Industrial Disputes and Negotiations
Industrial Relations Notes B.Com 5th Sem CBCS Pattern
Industrial Disputes Meaning
disputes are conflicts, disorder or unrest arising between workers and
employers on any ground. Such disputes finally result in strikes, lockouts and
mass refusal of employees to work in the organization until the dispute is
resolved. So it can be concluded that Industrial Disputes harm both parties
employees and employers and are always against the interest of both employees
and the employers.
of Industrial Disputes
to Industrial Dispute Act – 1947 “Industrial Dispute is any dispute or
difference between the employees and employers or between employers and workmen
or between workmen and workmen, which is concerned with the employment or terms
of employment or with the conditions of labour of any person.”
Disputes are frequently clouded by a sense of exploitation, distrust and
discontent between employee and employers. In simple language, the disputes
between employers and employees on any Industrial matters are known as
industrial disputes. The term ‘dispute’ is characterized by the following
factors :
Dispute mainly relate to the strife between employers and their employees.
There must actually be a difference.
Its work related or industrial matter issues.
Disputes must be raised by group or class of workmen.
Disputes between one or two workmen and their employers are not an industrial
Forms of Industrial Disputes
dispute can take place in any of the following forms:
Strikes: A strike means a cessation of work by a body of persons employed in
any industry acting in combination or a concerted refusal under a common
understanding of a number of persons who are or have been so employed to
continue work or to accept employment. Strikes are of several types:
Economic Strike
Sympathetic Strike
General Strike
Set down Strike
Slow Down Strike
Lightening Strike
Hunger Strike
Lock Out: lock out is the counterpart of strike. Lock outs bring psychological
pressure on the workers to agree to his conditions or face closure of the units.
A lockout is decaled as a trial of strength between the management and its
employees. Lockouts means the employer closes down his factory where his
workers are employed because he wants to force them to agree to his terms and
conditions of service during the pendency of a dispute.
Gherao: Its means “to surround”. According to National Commission on Labour “
Gherao tend to inflict physical duress on the persons affected and endanger not
only industrial harmony but also create problems of law and order”.
Picketing: It is primarily a method of drawing public attention towards the
disputes and it is legal so there is no violence is involved. In picketing,
workers are dissuaded from reporting for work by certain persons stationed at
the gate of the factory.
Boycott: Boycott aims at disrupting the normal functioning of an enterprise,
through forceful appeals and negative behavioural acts.
👉👉Industrial Relations Notes
Causes of Disputes
Wages and Allowances: The most important cause for disputes relates to wages.
The demand for
increase in wages and allowances is the most important cause of industrial
disputes. The
demand for wages and allowances has never been fully met because of
inflation and high cost of living. High inflation results in increased
cost of living resulting in never ending demands from unions. There are some more
economic reasons who are the cause of industrial disputes are bonus,
working conditions and working hours, modernization and automation and demand
for other
Union Rivalry: Most organizations have multiple unions. Multiplicity of unions
leads to interunion rivalries. If one union agrees to a wage
settlement, another union will oppose it.
Political Interference: Major trade unions are affiliated to political parties.
Political affiliated is not peculiar to our country alone. Even a
cursory assessment of labour movements around the world would show that trade
unions are, by their very nature, political and that politicization of the rule
rather than the exception. Everywhere trade union have been compelled to engage
in political
action to obtain enough freedom from legal restraint to exercise
their main industrial functions.
Managerial Causes: These causes include autocratic managerial attitude and
defective labour
policies. In this includes failures of recognize the trade union,
defective recruitment policies, irregular layoff and retrenchment, defiance of
agreements and codes, defective leadership, weak trade unions.
Unfair labour Practices: The Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 is more specific
about the unfair
labour practices. According to the Act, the following constitute
unfair labour practices:
To interfere with, restrain from or coerce
workmen in the exercise of their right to organize, form, join or assist a
trade union or to engage in concerted activities for the purpose of collective
bargaining or other mutual aid or protection.
