Indian Economy MCQs [Dibrugarh University BCOM 4th SEM CBCS Pattern]

Indian Economy MCQS 2022 & 2023 Exam
Dibrugarh University BCOM 4th SEM CBCS Pattern


1. Answer the following as directed:                       1x8=8

(a) Who invented the Human Development Index? (Choose the correct answer)

(1) Paul Krugman.

(2) Jean Dreze.

(3) Amartya Sen.

(4) Mahbub ul Haq.

Ans: (4) Mahbub ul Haq.

(b) Who is the main architect of Green Revolution in India?  (Choose the correct answer)

(1) M.S. Swaminathan.

(2) P.C. Mahalanobis.

(3) Dadabhai Naoroji.

(4) Dr. Manmohan Singh.

Ans: (1) M.S. Swaminathan.

(c) Planning Commission was set up in   (Choose the correct answer)

(1) 2019.

(2) 1947.

(3) 1950.

(4) 1951.

Ans: (3) 1950.

(d) Write the full form of ‘NITI’ Aayog.

Ans: National Institution for Transforming India (NITI Aayog)

(e) Define absolute poverty.

Ans: Absolute poverty is a financial condition where an individual or a family does not make enough money to meet their fundamental human needs.

(f) What is import substitution industrialization?

Ans: Import substitution industrialization (ISI) is a trade and economic policy that advocates replacing foreign imports with domestic production.

(g) Which of the following is not an indicator of PQLI (Physical Quality of Life Index)?   (Choose the correct answer)

(1) Basic literacy.

(2) Infant mortality.

(3) Life expectancy.

(4) Income per capita.

Ans: (4) Income per capita.

(h) The highest contribution in Indian National Income comes from (Choose the correct answer)

(1) primary sector.

(2) secondary sector.

(3) service sector.

(4) None of the above.

Ans: (3) service sector.


1. Answer the following as directed:                        1x8=8

(a) Which one of the following indices is not considered while calculating HDI? (Choose the correct answer)

(1) Life expectancy.

(2) Education.

(3) Housing.

(4) Income.

Ans: (3) Housing.

(b) Which one of the following sectors was the major contributor to the Gross Domestic Product during the British rule in India? (Choose the correct answer)

(1) Primary Sector.

(2) Secondary Sector.

(3) Tertiary Sector.

(4) None of the above.

Ans: (1) Primary Sector. [Particularly agricultural sector)

(c) Which one of the following is not an indicator of an economically developed nation? (Choose the correct answer)

(1) High level of literacy.

(2) Low death rate.

(3) High per capital income.

(4) High proportion of labour in the primary sector.

Ans: (4) High proportion of labour in the primary sector.

(d) Who was the Finance Minister of India during economic reforms of 1991?

Ans: Dr. Manmohan Singh

(e) Which one of the following organizations is a Navaratna?  (Choose the correct answer)

(1) NALCO.

(2) BSNL.

(3) Air India.

(4) IOC

Ans: (1) NALCO.

(f) Which one of the following agencies is responsible for formulating the Fiscal Policy in India?  (Choose the correct answer)

(1) SEBI.

(2) RBI.

(3) Ministry of Finance, GOI.


Ans: (3) Ministry of Finance, GOI.

(g) One of the problems of India’s Foreign Trade is (Choose the correct answer)

(1) payment of import in rupees.

(2) increasing quantity of exports.

(3) unfavourable terms of trade.

(4) None of the above.

Ans: (3) unfavourable terms of trade.

(h) Mention one poverty alleviation programme of Government of India.


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