatable and provisions,
in addition to the implied condition as to merchantability, there is another
implied condition that the goods shall be wholesome. For e.g. C bought a bun
containing a stone which broke one of C’s teeth. Held, he could recover
Condition implied by custom: An implied condition as to quality or
fitness for a particular purpose may also be annexed by the usage of trade in
the locality concerned.
Elucidate District Forum and its
composition. 14
Ans: Section 8-A as inserted by the Consumer
Protection (Amendment) Act, 2002. The State government shall establish for
every district, by notification, a council to be known as the District Consumer
Protection Council.
of the District Council:
The Objects of every District Council
shall be to promote and protect within the district the rights of consumers
laid down in the clause (a) to (f) of Section 6 (National Consumer Protection
a) The right
to be protected against the marketing of goods [and services] which are
hazardous to life and property;
b) The right
to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price
of goods 1[or services, as the case may be], so as to protect
the consumer against unfair trade practices;
c) The right
to be assured, wherever possible, access to a variety of goods and services at
competitive prices;
d) The right
to be heard and to be assured that consumers' interests will receive due
consideration at appropriate forums;
The right to seek redressal against unfair
trade practices 1[or restrictive trade practices] or unscrupulous
exploitation of consumers; and
f) The right
to consumer education.
The District Consumer Protection
Council (hereinafter referred to as the District Council) shall consist of the
following members:
a. The
collector of the district (by whatever name called) who shall be its Chairman;
b. Such
number of other official and non-official members representing such interest as
maybe described by the state government.
Value for filling complaint in
district forum: At the lowest level are the District Forums and these
are established in each District and have jurisdiction to entertain complaints
where the value of goods or services and the compensation if any, claimed does
not exceed Rs.20, 00,000 (TWENTY LAKHS), and a complaint can be filed in a
District Forum within the local limits of which
a) The
opposite party resides or
b) Carries
on his business or works for gain or
c) Where
the cause of action arises.
5. Define Promissory Note.
Describe the essential elements of a promissory note. 4+10=14
Ans: Promissory Note, in the law of negotiable instruments, is a
written instrument containing an unconditional promise by a party, called the
maker, who signs the instrument, to pay to another, called the payee, a
definite sum of money either on demand or at a specified or ascertainable
future date. The note may be made payable to the bearer, to a party named in
the note, or to the order of the party named in the note.
According to the Section 4 of the Negotiable
Instrument Act, 1881 “A Promissory Note is an instrument in writing not being a
bank note or a current note containing an unconditional undertaking, signed by
the maker, to pay a certain sum of money only to, or do the order of, a certain
person, or to the bearer of the instrument.”
In other words, we can say that a promissory
note is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another,
signed by the maker, engaging to pay on demand to the payee, or at fixed or
determinable future time, certain in money, to order or to bearer.
There are two parties to a Promissory Note:
a) Maker: It is the debtor, who promises to
make the payment. It must be signed by its maker.
b) Payee: The person who receives the payment
of the promissory note is the payee.
A signs instruments in the following terms:
"I promise to Pay B or order Rs.500".
"I acknowledge myself to be indebted to B in Rs.1, 000, to be paid on
demand, for value received”.
(c) “I
promise to pay B Rs.500/- on 01-10-2005. etc are promissory notes”.
The essentials of a valid Promissory note
The Promissory Note Must Be in Writing: Mere
verbal promises or oral undertaking does not constitute a promissory note. The
intention of the maker of the note should be signified by writing in clear
words on the instrument itself that he undertakes to pay a particular sum of
money to the payee or order or to the bearer
2) It Must
Contain an Express Promise or Clear Undertaking to Pay: The
promise to pay must be expressed. It cannot be implied or inferred. A mere
acknowledgment of indebtness is not enough.
3) The
Promise to Pay must be Definite and Unconditional: The
promise to pay contained in the note must be unconditional. If the promise to
pay is coupled with a condition, it is not a promissory note.
