Entrepreneurship Development MCQs | Multiple Choice Questions and Answers | For BCom, BBA and MBA Exam

 Entrepreneurship Development Multiple Choice Questions and Answers (MCQs)

One Mark Questions – True or False/Fill in the Blanks/Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs)

1.       There is difference between a manager and an entrepreneur.                           True

2.       Innovativeness is essential for an entrepreneur.                       True

3.       Self-help groups are formed by the government.     False

4.       The word ‘Entrepreneur’ has been derived from the French word ‘Intrapreneur’. False, Entreprendre

5.       Entrepreneurship helps in increasing Government revenue.                               True

6.       Self-help groups are generally the group of rich people.        False, Poor

7.       IIE was established in the year 1993.                               True, In Guwahati

8.       Entrepreneurs are born, not made.                 False, Entrepreneurs are made, not born

9.       The word ‘Entrepreneur’ has been derived from the French word ‘Entreprendre’.   True

10.   An entrepreneur is his own master.                True

11.   An entrepreneur is a good decision maker.                  False

12.   Entrepreneur is not a risk-taker.                                                       True

13.   The term entrepreneur first appeared in the French language.                          True

14.   The term entrepreneurship is derived from the French word “Enterprendre”.            True

15.   Richard Cantillon first used the term ‘entrepreneur’ in the economic theory.                              True, In 1755

16.   Entrepreneur is an innovator.                            True

17.   There is no difference between entrepreneur and manager.                              False

18.   Head office of IIE at Guwahati.                          True

19.   Entrepreneurs are born not made.

20.   The concept of venture capital was originated in USA in 1950s..

21.   Mention the name of the person who first used the term ‘entrepreneur’ in economy theory.  Jean-Baptiste Say

22.   Entrepreneurs are born, not made.                                 (Fill in the blank)

23.   What is the greatest problem of women entrepreneur?       Ans: Social attitude and lack of support

24.   An entrepreneur in his own master                                 (Write True or False)

25.   Name V. H. Vroom’s theory of motivation. Expectancy theory

26.   The term “Invention” and “Innovation” bear the same meaning.                       False

27.   Name one of the problems faced by an entrepreneur at the promotional stage.       Lack of manufacturing capabilities

28.   Entrepreneurs are born, not made.                                                 False, Entrepreneurs are made, not born

29.   The word ‘entrepreneur’ has been derived from the French word ‘entreprendre’. True

30.   SHGs are helpful in solving unemployment problems of the State.                   True

31.   Women entrepreneurs have same amenities like male entrepreneurs.                         False

32.   Jean-Baptiste Say introduced the term ‘entrepreneurship’.

33.   The chief goal of entrepreneurship is pilot study to establish an enterprise. (Choose the correct answer)                        

34.   Creation, innovation and entrepreneurship are three foundations of entrepreneurship development (Fill in the blank)  

35.   There is no difference between ‘entrepreneurship’ and intrapreneurship’. (Write True or False)                     

36.   Name Joseph A. Schumpeter’s theory of entrepreneurship.                 Theory of Innovation

37.   There is no difference between a manager and an entrepreneur.                    False

38.   Entrepreneurs are born, not made.                 False, Entrepreneurs are made, not born

39.   The word “Entrepreneur” has been derived from the French word ‘entreprendre’.                 True

40.   Innovation theory of entrepreneur was advocated by J.A. Schumpeter.                                        True

41.   Jean-Baptiste Say introduced the term entrepreneurship.

42.   Fabian entrepreneurs are shy and lazy.

43.   Drone entrepreneurs are those who generally struggle to survive.

44.   Fabian entrepreneurs are active.                      False, Passive

45.   The concept of venture capital was originated in USA.

46.   Risk taking is one of the important functions of entrepreneurs /Intrapreneurs.

47.   Woman entrepreneurs have/ have not same amenities like male entrepreneurs.

48.   SHGs are helpful in solving unemployment problems of the State.

49.   The concept of DICC was introduced in the 1977/ 1978 Industrial Policy of the Union Government.

50.   Woman Entrepreneurship first development in USA and UK in 1960s.             True

51.   Mahila Udyam Nidhi is implemented by SIDBI.

52.   All entrepreneurs in NE region generally venture in Traditional activities.

53.   Mention an adverse impact of globalization on the Indian economy.                             

Ans: Rise in demand for labour and the rise in wage rates leading to some increase in costs. 

54. Mention one of the objectives of Business Planning.

Ans: To achieve desired objectives

55. Which one of the distinctive qualities is essential of an entrepreneur?

a)      Loyalty.

b)      Innovativeness.

c)       Risk-bearing ability.

d)      Vision.  (Choose the correct answer)


Also Read:
Also Read (Dibrugarh University)
3. Entrepreneurship Development MCQs


Write the full forms of the following:   

1.       SIDO: Small Industries Development Organisation

2.       MSME: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises



5.       SISIs: Small Industries Service Institutes

6.       SHG: Self Help Group

7.       SISI: Small Industries Service Institute

8.       SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank of India


10.   KVIC: Khadi and Village Industries Commission

11.   MSMDO: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Organisation

12.   IIE: Indian Institute of Entrepreneurship

13.   SGSY: Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana

14.   SIDO: Small Industries Development Organisation


16.   MSME: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

17.   DWCRA: Development of Children and Woman in Rural Areas

18.   PMEGP: Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme

19.   TREAD: Trade Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development

20.   MLIs: Members Lending Institutions

21.   NEIIPP: North East Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy

22.   EPD: Entrepreneurship Development Programme

23.   CGMSEs: Credit Guarantee Fund Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises

24.   REDP: Rural Entrepreneurship Development Programme

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