Rural Marketing MCQs | Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

 Rural Marketing MCQs
Multiple Choice Questions and Answers

Short answer type questions

1. Marketing is a:

a) Pre-production activity

b) Post- production activity

c) After sale activity

d) All of the above

2. Rural marketing can be more effective, if it is arranged through:

a) Door-to-door campaigns

b) Melas

c) Village fairs

d) All of the above

3. The basic reason for establishing sales territories is to:

a) Reduce selling expenses

b) Enhance market coverage.

c) Strengthen customer relations.

d) All of the above

4. Which of the following factors influences the price of agricultural commodities?

a) Inadequate storage facility.

b) Uncertainty of supply.

c) Superfluous middleman.

d) All of the above. (Choose the correct answer)

5. Which of the following is not an agricultural input?

a) Seed.

b) Tractor.

c) Pesticide.

d) None of the above.

6. Which of the following is the quality certification mark for agricultural produce?

a) BIS.


c) ISO 20000.

d) ISI

7. Name one of the online retailing sales portals.

Ans: Flipkart, Amazon

8. Which is the main crop of India?

a) Rice

b) Wheat

c) Corn

d) None of the above

The method of expressing the value of goods in terms of money is being called pricing system.

9. Mention an adverse impact of globalization on the rural economy.

Ans:  Deforestation

10. State one of the differences between rural market and urban market.

Ans: Rural consumers are cost conscious and urban consumers are quality conscious.

11. Digital banking can be resorted through

a) Mobile phones.

b) Internet.

c) Telephone.

d) All of the above

12. The process of dividing a market into groups is called market segmentation.

13. State one of the basic objectives of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.

Ans: Protection to consumers from exploitation

14. The density of population in rural markets is high/low.

15. State one of the major problems faced by rural marketers.

Ans: Lack of infrastructural facilities

16. Mention one of the Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) of the Government of India.

Ans: Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana- Gramin

17. Market Segmentation is a process of defining and breaking heterogeneous market into homogenous sub-markets or segments. 

18. Labeling refers to designing the label and putting it on the package.  

19. Name the non-paid form of communication of information about the products.

Ans: Publicity

20. Agriculture is the main occupation in the rural economy.

21. Segmentation is the process of dividing heterogeneous market into homogenous sub-units.

22. In marketing, Channels of Distribution indicate the routes or pathways through which goods and services flow from producers to consumers.

23. Name the function involved in physical movement of goods from one place to another place.          

Ans: Physical distribution

24. Mention one of the characteristics of rural society.      

Ans: The density of population in rural markets is low.

25. State one of the functions of personal selling.

Ans: Introduce the product or products to the consumers

26. Delivery of good is the last stages in a channel of distribution. 

27. Business logistics is a part of physical distribution.

State whether the following statements are true or false:

1.         Need recognition is the first step in a buying decision.              True

2.         The last stage in a buying decision is post-purchase evaluation.            True

3.         The rural market accounts for less than 50% of the sales of durables.                True, approx 30 to 35%

4.         Rural consumers are heterogeneous from income point of view.        True

5.         A feature of rural marketing is the large, Diverse and Scattered Market.                          True

6.         People who by virtue of their competence or acceptability yield influence on others are regarded as opinion leaders.      True

7.         The limited sociability of villagers results in poor brand communication and high preferences for branded products.   False

8.         The Consumers’ Protection Act was passed in 1986.  True

9.         Motivation is an inner urge that moves or prompts action.     True

10.     Positioning is the act of finding a place in the minds of consumers and locating the brand therein.       True

11.     Rural India presents a homogeneous market.               False

12.     Rural consumer, in general, is more sensitive to product prices than the urban consumer.      True

13.     Rural customers are more brand loyal than urban customers.               True

14.     In rural areas, most of the products consumed are in the nature of basic goods.   True

15.     Branded products are sold at a higher price than unbranded one.       True

16.     Business logistics is a part of physical distribution.       True      

17.     Marketing is pre-production activity.                False

18.     There is no role of branding and advertising in rural markets.                False

19.     Industrial banks are basically rural oriented. False

20.     Rural marketing can be more effective, if it is arranged through door-to-door campaigns.       True

21.     Digital marketing means marketing of digital instruments.      False

22.     Usually village industries are labour intensive and quick-yielding in nature.     True

23.     ISI is the quality certification mark for agricultural products.   False, Industrial products

24.     AGMARK  is the quality certification mark for agricultural products.    True

25.     The rural market is an area of darkness to Indian entrepreneurs.        True

26.     Rural marketing should not be considered as an expense but as an investment.          True

27.     Product strategies for the rural market and rural consumers are different from urban markets. True

28.     Urban customers have poor literacy level than the rural customers.   False

29.     In rural market, products cannot be stored for use in future.                 True

30.     In rural marketing the focus should be more on quality.           False, price

31.     Normally, rural consumers are cost-conscious.             True

32.     There is no role of personal selling in rural markets.                   True

33.     Industrial products and consumer goods can be marketed in the same manner.                          False

34.     The basic reason for establishing sales territories is to reduce selling expenses.            True

35.     Air transport is very costly.                    True

36.     Personal selling is a process of assisting a buyer to buy a product in a face-to-face situation.  True

37.     Trade Fairs and Exhibitions provide an important avenue of sales promotion to the rural marketers.  False

38.     The scope of marketing and selling are same.               False

39.     There is a need to understand the global marketing environment to develop appropriate strategies for exploring rural market.       True

40.     Branded products are sold at a low price than unbranded ones.           False

41.     The rural market is geographically scattered. False

Write the Full form of:

1. ISI: Indian Standards Institution

2. AGMARK: Agricultural Marketing

3. SHG: Self Help Group

4. EOUs: Export Oriented Units

5. FSSAI: Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

6. FMCGs: Fast-Moving Consumer Goods

7. SFDA: Small Farmers Development Agencies

8. FPS: Faster Payments Service

9. NAFED: National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd.

10. NABARD: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development

11. KVIC: Khadi and Village Industries Commission

12. KVIB: Khadi and Village Industries Board

13. BIS: Bank for International Settlements

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