4) The Maker
of the Pro-note Must Be Certain: The instrument should show on the fact
of it as to who exactly is liable to pay. The name of the maker should be
written clearly and ascertainable on seeing the document.
5) It Should
be Signed By the Maker: Unless the maker signs the instrument, it is
incomplete and of no legal effect. Therefore, the person who promises to pay
must sign the instrument even though it might have been written by the promisor
6) The Amount
Must Be Certain: The amount undertaken to be paid must be
definite or certain or not vague. That is, it must not be capable of contingent
additions or subtractions.
7) The
Promise Should Be to Pay Money: The promissory note should contain a
promise to pay money and money only, i.e., legal tender money. The promise
cannot be extended to payments in the form of goods, shares, bonds, foreign
exchange, etc.
8) The Payee
Must Be Certain: The money must be payable to a definite person
or according to his order. The payee must be ascertained by name or by
designation. But it cannot be made payable either to bearer or to the maker
9) It Should
Bear the Required Stamping: The promissory note should, necessarily, bear
sufficient stamp as required by the Indian Stamp Act, 1889.
10) It Should
Be Dated: The date of a promissory note is not material unless the amount is
made payable at particular time after date. Even then, the absence of date does
not invalidate the promissory note and the date of execution can be
independently proved. However to calculate the interest or fixing the date of
maturity or lm\imitation period the date is essential. It may be ante-dated or
postdated. If post-dated, it cannot be sued upon till ostensible date.
11) Demand: The
promissory note may be payable on demand or after a certain definite period of
12) The Rate
of Interest: It is unusual to mention in it the rated of interest per annum.
When the instrument itself specifies the rate of interest payable on the amount
mentioned it, interest must be paid at the rate from the date of the
Discuss the various ways of
crossing of cheque with examples. 14
Ans: Crossing of a cheque
A cheque is said to be crossed when two
parallel transverse line with or without any words are drawn on the left hand
corner of the cheque. The negotiability of a cheque doesn’t affect for
crossing. Crossing of a cheque refers to the instruction to the banker relating
to the payment of the cheque. A crossing is the direction to the paying banker
that the cheque should be paid only to a banker. Crossing of cheque is very
safety because the holder of the cheque is not allowed to cash it across the
counter. A crossed cheque provides protection not only to the holder of the
cheque but also to the receiving and collecting bankers.
following parties can cross a cheque:
a) The
Drawer: The drawer of a cheque may cross a cheque before issuing it. He may
cross it generally or specially.
b) The
Holder: The holder of a cheque can cross in the following way:
Ø The holder
may cross an open cheque generally or specially.
Ø The holder
may specially cross a generally crossed cheque.
Ø The holder
may add the words “Not-Negotiable” in a generally or specially crossed cheque.
c) The
Banker: The banker to whom the cheque is crossed specially may again cross it
especially to another banker's agent, for collection. This is called double
special crossing.
Types of
1. General crossing: A general
crossing is a crossing where a cheque simply bears two parallel lines with or
without any words and without any specification. According to Sec. 123 of the
Negotiable Instrument Act, 1881, “When a cheque bears across its face an
addition of the words. “And company” or any abreactions thereof between two
parallel transverse line or of two parallel transverse lines simply either or
without the words, “Not Negotiable” that addition shall be deemed a general
crossing. Simplify, In case of General Crossing words such as “and company”,
“not Negotiable”, “Account payee” etc. may be inserted between the lines.
A general crossing cheque protects the drawer
and also the payee or the holder thereof. Whenever a drawer desires to make
payment to an outstation party, he can cross the cheque so that even if the
cheque is lost, only a piece of paper is lost and nothing beyond that. If by
any chance, it is encashed by a third and unauthorized person, it is possible
to find out to whose account the amount is credited and the unauthorized person
can be identifies and suitable action taken against him.
