Dibrugarh University B.Com 6th Sem: International Business Question Papers (May'2020)



(General / Speciality)

Course: 602

(International Business)

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

(New Course)

Full Marks: 80

Pass Marks: 24

1. Answer the following as directed:   1x8=8

(a) Write the full form of FDI.

(b) The policy for developing and protecting domestic industries is said as ____trade policy.      (Fill in the blank)

(c) Write the full form of AEZ.

(d) Write the full form of OECD.

(e) FEMA stands for

(i) Foreign External Management Act

(ii) Forex Management Act

(iii) Foreign Exchange Monetary Act

(iv) Foreign Exchange Management Act             (Choose the correct answer)

(f) Write the full form of EPCG.

(g) Duty exemption scheme.         (Write True or False)

(h) Write the full form of GDRs.

2. Write short notes on:               4x4=16

(a) Commodity composition of Indian export

(b) EXIM Policy

(c) Deferred payment system

(d) Export-oriented units

3. (a) Discuss the growth of India’s foreign trade in the context of global foreign trade.        14


(b) Discuss the characteristics of India’s foreign trade in recent years.         14

4. (a) Define exchange control. Explain the objectives and methods of exchange control with reference to India. 4+5+5=14


(b) Analyze the Export-Import Policy of the Government of India.           14

5. (a) Discuss the role of commercial banks in Indian foreign trade.       14


(b) What is export credit insurance? Discuss the various export incentives offered by the Indian Government for promotion of exports.         4+10=14

6. (a) What is Special Economic Zone (SEZ)? Highlight the salient features of the SEZ Act of India. Discuss the advantages of SEZ.          4+5+5=14


(b) Examine the role of Sate trading organizations in the context of India’s export promotion.       14

(Old Course)

Full Marks: 80

Pass Marks: 32

1. Answer the following as directed:      1x8=8

(a) Write the full form of STC.

(b) Write the full form of FOB.

(c) Which of the following organizations has been set up to promote free trade among the nations of the world?

(i) WTO

(ii) IMF

(iii) SAFTA

(iv) ASEAN       (Choose the correct answer)

(d) Write the full form of ECGC.

(e) Write the full form of MFN.

(f) Deferred payment system is a source of finance of the industry.       (Write True or False)

(g) Write the full form of GATT.

(h) The Foreign Exchange Regulation Act was passed in the year ______.       (Fill in the blank)

2. Write short notes on (any four):         4x4=16

(a) Bilateral Agreement

(b) Export Trading Houses

(c) Deferred Payment System

(d) Export Processing Zone

(e) Control of Foreign Trade in India

3. (a) Discuss the growth of India’s foreign trade after liberalization.        12


(b) Discuss the commodity composition and direction of India’s foreign trade.     12

4. (a) Explain in detail the objectives of the foreign exchange control in India.              11


(b) Analyze the India’s foreign trade policies during last ten years.          11

5. (a) Discuss the role of commercial banks in Indian foreign trade.      11


(b) Discuss the various export incentives offered by the Indian Government for promotion of export.       11

6. (a) What is Special Economic Zone? Discuss the advantages of Special Economic Zone.      3+8=11


(b) Discuss the function of the Export Promotion Council.         11

7. (a) Discuss the importance of multilateral agreement in promoting foreign trade.           11


(b) Discuss the main features of the Current Foreign Investment Policy in India.         11



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