SAPM Solved Papers May' 2023 [Dibrugarh University B.Com 6th Sem CBCS Pattern]


2023 (May / June)

COMMERCE (Discipline Specific Elective)

(For Honours and Non-Honours)

Paper: DSE-601 (Gr-I)

(Security Analysis and Portfolio Management)

Full Marks: 80

Pass Marks: 32

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. (a) State whether the following statements are True or False:               1x4=4

(1) Treasury bill is a money market security.

Ans: True

(2) Unsystematic risks arise due to inflation.

Ans: False, Unsystematic risks arise due to controllable factors such as no proper asset allocation.

(3) Personal income tax is assumed to be nil in Capital Asset Pricing Model.

Ans: True

(4) Jensen’s model is based on Capital Asset Pricing Model.

Ans: True

(b) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word(s):                    1x4=4

(1) ______ is a combination of securities.

Ans: Portfolio

(2) Opportunistic building model is also known as ______.

Ans: Sectorial Analysis

(3) Systematic risk can be managed by the use of ______ different companies.

Ans: Diversification in

(4) A benchmark portfolio represents the ______ evaluation standard.

Ans: Comparison/Standard

2. Write short notes on (any four):          4x4=16

(a) Investment philosophy.

Investment refers to the concept of deferred consumption, which involves purchasing an asset, giving a loan or keeping funds in a bank account with the aim of generating future returns. Various investment options are available, offering differing risk-reward tradeoffs. An understanding of the core concepts and a thorough analysis of the options can help an investor create a portfolio that maximizes returns while minimizing risk exposure.

Investment philosophy, also known as investment style, is a fund manager’s or investor’s particular approach to investing. Some may focus on companies with promising earnings prospects, seek out underpriced stocks, or businesses that produce things that are in strong demand.

It is a coherent way of thinking about markets, how they operate, and the types of mistakes that the person believes are common features of investor behaviour.

Investment strategy is much narrower than investment behaviour. When we put our investment philosophy into practice, that is our investment strategy. When a strategy is no longer effective, we go back to our investment philosophy to generate a new one.

(b) Intrinsic value.

Ans: The actual value of a security, as opposed to its market price or book value is called intrinsic value. The intrinsic value includes other variables such as brand name, trademarks, and copyrights that are often difficult to calculate and sometimes not accurately reflected in the market price. One way to look at it is that the market capitalization is the price (i.e. what investors are willing to pay for the company and intrinsic value is the value (i.e. what the company is really worth).

Fundamental analysis is used to determine the intrinsic value of the share of a company to find out whether it is overpriced or underpriced by examining the underlying forces that affect the well-being of the economy, Industry groups and companies.

(c) Portfolio Management Scheme.

Ans: Portfolio management is a dynamic concept and requires continuous and systematic analysis, judgement and operations. It is a process involving many activities of investment in assets and securities. Firstly, it involves construction of a portfolio based upon the data base of the client/investor, his objectives, constraint preferences for risk and return etc. On the basis of above mentioned facts, selection of assets and securities is made. Secondly, it involves monitoring/reviewing of the portfolio from time to time in light of changing market conditions. Accordingly, changes are effected in the portfolio. Thirdly, it involves evaluation of the portfolio in terms of targets set for risk and return and making adjustments accordingly.

Portfolio Management scheme (PMS) is a professional financial service where skilled portfolio managers and stock market professionals manage your equity portfolio with the assistance of a research team. Many investors have equity portfolios in their Demat Account but managing them can be a challenge. PMS is a systematic approach to maximise returns while minimising the risk factor on your investments. It enables you to make sound decisions that are supported by extensive research and factual data without lifting a finger. Additionally, it better prepares you to deal with market adversity.

 (d) Practical application of Arbitrage.


(e) Risk and return measurement.

Ans: Risk may be described as variability/fluctuation/deviation of actual return from expected return from a given asset/investment. Higher the variability, greater is the risk. In other words, the more certain the return from an asset, lesser is the variability and thereby lesser is the risk. Beta and standard deviation are measures by which a portfolio or fund's level of risk is calculated.

Standard deviation: Standard deviation is a statistical measurement that looks at historical volatility, indicating the tendency of the returns to rise or fall considerably in a short period of time. A volatile investment has a higher risk because its performance may change rapidly in either direction at any moment. A higher standard deviation means an investment is highly volatile, riskier and tends to yield higher returns. A lower standard deviation means the investment is more consistent and moves less choppily. It tends to yield more modest returns and presents a lower risk.

Beta: Beta attempts to measure an investment's sensitivity to market movements. A high beta means that an investment is highly volatile and that it will likely outperform its benchmark in up markets, thus exceeding the benchmark's return, and underperform it in down markets. A lower beta means an investment is likely to underperform its benchmark in up markets, but is likely to do better when the markets fall.