2. Special crossing: Section 124 of the
Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881 defines special crossing as “where a cheque
bears across its face, an addition of the name of a banker with or without the
words “not negotiable”, that addition shall be deemed a crossing and the cheque
shall be deemed to be crossed specially and to be crossed to that banker.”
Thus, in case of
special crossing, the name of a particular bank is written in between the
parallel lines. The main implication of this type of crossing is that the
amount of the cheque will be paid to the specified banker whose name is written
in between the lines. Special crossing is in a particular bank and
by special crossing, he is assured of double safety, safety to the drawer and
safety to the payee.
3. Account payee crossing: This type of crossing is done by adding
the words ‘Account Payee’. This can be made both in general crossing and
special crossing. The implication of this type of crossing is that the
collecting banker has to collect the amount of the cheque only for the payee.
If he wrongly credits the amount of the cheque to another account, he will be
held responsible for the same.
4. Not negotiable crossing: When the words ‘not negotiable’ is added
in generally or specially crossed cheques, it is called not negotiable crossing.
A cheque bearing not negotiable crossing cannot be transferred. If a cheque
bearing ‘Not negotiable crossing’ is transferred, care must be taken regarding
the ownership of title of both the transferor and transferee.
6. Explain the main objectives and features of the
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. 14
Ans: Objectives
and Features of Industrial Dispute Act:
The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 was enacted
to promote industrial peace by providing appropriate machinery for amicable
settlement of disputes arising between employers and employees.
Objectives of the Act:
1. The Act
provides machinery for the settlement of disputes by arbitration or
2. It
attempts to ensure social justice and economic progress by fostering industrial
3. It enables
workers to achieve their demands by means of legitimate weapon of strike and
thus facilitates collective bargaining.
4. It
prohibits illegal strikes and lockouts.
5. It
provides relief to the workman in the event of layoff or retrenchment.
6. The act
relates to all the relevant aspects of industrial relations machinery
namely—collective bargaining, mediation and conciliation, arbitration,
adjudication and matters incidental thereto.
Main Features or Characteristics of the Act:
Some of the important features of the Act may
be summarized as below:
1. Any industrial
dispute may be referred to an industrial tribunal by mutual consent of parties
to dispute or by the State Government, if it deems expedient to do so.
2. An award shall be binding on both the
parties to the dispute for the operated period, not exceeding one year;
3. Strike and lockouts are prohibited during: (a)
The pendency of conciliation and adjudication proceedings; (b) the pendency of
settlements reached in the course of conciliation proceedings, and (c) the
pendency of awards of Industrial Tribunal declared binding by the appropriate
4. In public interest or emergency, the
appropriate Government has power to declare the transport (other than
railways), coal, cotton textiles, food stuffs and iron and steel industries to
be public utility services for the purpose of the Act, for a maximum period of
six months.
5. In case of lay-off or retrenchment of
workmen, the employer is requested to pay compensation to them. This provision
stands in the case of transfer or closure of an undertaking.
6. A number of authorities (Works Committees,
Conciliation Officers, and Board of conciliation, Courts of Inquiry, Labour
Courts, Tribunal and National Tribunal) are provided for settlement of
Industrial disputes. Although the nature of powers, functions and duties of
these authorities differ from each other, everyone plays important role in
ensuring industrial peace.
Write notes on: 7x2=14
1) Public utility service.
Ans: "Public utility service" means: (i) any
railway service or any transport service for the carriage of passengers or
goods by air; (ii) any service in, or in connection with the working of,
any major port or dock;
(ii) any section of an industrial
establishment, on the working of which the safety of the establishment or the
workmen employed therein depends;
(iii) any postal, telegraph or telephone
(iv) any industry which supplies power, light
or water to the public;
(v) any system of public conservancy or
(vi) any industry specified in the First
Schedule which the appropriate Government may, if satisfied that public
emergency or public interest so requires, by notification in the Official
Gazette, declare to be a public utility service for the purposes of this Act,
for such period as may be specified in the notification
2) Workmen according to the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947.
