Human Resource Development Question Paper 2021
(Held in January/February, 2022)COMMERCE (For Honours/Non-Honours)
Paper: DSE-502
Full Marks: 80 (Pass Marks: 32)

Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. Answer the following as directed: 1x8=8
(a) Give one example of HRD programme.
(b) In India, human resource development interventions were introduced
initially in Larsen & Turbo (L&T) in 1975. (Write True or False)
(c) Business planning is a subsystem of HRD. (Write True or False)
(d) The element of HRD climate includes
(1) General climate.
(2) HRD culture.
(3) HRD mechanism.
(4) All of the above. (Choose the
correct answer)
(e) Mention one feature of strategic HRD.
(f) Business strategy need not be fit with HRD strategy. (Write True or False)
(g) Point out one objective of training in an industrial organization.
(h) Conference and seminar are on-the-job/of-the-job method of training
and development. (Choose the correct answer)
2. Write short notes on any four of the
following: 4x4=16
(a) Objective of HRD.
(b) Growth of HRD in Indian industries.
(c) Components of organizational culture.
(d) HRD climate.
(e) Identification of training needs.
(f) Management development.
3. What do you mean by HRD? Discuss the
importance and need of HRD in a giant industrial enterprise. 4+10=14
Discuss the position of HRD in human resource
management of multinational companies.
4. What do you mean by HRD structure? Explain
the HRD structures with the help of suitable figures in different
organizations. 2+12=14
Briefly explain the HRD system. Discuss the
various subsystems of HRD. 4+10=14
5. Write the characteristics of SHRD along
with its objectives. 8+6=14
What do you mean by SHRD? Describe the
principles of SHRD. 4+10=14
6. What is training? Explain any five methods
of training. 4+10=14
Why is evaluation of training essential?
Discuss Donald Kirkpatrick’s evaluation model of training. 6+8=14
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