Measurement of return

Return can be defined as the actual income from a project as well as appreciation in the value of capital. Thus there are two components in return—the basic component or the periodic cash flows from the investment, either in the form of interest or dividends; and the change in the price of the asset, com­monly called as the capital gain or loss.

It is measured as: Total Return = Cash payments received + Price change in assets over the period /Purchase price of the asset. In connection with return we use two terms—realized return and expected or predicted return. Realized return is the return that was earned by the firm, so it is historic. Expected or predicted return is the return the firm anticipates to earn from an asset over some future period.

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3. (a) State the economic and financial meaning of investment. Discuss the factors that differentiate the investor from speculator and gambler.               7+7=14



(b) What do you understand by company analysis? Explain the tools available for company analysis.      4+10=14

Ans: COMPANY OR CORPORATE ANALYSIS: This type of fundamental analysis looks at a specific company, including its financial statements, management quality, and business model. This analysis helps to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a company and how they may impact its performance. This includes analyzing the company's balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and also looking at the company's management team, their strategy, and the company's competitive positioning.

Tools and Techniques of corporate Analysis

Financial statement means a statement or document which explains necessary financial information. Financial statements express the financial position of a business at the end of accounting period (Balance Sheet) and result of its operations performed during the year (Profit and Loss Account). In order to determine whether the financial or operational performance of company is satisfactory or not, the financial data are analyzed. Different methods are used for this purpose. The main techniques of financial analysis are:

The most commonly used techniques of financial analysis are as follows:

1. Comparative Statements: These are the statements showing the profitability and financial position of a firm for different periods of time in a comparative form to give an idea about the position of two or more periods. It usually applies to the two important financial statements, namely, balance sheet and statement of profit and loss prepared in a comparative form. The financial data will be comparative only when same accounting principles are used in preparing these statements. If this is not the case, the deviation in the use of accounting principles should be mentioned as a footnote. Comparative figures indicate the trend and direction of financial position and operating results. This analysis is also known as ‘horizontal analysis’.

Merits of Comparative Financial Statements:

a)       Comparison of financial statements helps to identify the size and direction of changes in financial position of an enterprise.

b)      These statements help to ascertain the weakness and soundness about liquidity, profitability and solvency of an enterprise.

c)       These statements help the management in making forecasts for the future.

Demerits of Comparative Financial Statements:

a)       Inter-firm comparison may be misleading if the firms are not of the same age and size, follow different accounting policies.

b)      Inter-period comparison will also be misleading if there are frequent changes in accounting policies.

2. Common Size Statements: These are the statements which indicate the relationship of different items of a financial statement with a common item by expressing each item as a percentage of that common item. The percentage thus calculated can be easily compared with the results of corresponding percentages of the previous year or of some other firms, as the numbers are brought to common base. Such statements also allow an analyst to compare the operating and financing characteristics of two companies of different sizes in the same industry. Thus, common size statements are useful, both, in intra-firm comparisons over different years and also in making inter-firm comparisons for the same year or for several years. This analysis is also known as ‘Vertical analysis’.

Merits of Common Size Statements:

a)       A common size statement facilitates both types of analysis, horizontal as well as vertical. It allows both comparisons across the years and also each individual item as shown in financial statements.

b)      Comparison of the performance and financial condition in respect of different units of the same industry can also be done.

c)       These statements help the management in making forecasts for the future.

Demerits of Common Size Statements:

a)       If there is no identical head of accounts, then inter-firm comparison will be difficult.

b)      Inter-firm comparison may be misleading if the firms are not of the same age and size, follow different accounting policies.

c)       Inter-period comparison will also be misleading if there are frequent changes in accounting policies.

3. Trend Analysis: It is a technique of studying the operational results and financial position over a series of years. Using the previous years’ data of a business enterprise, trend analysis can be done to observe the percentage changes over time in the selected data. The trend percentage is the percentage relationship, in which each item of different years bears to the same item in the base year. Trend analysis is important because, with its long run view, it may point to basic changes in the nature of the business. By looking at a trend in a particular ratio, one may find whether the ratio is falling, rising or remaining relatively constant. From this observation, a problem is detected or the sign of good or poor management is detected.

Merits of Trend analysis:

a)       Trend percentages can be presented in the form of Index Numbers showing relative change in the financial statements during a certain period.

b)      Trend analysis will exhibit the direction to which the concern is proceeding.

c)       The trend ratio may be compared with the industry, in order to know the strong or weak points of a concern.

Demerits of Common Size Statements:

a)      These are calculated only for major items instead of calculating for all items in the financial statements.

b)      Trend values will also be misleading if there are frequent changes in accounting policies.

4. Ratio Analysis: It describes the significant relationship which exists between various items of a balance sheet and a statement of profit and loss of a firm. As a technique of financial analysis, accounting ratios measure the comparative significance of the individual items of the income and position statements. It is possible to assess the profitability, solvency and efficiency of an enterprise through the technique of ratio analysis.

