AHSEC CLASS 11 Finance Important Question Bank for Upcoming Exam [2024]

[Important Questions, AHSEC Class 11 Finance Important Questions, Class 11 Important Questions, 2024]

Important Questions AHSEC Class 11 Finance
Finance Important Questions for Upcoming Exam
Unit – 1: Finance and Financial System (Expected Marks: 16)

Q. What is finance? What are its features?
Q. What are various functions of finance?
Q. What are various types of finance? What are its various sources?
Q. What is financial system? Mention  its features and need.
Q. What are various components of financial system?
Q. Explain the role of financial system in the economic development of our country.
Q. What are the limitations of indian financial system?

Unit – 2: Different types of Banks (Expected Marks: 16)

Q. Define Bank. Discuss the primary function and secondary functions (General Utility and Agency) of commercial bank.         
Q. What are various features of a bank?
Q. What is Central Bank? Mention its four characteristics. Discuss the functions of central bank as banker of the government.
Q. Discuss the functions of central bank as banker of banks.
Q. Explain the functions of RBI as note issuer. Describe the methods of issuing notes by the central government.
Q. Discuss the qualitative and quantitative credit control methods of the central bank.
Q. Define in two lines: Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate, Cash Reserve Ratio, Variable reserve ratio,      
Q. Define the term Banking. Explain how a bank creates credit.
Q. Distinguish between: (5 points only)
Ø  Commercial Banks and Investments Banks
Ø  Central Bank and Commercial bank
Ø  Co-operative bank and Commercial bank                                    
Q. Name various types of Banks and define them in two lines.
Q. What are Development banks? Mention its three features and functions.
Q. What is Regional Rural bank? Mention its three features?
Q. What is Indigenous Banker? Mention its four features. Mention three defects of Indigenous banks.
Q. Discuss five functions of Indigenous banker.
Q. What is co-operative bank? Mention its three features?
Also Read: Finance (Banking) AHSEC Class 11
5. Finance (Banking) Important Questions for Upcoming Exams

Unit – 3: Commercial Banking in India
(Expected Marks: 16)

Q. 1. Write short note on foundation and management of Imperial banks in India.              2013, 2018

Q. 2. Write a short note on SBI including its objectives, functions and role.             2012, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019

Q.3. Write short note on Lead Bank Scheme. Mention its objectives, functions and benefits.         2013, 2015, 2020

Q. 4. Explain briefly unit banking and branch banking.      2012, 2016, 2018, 2020

Q.5. Write the difference between Bank and Unit Banking.            2014

Q. 6. Define Public and Private sector banks. Also distinguish between them.                       2020

Q.7. Write a short note on Scheduled Bank?

Q.8. Write a brief note on primary and secondary functions (Agency functions and General utility functions) of banks/public sector banks.           2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2019, 2022

Q.9. What is Nationalisation? What are its objectives and achievements?               2013 2015 2017 2019 2020

Q.10. Give some arguments in favour or against nationalisation of banks.

Q.11. Write a brief note on growth and evolution of banking/public sector banking in India. 2012 2015, 2017, 2018

Q.12. Write a brief note on Group banking and Chain banking.

Q.13. Write short notes on various types of banks.                            2018

Q.14. Write a brief note on social control over banks.      2017, 2022

Q.15. Write a brief note on the role of banks in the economic development of a country.

Q.16. What is E-Banking? Mention its merits and demerits.                           2019

Q.17. Write a brief note on recent trends in Indian Banking System.                          2020

Unit – 4 PART A: Different types of Bank Account
(Expected Marks: 08)

Q. Name the different types of Bank account. Mention two advantages and disadvantages of Current, Savings and Fixed deposit accounts.
Q. Explain the procedure of opening a bank account.
Q. What is e-banking and Pay-in-slip? What are the different types of e-services?
Q. What is credit card and ATM? Mention their three uses.
Q. What do you mean by Banker and Customer? Mention any four types of customer of Bank.
Q. Write in two lines: Cheque Book, Pass Book, Pay in slip, E-banking, E-services, Credit card and ATM.

Unit – 4 PART B: Different types of Bank Customer
(Expected Marks: 08)

Q. What is the procedure of opening a bank account by a Married woman?
Q. What is the procedure of opening a bank account by a minor?                    
Q. What is a Bank Customer? What are the documents required to be submitted before opening a bank account by a company, partnership firm and minor?
Q. What is the procedure of opening a bank account by a partnership firm?
Q. What is joint account? State the procedure of opening a joint account.
Q. Define in two lines: Ombudsman, Liquidator, Trustee, Minor, Executor

Unit 5: Negotiable Instruments

(Expected Marks: 16)

Q.1. What is Negotiable Instruments? What are its various kinds? Mention its features/essentials/characteristics and presumptions. 2+1+6     1999, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2010, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2020, 2022

Q.2. What is Bills of Exchange? What are its essentials? Mention three parties of bills of exchange.  2002, 04, 10, 20

Q.3. What are various types of bills of exchange? Explain them briefly.

Q.4. Mention advantages of bills of exchange. Give a specimen of bills of exchange.        2013

Q.5. What is Promissory note? Mention its two parties? What are its essentials? Draft a specimen of a promissory note. 2+1+6+5               2004, 06, 13, 2015, 2018

Q.6. Distinguish between bills of exchange and promissory note.                2013, 2016, 2018

Q.7. Define Cheque. Name its parties. Mention its features and advantages.2014

Q.8. Distinguish between cheque and bills of exchange and promissory note and cheque. 2012, 2017, 2019, 2022

- Difference between cheque and bill of exchange          2012, 2014, 2017

- Difference between Promissory Note and Cheque:                         2015, 2020

Q.9. Define holder (2015) and holder in due course (2014, 2018) of Negotiable Instrument. When a person becomes a holder in due course?

Q.10. What are the rights enjoyed by the Holder of Negotiable Instrument?

Q.11. Explain the rights and privileges of Holder in due course.    2020

Q.12. Write the differences between “Holder” and “Holder in due course”.

Q.13. What do you mean by Negotiation and endorsement (2016)? Who can endorse? What are the different kinds of endorsement? Explain them briefly. 99, 09, 14, 2018, 2020, 2022

Q.14. Write briefly about the rules and regulations of a valid endorsement.                          2012, 2016

Q.15. What are the liabilities or responsibilities of an Endorser?

Q.16. What is Bank Draft? What are the differences between Bank Draft and Cheque?     2015, 2019

Q.17. What do you mean by Payment in Due Course? What are its essential features?     2012, 2019

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