Full Marks: 100
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions
1. Answer the following: 1x12=12
a) Name any one of the three fundamental laws of thought discussed in Logic.
b) Which one of the following statements is not correct?
1) Whatever is formally true, is also materially true.
2) Whatever is materially true, is also formally true.
3) Whatever is formally true, may not be materially true.
c) “Every sentence is proposition but every proposition is not sentence.” – is it correct?
d) “All players are not tall” – this sentence is equivalent to which of the following propositions?
2) Some tall persons are players.
3) Some players are not tall.
4) Some players are tall.
e) In which type of proposition are both subject and predicate terms distributed?
f) By which of the following the quality of a proposition is determined?
1) Subject.
2) Predicate.
3) Copula.
4) Both subject and predicate.
g) In an immediate inference how many premises are there?
h) How is the figure of a syllogism determined?
i) State any one characteristic of symbolic logic as laid down by C. I. Lewis.
j) Which of the following groups of philosophers is a group of rationalists?
1) Descartes, Spinoza, Locke.
2) Locke, Spinoza, Wolff.
3) Locke, Leibnitz, Hume.
4) Locke, Hume, Berkeley.
k) Who did hold the mind or the soul as ‘Monad’?
l) Pick out the idealist philosopher from the following group of different philosophers:
Russell, Locke, Moore, Hegel, Perry
2. Define inference with suitable example. 1+1=2
3. State two utilities of Logic. 2
State two utilities of using symbols in Logic 2
4. What do you mean by normative science? 2
5. State two points of difference between traditional logic and symbolic logic. 2
6. What do you mean by a term? 2
7. Give the definition of categorical proposition with an example. 1+1=2
8. Reduce any one of the following sentences into its proper logical form and mention the distributed term or terms in that proposition. 2x2=4
a) All that glitters is not gold.
b) All metals except mercury are solid.
c) Lions never drink coffee.
d) Learned are honoured everywhere.
9. Name the term which is present in both the premises but absent in the conclusion of a syllogism. 2
State one point of difference between immediate inference and mediate inference. 2
10. How many terms and proposition are there in a syllogism? 2
11. What do you mean by mood of syllogism? 2
12. What do you mean by adventitious idea? Give example. 1+1=2
13. Briefly explain and illustrate each of the different kinds of proposition classified according to the mixed principle of quantity and quality. 4
What is hypothetical proposition? How do you determine the quality of this kind of proposition? Briefly explain with the help of suitable example. 4
14. State the names of the different forms of simple propositions according to the modern classification of proposition and give example for each of them. 4
Briefly explain any two of the different forms of general propositions according to modern classification of proposition with suitable example for each of them. 4
15. Explain the role of middle term in a syllogism. 4
State four characteristics of a categorical syllogism 4
16. Reduce any one of the following syllogistic arguments into logical form and test whether it is valid or invalid. 4
a) All men are not industrious but he is industrious. So he cannot be a man.
b) God created man, man created sin, hence God created sin.
17. Construct truth tables for any two of the following propositional forms to characterize each of them as tautology, contradictory or contingent: 4x2=8

18. Write short notes on any one of the following: 4
a) Epistemology.
b) Axiology.
19. Give the classification of Indian philosophical systems. 4
20. State four characteristics of realism. 4
21. State four characteristics of idealism. 4
22. What do you mean by a truth-function? Construct truth tables for any four basic truth-functions. 2+4=6
23. Briefly explain three points of similarity and three points of difference between science and philosophy. 3+3=6
24. Briefly explain any six common characteristics of Indian Philosophy. 6
Briefly discuss the nature of Indian Philosophy. 6
25. What is rationalism? Briefly express four points of criticism against rationalism. 2+4=6
What is empiricism? Briefly express four points of criticism against empiricism. 2+4=6
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