Ans: Workman:
'Workman" means any person (including an apprentice) employed in any
industry to do any manual, unskilled, skilled, technical, operational, clerical
or supervisory work for hire or reward, whether the terms of employment be
express or implied, .and for the purpose of any proceeding under this Act.
"Workman" does not include any such
person - (i) who is subject to the Air Force Act, 1950, or the Army Act, 1950,
or the Navy Act, 1957, or (ii) who is employed in the Police Service or as an
officer or other employee of a prison, or (iii) who is employed mainly in a
managerial or administrative capacity, or (iv) who, being employed in a
supervisory capacity, draws wages exceeding Rs. 1600/- per mensem, or exercises
functions mainly of management nature.
7. Write short notes on
(any four): 4x4=16
a) Undue influence.
Ans: Undue influence: Undue
influence is the term used to demonstrate unfair use of one’s position or
power. There is once party who is in a dominant position, while the other party
is in a sub-ordinate position. The dominant party exercising its influence over
the subordinate party and getting an unfair advantage. Unlike Coercion where
there is physical pressure, in undue influence, there is mental pressure.
Section 16 defines as – “ Where the relations
subsisting between the parties are such that one of the parties is in a
position to dominate the will of the other and uses that position to obtain an
unfair advantage over the other.”
b) Capacity of the parties.
Ans: The
parties competent to contract must be capable of contracting i.e. they must be
of the age of majority, they must be of sound mind & they must not be
disqualified from contracting by any law to which they are subject to. An agreement with minors, lunatics,
drunkards, etc. is not contract & does not get a legal title.
c) Consumer.
Ans: Consumer: Section 2 (1) (d) of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986
defines the term "consumer". It says ‘consumer’ means any person:
Who buys goods and has paid or promised to pay a consideration
partly or fully under any system of deferred payment.
Who hires or avails of services and has paid or promised to pay a
consideration partly or fully under any system of deferred payment.
c) Who uses
the goods with the approval of the person who has bought the goods for a
d) Who is a
beneficiary of the services hired or availed by an individual with the
consent of that individual?
Who is not
a consumer?
a) An
applicant for a passport has been held to be not a consumer, because the duties
of the passport officer do not fall in the category of services for
b) An
applicant for ration card is not a consumer.
The beneficiaries of municipal services have
been held to be not in the category of consumers.
Elements of strike.
Ans: A
strike is a very powerful weapon used by trade unions and other labor
associations to get their demands accepted. It generally involves quitting of
work by a group of workers for the purpose of bringing the pressure on their
employer so that their demands get accepted. When workers collectively cease to
work in a particular industry, they are said to be on strike.
According to
Industrial Disputes Act 1947, a strike is “a cessation of work by a body of
persons employed in an industry acting in combination; or a concerted refusal
of any number of persons who are or have been so employed to continue to work
or to accept employment; or a refusal under a common understanding of any
number of such persons to continue to work or to accept employment”. This
definition throws light on a few aspects of a strike. Firstly, a strike is a
referred to as stoppage of work by a group of workers employed in a particular
industry. Secondly, it also includes the refusal of a number of employees to
continue work under their employer.
The analysis of the definition would show that
there are the following essential elements or requirements for the existence of
a strike:
1) There must
be cessation of work.
2) The cessation
of work must be by a body of persons employed in any industry;
3) The
strikers must have been acting in combination;
4) The
strikers must be working in any establishment which can be called industry
within the meaning of Section 2(j); or
5) There must
be a concerted refusal; or
6) Refusal
under a common understanding of any number of persons who are or have been so
employed to continue to work or to accept employment;
7) They must
stop work for some demands relating to employment, non-employment or the terms
of employment or the conditions of labour of the workmen.
Elements of sale.