Threatening workmen with discharge if they
join a trade union
Threatening a lockout or closure, if a trade
union is organised
Granting wage increases to workmen at crucial
periods of the trade union organization, with a view to undermine the efforts
of the trade union at organization.
To, dominate, interfere with or contribute
support, financial or otherwise, to any trade union.
To encourage or discourage membership in any trade union by discriminating
against workmen.
To discharge or dismiss workmen.
To indulge in acts of force or violence.
To refuse to bargaining collectively, in good faith with the recognized trade
To insist upon individuals workmen, who are on a legal strike, to sign a good
conduct bond as a precondition to allowing them to resume work?
Prevention and Settlement of Industrial Disputes
is very famous sentences prevention is always better than cure. Prevention
steps should, therefore, be taken so that reduced industrial disputes and
sometimes try to do not occur the industrial disputes in the organizations. In
the socio-economic development of any country cordial and harmonious industrial
relations have a very significant note to play. Industry belongs to the society
and therefore good and industrial relations are important from Society’s points
of view.
industrial relations are not bipartite affair between the management and the
work force or employees. Government is playing an active role in promoting
industrial relations. The concept of Industrial Relations has, therefore,
become a tripartite affair between the employees, employers and the government
concerned. It is possible to settle the industrial disputes if timely steps are
taken by the management. Such disputes can be prevented and settled amicably if
there is equitable arrangement and adjustment between the management and the
workers. The following are the machinery for prevention and settlement of
Industrial Disputes:
Works Committees: This committee represents
workers and employers. Under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947, works
committees exist in industrial establishments in which one hundred or more
workmen are employed during the previous year. It is the duty of the works
committee to promote measures for securing and preserving amity and good
relations between the employers and workers. It also deals with certain matters
viz. Condition of work, amenities, safety and accident prevention, educational
and recreational facilities.
Conciliation Officers: Conciliation officers
are appointed by the government under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. The
duties of conciliation officers are:
He has to evolve a fair and amicable
settlement of the dispute. In case of P.U.S he must hold conciliation
proceedings in the prescribed manner.
He shall send a report to the government if a
dispute is settled in the course of conciliation proceedings along with the
charter of the settlement signed by the parties.
Where no settlement is reached, conciliation
officer sends a report to the government indicating the steps taken by him for
ascertaining the facts, circumstances relating to dispute and the reasons on
account which settlement within 14 days of commencement of the conciliation
Boards of Conciliation: The government can
also appoint a Board of conciliation for promoting a settlement of Industrial
Disputes. The chairman of the board is an independent person and other members
(may be 2 or 4) are to be equally represented by the parties to the disputes.
The duties of the board includes:
A report which has to be sent to the
government by the board if a dispute has been settled or not, within 2 months
of the date on which the disputes were referred to it.
To investigate the dispute and all matters
affecting the merits and do everything fit for the purpose of inducing the
parties to reach a fair and amicable settlement.
Court of enquiry: The Government may appoint a
court of enquiry for enquiring into any industrial dispute. A court may consist
of one person or more than one person and in that case, one of the person will
be the chairman. The court shall be required to enquire into the matter and
submit its report to the government within a period of 6 months.
Labour Courts: As per the 2nd
schedule of the Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 the government sets up labour
courts to deal with matters such as:
The propriety or legality of an order passed
by an employer under the standing orders.
The application and interpretation of standing
orders passed.
Discharge or dismissal of workmen including
reinstatement, grant of relief to workers who are wrongfully dismissed.
Withdrawal of any customary concession of
Illegality or otherwise of a strike or lockout
and all other matters not specified in the third schedule.