5. Funds flow statement: The financial statement of the business indicates assets, liabilities and capital on a particular date and also the profit or loss during a period. But it is possible that there is enough profit in the business and the financial position is also good and still there may be deficiency of cash or of working capital in business. Financial statements are not helpful in analysing such situation. Therefore, a statement of the sources and applications of funds is prepared which indicates the utilisation of working capital during an accounting period. This statement is called Funds Flow statement.

6. Cash Flow Analysis: A Cash Flow Statement is similar to the Funds Flow Statement, but while preparing funds flow statement all the current assets and current liabilities are taken into consideration. But in a cash flow statement only sources and applications of cash are taken into consideration, even liquid asset like Debtors and Bills Receivables are ignored. A Cash Flow Statement is a statement, which summarises the resources of cash available to finance the activities of a business enterprise and the uses for which such resources have been used during a particular period of time. Any transaction, which increases the amount of cash, is a source of cash and any transaction, which decreases the amount of cash, is an application of cash. Simply, Cash Flow is a statement which analyses the reasons for changes in balance of cash in hand and at bank between two accounting period. It shows the inflows and outflows of cash.

4. (a) Do you think that the effect of combining securities can bring about a balanced portfolio? Discuss. 14

Ans: Effects of combining two securities

It is believed that holding two securities is less risky than having only one investment in a person’s portfolio. When two stocks are taken on a portfolio and if they have negative correlation, then risk can be completely reduced because the gain on one can offset the loss on the other.

The effect of two securities can also be studied when one security is riskier when compared to the other security.  As per Markowitz, given the return, risk can be reduced by diversification of investment into a number of securities. The risk of any two securities is different from the risk of a group of two companies together. Thus, it is possible to reduce the risk of a portfolio by incorporating into it a security whose risk is greater than that of any of scrips held initially.


Diversification: Risks involved in investment and portfolio management can be reduced through a technique called diversification. Diversification is a strategy of investing in a variety of securities in order to lower the risk involved with putting money into few investments. The traditional belief is that diversification means “Not putting all eggs in one basket.” Diversification helps in the reduction of unsystematic risk and promotes the optimization of returns for a given level of risks in portfolio management.

 Diversification may take any of the following forms:

a)       Different Assets e.g. gold, bullion, real estate, government securities etc.

b)      Different Instruments E.g. Shares, Debentures, Bonds, etc.

c)       Different Industries E.g. Textiles, IT, Pharmaceuticals, etc.

d)      Different Companies e.g. new companies, new product company’s etc.

Proper diversification involves two or more companies/industries whose fortunes fluctuate independent of one another or in different directions. One single company/industry is always riskier than two companies/industries. Two company’s in textile industry are riskier than one company in textile and one in IT sector two companies/industries which are similar in nature of demand a market is riskier than two in dissimilar industries.

Importance of Diversification in Portfolio Management

Diversification of investments is significant due to the following reasons:

1. Reduce the risk: Every stock or financial instrument carries some amount of risk with it except the risk-free investments. With portfolio diversification, one cannot completely remove the risks but can reduce the risk to a great extent. Without proper diversification amongst the different classes of the assets, the risk of investment rises with every investment we make. One needs to include both risky asset classes such as high- return generating stocks and to hedge their risk they should invest in fixed income assets. Diversification gradually reduces the risk of the portfolio over time.

2. Helps in Hedging: If investments are entirely made in stock market, then in case of excessive volatility the return on investments will dropped significantly. However, if they investors kept a certain amount of other investment assets like commodities, bonds, metals in their portfolio, their profits would have been higher because loss or low profits of the stock market would have been wiped off by the positive returns of the commodities market. Diversification helps in achieving desired or better returns even when the market is slow as there are other markets which make up for the negative or low yields of the former market. This way investors can hedge their investments and earn potential returns through portfolio diversification.

3. Provide Higher Returns: Since the market keeps on changing, we need to diversify with asset classes which are not correlated. Correlation plays the most critical role in determining returns. If we are investing in one market which is connected to the other, when the former goes down, that will substantially affect the other. We need to choose investment vehicles which are entirely different from each other. That’s why we need a diversified portfolio.

4. Aligning Portfolio with Financial Aspirations: As per the Behavioural portfolio theory, either our investment will give us the potential for high-growth, or it will protect from negative returns. This theory states that when a portfolio is diversified, it corresponds to a pyramid structure. A properly diversified portfolio has the maximum of low-risk investments and provides value growth and steady income generation. ‘Blend’ funds comprise the top of this pyramid which is a mix of risky and low-risk investment instruments. The regular income generating investments will provide with periodic income, and the blend funds will grow in value, and together they bring stability of investment and higher wealth accumulation.