Ans: The essentials of a contract of sale are:-
1. Numbers of parties: Since a contract of
sale involves a change of ownership, it follows that the buyer and the seller
must be different persons. A sale is a bilateral contract. A man cannot buy
from or sell goods to himself. To this rule there is one exception provided for
in section 4(1) of the Sale of Goods Act. A part-owner can sell goods to
another part-owner. Therefore a partner may sell goods to his firm and the firm
may sell goods to a partner.
2. Goods: The subject-matter
of the contract of sale must be ‘goods’. According to Section 2(7) “goods means
every kind of movable property other than actionable claims and money; and
includes stock and shares, growing crops, grass, and things attached to or
forming part of the land which are agreed to be severed before sale or under
the contract of sale.” Goodwill, trademarks, copyrights, patents right, water,
gas, electricity,, decree of a court of law, are all regarded as goods. In the
case of land the grass which forms part of land have to be separated from the
land. Thus where trees sold so that they could be cut out and separated from
the land and then taken away by the buyer, it was held that there was a
contract for sale of movable property or goods (Kursell vs Timber Operators
& Contractors Ltd.). But contracts for sale of things ‘forming part of the
land itself’ are not contracts for sale of goods.
3. Price: The consideration for a contract of
sale is price. Price means money consideration. If it is anything other than
money, it will not be sale. But if the exchange is made partly for goods and
partly for price, it will still amount to sale. However, the price may be paid
or promises to be paid.
4. Transfer of property: 'Property' here means ownership.
Transfer of property in the goods is another essential of a contract of sale of
goods. A mere transfer of possession of the goods cannot be termed as sale. To
constitute a contract of sale the seller must either transfer or agree to
transfer the property in the goods to the buyer. Further, the term 'property',
as used in the Sale of Goods Act, means 'general property' in goods as
distinguished from 'special property' [Sec. 2(11)]. If P, who owns certain
goods, pledges them to R, he has general property in the goods, whereas R (the
Pawnee) has special property or interest in the goods to the extent of the
amount of advance he has made to the pawnor. Similarly, in the case of bailment
of goods for the purpose of repair, the bailee has special interest in goods
bailed to the extent of his labour charges.
5. No formalities to be observed (Sec. 5): The sale
of Goods Act does not prescribe any particular form to constitute a valid
contract of sale. A contract of sale of goods can be made by mere offer and
acceptance. The offer may be made either by the seller or the buyer and the
same must be accepted by the other. Neither payment nor delivery is necessary
at the time of making the contract of sale. Further, such a contract may be
made either orally or in writing or partly orally and partly in writing or may
be even implied from the conduct of the parties. Where articles are exhibited
for sale and a customer picks up one and the sales assistant packs the same for
him, there has resulted a contract of sale of goods by the conduct of the
Bill of exchange.
Ans: A bill of exchange or “draft” is a written order by the
drawer to the drawee to pay money to the payee. It is an unconditional order
issued by a person or business which directs the recipient to pay a fixed sum
of money to a third party at a future date. The future date may be either fixed
or negotiable. A bill of exchange must be in writing and signed and dated. Bills
of exchange are used primarily in international trade, and are written orders
by one person to his bank to pay the bearer a specific sum on a specific date.
As per Section 5 a “bill of exchange” is “an
instrument in writing containing an unconditional order, signed by the maker,
directing a certain person to pay a certain sum of money only to, or to the
order of, a certain person or to the bearer of the instrument.”
of a Bills of exchange
1) Number of
parties: A bill of exchange has 3
the drawer, who draws the bill of exchange
the drawee, who has to make the payment
the payee, who is entitled to the payment.
the drawer and the payee can be one and the same person.
2) It Must be
in writing: The Bill of Exchange must be in writing.
3) Express
order to pay: This is the essence of a
bill of exchange. There must be an ‘order by the drawer to the drawee to pay’.
The order must be a command and not an excessive request.
4) Order must
be unconditional: The order to pay must
be unconditional. In other words the happening of the condition must be
5) Order to
pay money only: Just as a promissory
note, the instrument must be for money only.
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