Industrial Tribunals: A tribunal is appointed
by the government for the adjudication of Industrial Disputes. It consists of
one person who is either a sitting judge or a noticed judge of a high court and
two more persons are appointed for assisting the tribunal. It deals with
matters such as more of payment of wages, compensatory and other allowances,
hours of work and nest internals, bonus, profit sharing, P.F. & gratuity
National Tribunal: National Tribunal is
constituted by the Central Government if the matter is of national importance
or related to an undertaking which has industries, scattered more than one
states, it is referred to National Tribunal. Generally, it depends on the will
of the government to refer the disputes in industrial establishment to National
Tribunal. But, it becomes compulsory to refer the matter to National Tribunal
when there is an info of strike in P.U.S. and this info is not merely threat.
Arbitration: The employer and employees may
agree to settle the dispute by appointing an independent and impartial person
called Arbitrator. Arbitration provides justice at minimum cost. The Arbitrator
is not vested with any judicial powers. He derives his power to decide the
dispute from the agreement that parties have made between themselves regarding
the reference of dispute to the arbitrator.
Wage Board: There should be an appropriate
machinery for the fixation of workers wages in order to avoid industrial
disputes which are mostly due to the question of wages. In this job of the
determination of wages, the government of the country can play a very important
note. It can determine appropriate wages of the workers of different industries
by forming tripartite bodies consisting of the representative of the workers,
the representatives of the employers and independent representatives, Wage
board, i.e. tripartite body can also make a provision of changes in the wages
from time to time.
Collective Bargaining: Collective Bargaining is the most effective method of
resolving industrial disputes. The role of collective bargaining in solving the
problems arising between the management and the worker has been widely
recognized. Collective bargaining not only includes negotiation, administration
and enforcement of the written contracts between the employees and the
employers but also includes the process of resolving labour management
conflicts. Collective bargaining offers the following benefits to both of the
employees and employers :
It helps increase economic strength of both
the parties at the same time protecting their interest.
It helps resolve disputes when it is occur in
the organization.
It also help to establish uniform conditions
of employment with a view to avoid occurrences of industrial disputes.
It lays down rules and norms for dealing with
Workers Participation in Management: It is a method whereby the workers are
allowed to be consulted and to have a say in the management of the unit. The
important schemes of workers participation are:
Work Committees consisting of representatives
of employer and employee where every industrial undertaking employing 100 or
more workers is under an obligation to set up. Its main purpose to promote
industrial relations.
Joint Management Councils: Government
suggested setting up joint management council to make a start in labour
participation in management.
Shop council: it have been set up in the
manufacturing and mining industries employing 500 or more workers in private,
public and joint sectors. Its main function to assist the management in
achieving production targets, improving production, productivity efficiency,
eliminating wastage and in achieving optimum utilization of machinery and
Joint Council : joint council have been
established for the whole unit and deals with matters relating to optimum
production and efficiency and the fixations of productivity norms for man and machine
for the unit as a whole.
Consultative Machinery: It is set by the government to resolve disputes. The
main function of this machinery is to bring the parties together for mutual
settlement of differences in a spirit of co-operation and goodwill.
Consultative machinery operates at the plant, industry, state and the national
level. At the plant level, there are works committees and joint management
councils being bipartite in character and at the industry level there are wage
boards and industrial committees.
Negotiations Meaning
has been defined as any form of direct or indirect communication whereby
parties who have opposite interests discuss the form of any joint action which
they might take to manage and ultimately resolve the dispute between them.
Negotiations may be used to resolve an already existing problem or to lay the
groundwork for a future relationship between two or more parties. The
characteristics features of negotiations are:
Voluntary: No party is forced to participate
in a negotiation. The parties are free to accept on a eject the outcome of
negotiations and can withdraw at any point during the process.
Bilateral/Multilateral: Negotiations can
involve two, three or dozens of parties. They can range from two individuals
seeking to agree on the sale of a house to negotiations involving diplomats
from dozens of states.
Non-adjudicative: Negotiation involves only
the parties. The outcome of a negotiation is reached by the parties together
without recourse to a third-party neutral.
