NIOS Free Solved Assignments (2019 - 2020): SOCIOLOGY 331 ENGLISH MEDIUM

1. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words:
a) How do norms give cohesion to society?
Ans.:- Norms give cohesion to society. The collective and co-operative life of people is made possible because of norms. The normative system gives society an internal cohesion, without which social life is not possible. For example, in an office, all the employees including the boss have to follow certain rules regarding punctuality and completing office work.
(b) Justify how competition is a struggle for position to gain economic status?
Ans.:- Competition is a struggle for position to gain economic status:- The status of the individual, or a group of individuals, in the social order is determined by several indicators, such as income, wealth, social, prestige, political power, education, etc. Competition is defined as a contest to obtain something, which does not exist in adequate quantity to meet the demand.
2. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words:
(a) Do you think, sentiments have a background of historical and cultural legacy? Give examples to support your answer.
Ans.:- Sentiments have a background of historical and cultural legacy. As we know, it was the divide and rule policy of British which created such a strong and deadly religious sentiment among the Hindus and Muslims during the colonial times. Hindus had lived with Muslims for one thousand years without ever encountering a deadly and explosive situation as was the case during the British period.

(b) Describe how conflict leads to social change?
Ans.:- Earlier, sociologists did not consider conflict as a social process as it conveyed primarily an antisocial activity. Later it was pointed out that conflict is not pathological. Sometimes conflict performs certain important functions. Conflict has certain positive consequences for the society. At least, t recognize the divergent opinions and new points of view and becomes qite instrumental in bringing about social change.
Conflict refers to the deliberate attempt to oppose, resist or coerce the will of others. As a process, conflict is the opposite of co-operation. Conflict might lead to antagonism, violence or threat to peace.
3. Answer any one of the following questions in about 40-60 words:
(a) How each status does typically includes number of role. Explain with examples.
Ans.:- Each status typically includes a number of roles. A person who holds the status of teacher behaves one way with students, another way with other faculty members and still another way with the principal. The collection of roles that goes with a given status is termed a – roles set.
(b) How is Muslim marriage different from Hindu marriage?
Ans.:-Hindu marriage is a sacrament which purifies a person. Marriage is considered so sacred that there is no provision for divorce in the Hindu texts. In fact, marriage is considered a union of two souls which remain faithful to each other forever.
Muslim marriage or Nikah is a civil contract between a man and a woman for the purpose of legalizing sexual relationship and the procreation of children. In this sense, it is different from Hindu marriage. The Muslim marriage-contract or agreement, can be broken at the will of the husband or wife. It can also be broken if either the husband or the wife fails to carry out the promises made at the time of marriage.
4. Answer any one of the following questions in about 100 to 150 words.
(a) How synthesis between traditional values and modern values can be acquired? Describe with examples.
Ans.:- Synthesis between the traditional and modern values can be acquired. A couple of examples will clarify the situation. Traditionally castes emphasize the ritual dimension of status. In modern India, the castes are increasingly becoming secularized in that they perform instrumental functions for their members. Thus caste association opens educational institutions, establishes financial agencies to provide funds for housing, etc. These secularization of castes in terms of functions, particularly in urban India, changes their substance while retaining the traditional forms. The traditional caste pluralism, which was based on ritual purity, is no more functional. In this way the gap between traditional and modern values has been bridged.


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