Informal: There are no prescribed rules in
negotiation. The parties are free to adopt whatever rules. They choose, if any.
Generally, they will agree on issues such as the subject matter, timing and
location of negotiations.
Confidential: The parties have the option of
negotiating public or privately.
Significance of Negotiations
allows the parties to agree to an outcome which is mutually satisfactory. The
actual terms of the agreement must be concluded by the parties and can be as
broad or an specific as the parties desire. A negotiated settlement can be
recorded in the form of an agreement. One signed, has the force of a contract
between the parties. If the settlement is negotiated in the context of a
litigious dispute, then the parties may wish to register the settlement with
the court in conformity with the applicable rules of practice.
In procedural terms, negotiation is probably
the most flexible form of dispute resolution as it involves only those parties
with an interest in the matter and their representatives if any. The parties
are free to shape the negotiations in accordance with their own needs. By
ensuring that all those who have an interest in the dispute have been consulted
regarding their willingness to participate and that adequate safeguards exists
to prevent inequities in the bargaining process, the changes of reaching an agreement
satisfactory to all are enhanced.
Like any method of dispute resolution,
negotiation cannot guarantee that a party will be successful. However, many
commentators feel that negotiations have a greater possibility of a successful
outcome when the parties adopt an interest-based approach as apposed to a
positional-based approach. By focusing on their mutual needs and interests and
the use of mechanisms such as objective standards, there is a greater chance of
reaching an agreement that meets the needs of the parties. This is sometimes
referred to as a ‘win-win’ approach.
Negotiation is a voluntary process. The
parties are free to accept or reject the outcome of negotiations and can
withdraw at any point during the process.
Assuming that the parties are negotiating in
good faith, negotiation will provide the parties with the opportunity to design
an agreement which reflects their interests.
Negotiations may preserve and in some cases
even enhance the relationship between the parties once an agreement has been
reached between them.
Opting for negotiation instead of litigation
may be less expensive for the parties and may reduce delays.
It is inevitable that from time to time,
conflict and disagreement will arise as the differing needs, wants aims and beliefs
of people are brought together. Without negotiation such conflicts may lead to
argument and resentment resulting in one or all the parties feeling
dissatisfied. The point of negotiation is to try to reach agreements without
causing future barriers to communications.
Process of Negotiations
process of negotiation is as follows:
Preparation: Before any negotiation takes
place, a decision needs to be taken as to when and where a meeting will take
place to discuss the problem and who will attend. Setting a limited time scale
can also be helpful to prevent the disagreement continuing.
Discussion: During this stage, individuals or
members of each side put forward the case or they see it, i.e. their
understanding of the situation.
Clarifying goals: From the discussion, the
goals interests and viewpoints of both sides of the dispute need to be
clarified. Classification is an essential part of the negotiation process,
without it misunderstandings are likely to occur which may cause problems and
barriers to reaching a beneficial outcome.
Negotiate towards a win-win outcome: This
stage focuses on what is termed a win-win outcome where both sides feel they
have gained something positive through the process of negotiation and both
sides feel their point of view has been taken into consideration.
Agreement: Agreements can be achieved after
understanding of both sides; viewpoints and interests have been considered.
Implementing a course of action: For the
agreement, a course of action has to be implemented to carry through the
Skills required for effective negotiation
description offer list negotiation skills as a desirable asset for candidates,
but the ability to negotiate requires a collection of interpersonal and
communication skills used together to bring a desired result. The circumstances
of negotiation occur when two parties or groups of individuals disagree on the
solution for a problem on the goal for a project or contract. A successful
negotiation requires the two parties to come together hammer out an agreement
that is acceptable to both.
Problem analysis: Effective negotiations must
have the skills to analyze a problem to determine the interests of each party
in the negotiation. A detailed problem analysis identifies the issue, the
interested parties and the outcome goals. Ex. In a employer and employee
contract negotiation, the problem or area where the parties disagree may be in
salary or benefits. Identifying the issue for both sides can help to find a
compromise for all parties.
Preparation: Before entering a bargaining
meeting, the skilled negotiator prepares for the meeting. Preparation includes
determining goals, areas for trade and alternatives to the stated goals. In
addition, negotiators study the history of the relationship between the two
parties and past negotiations to find areas of agreement and common goals.
Active listening: Negotiators have the skills
to listen actively to the other party during the debate. Active listening
involves the ability to real body language as well as verbal communication. It
is important to listen to the other party to find areas for compromise during
the meeting.
Emotional Control: It is vital that a
negotiator have the ability to keep his emotions include during the
Verbal Communication: Negotiators must have
the ability to communicate clearly and effectively to the other side during the
negotiation. Misunderstandings can occur if the negotiator does not state his
case clearly. During a bargaining meeting, an effective negotiator must have
the skills to state his desired outcome as well as his reasoning.
Collaboration & Teamwork: Negotiation is
not necessarily a one side action against another. Effective negotiators must
have the skills to work together as a team and faster a collaborative
atmosphere during negotiations.
Problem Solving: Individuals with negotiation
skills have the ability to seek a variety of solutions to problems. Instead of
focusing on his ultimate goal for the negotiation, the individual with skills
can focus on solving the problem, which may be a breakdown in communication to
benefit both sides of the issue.
Decision making ability: Leaders with skills
have the ability to act decision by during a negotiation. It may be necessary
during a bargaining arrangement to agree to a compromise quickly to end a
Interpersonal Skills: Effective negotiators
have the interpersonal skills to maintain a good working relationship with
those involved in the negotiation.
Ethics and reliability: Ethical standards and
reliability in an effective negotiator promote a trusting environment for
negotiations. Both sides in a negotiation must thrust that the other party will
follow through on promises and agreements. A negotiator must have the skills to
execute on his promises after bargaining ends.
Negotiation for win-win dispute resolution
is a means of resolving difference between people. In the process of
negotiation, not only different opinions are taken into account, but also
individual needs, aims, interests and differences in background and culture are
can adopt win-lose or win-win approach of negotiation. Negotiation is sometimes
seen in terms of ‘getting your own way’ ‘driving a hard bargain’ or ‘beating
off the opposition’. While in the short term bargaining may well achieve the
aims for one side, It is a win-lose approach. This means that while one side
wins the other losses and this outcome may well damage future relationships
between the parties. It also increases the likelihood of relationships breaking
down of people walking out or refusing to deal with the ‘winners’ again and the
process ending in a bitter dispute.
many processional negotiations prefer to aim towards what is known as a win-win
solution. This involves looking for resolutions that allow both sides to gain.
In other words, negotiators aim to work together towards finding a solution to
their differences that result in both sides being satisfied. The key points
which must be considered for win-win negotiation are:
Focus on maintaining the relationship: This
means not allowing the disagreement to damage the interpersonal relationship
not blaming the others for the problem and aiming to confront the problem not
the people. This can involve actively supporting the other individuals while
confronting the problem.
Focusing on Interests Not Position: Rather
than focusing on the other side’s stated position, consider the underlying
interests they might have what are their needs, desires and fears? These might
not always be obvious from what they say. When negotiating, individuals often
appear to be holding on to one or two points from which they will not move. It
is important to clearly express our own needs, desires, wants and fears so that
others can also focus on your interests.
Generate a Variety of options: Rather then
looking for one single way to resolve differences, it is worthwhile considering
a number or options that could provide a resolution and then to work together
to decide which is most suitable for both sides.
Aim for the Result to be based on an objective
standard: Rather than resorting to a confrontational bargaining approach, which
may leave individuals. Feeling let-down or angry, it can be helpful to seek
some fair, objective and independent means of resolving the differences. It is
important that such a basis for deciding is: (a) Acceptable to both parties;
(b) Independent to both parties; (c) Can be seen to be fair.