5. Investment Mix Adjustment: Portfolio diversification allows us to modify investment mix as per changing financial needs and market changes. With age, the investment mix also needs to be changed as the tenure for investments keeps on reducing. While we start off with high-risk investment instruments, with time flowing, we must reduce our risk by shifting more towards fixed income financial instruments for regular earnings. While an investor of 20’s age group can assign 90% of his investment into stocks, investor of 50’s age group must have not more than 40% allocated to equities. That’s why we need a diversified portfolio.

Problems of Diversification

Investment in too many assets may lead to the following problems:

1)      Purchase of bad stocks. While buying stocks at random, sometimes, the investor may purchase certain stocks which will not yield the expected return.

2)      Difficulty in obtaining information. When there are too many securities in a portfolio, it becomes difficult for the portfolio manager to obtain detailed information about their performance. In the absence of information, he may not provide right advice as to what to buy and what not to buy.

3)      Increased research cost. Before the purchase of stocks, detailed analysis as to economic and technical performance of individual stock has to be carried out. This requires collecting and processing of information and storing the same. These procedures involve high costs in terms of salaries to be paid to the analysts who are specialized people in this field.

4)      Increased transaction cost. Some cost has to be incurred whenever a stock is to be purchased. Purchasing stocks in small quantities frequently involves higher transaction cost than the purchase of large quantity in one go.


(b) Define Markowitz diversification theory. Explain the statistical method used by Markowitz to reduce risk.     4+10=14

Ans: MARKOWITZ MODEL: Dr. Harry M. Markowitz was the person who developed the first modern portfolio analysis model. Markowitz used mathematical programming and statistical analysis in order to arrange for the optimum allocation of assets within portfolio. He infused a high degree of sophistication into portfolio construction by developing a mean-variance model for the selection of portfolio. Markowitz approach determines for the investors the efficient set of portfolio through three importance variables - Return, standard deviation and coefficient of correlation.

Markowitz model is called the “Full Covariance Model”. Through this method the investor can find out the efficient set of portfolio by finding out the tradeoff between risk and return, between the limits of zero and infinity. Markowitz theory is based on several assumptions these are:


a)       The markets are efficient and absorb all the information quickly and perfectly. So an investor can earn superior returns either by technical analysis or fundamental analysis. All the investors are in equal category in this regard.

b)      Investors are risk averse. Before making any investments, all of them, have a common goal-avoidance of risk. But practically this assumption does hold good. In a country like India, majority of investors invests money on the basis of market news without doing any technical and fundamental analysis.

c)       Investors are rational. They would like to earn the maximum rate of return with a given level of income or money.

d)      Investors base their decisions solely on expected return and variance (or standard deviation) of returns only.

e)      For a given risk level, investors prefer high returns to lower returns. Similarly, for a given level of expected return, they prefer less risk to more risk.

Standard Deviation and Beta of a Portfolio

Harry Markowitz developed Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT), which is based on the concept of diversification to reduce investment risk. Modern portfolio statistics attempt to show how an investment's volatility and return measure against a given benchmark, such as BSE Index, NSE Index. Beta and standard deviation are measures by which a portfolio or fund's level of risk is calculated. Beta compares the volatility of an investment to a relevant benchmark while standard deviation compares an investment's volatility to the average return over a period of time. Standard deviation tells an investor a more general story about the security's tendency to move up and down abruptly, while beta tells the investor how much higher or lower a security will likely trade in relation to an index.

Standard deviation: Standard deviation is a statistical measurement that looks at historical volatility, indicating the tendency of the returns to rise or fall considerably in a short period of time. A volatile investment has a higher risk because its performance may change rapidly in either direction at any moment. A higher standard deviation means an investment is highly volatile, riskier and tends to yield higher returns. A lower standard deviation means the investment is more consistent and moves less choppily. It tends to yield more modest returns and presents a lower risk.

A volatile security or fund will have a high standard deviation compared to that of a stable blue chip stock or a conservative fund investment allocation. A large spread between deviations shows how much the return on the security or fund differs from the expected "normal" returns. However, the steady past performance of a fund does not guarantee a similar future performance. Because unexpected market conditions can increase volatility, a security that at one period had a standard deviation close or equal to zero may perform otherwise during a different period.

Beta: Beta attempts to measure an investment's sensitivity to market movements. A high beta means that an investment is highly volatile and that it will likely outperform its benchmark in up markets, thus exceeding the benchmark's return, and underperform it in down markets. A lower beta means an investment is likely to underperform its benchmark in up markets, but is likely to do better when the markets fall.

The first step in beta is measuring the volatility of a benchmark's returns in excess of a risk-free asset's return, such as the Treasury bill. The benchmark's beta is always 1.0. So a security with a beta of 0.83 is expected to gain 17 percent less, on average, than the benchmark in up markets and expected to lose, on average, 17 percent less in down markets. By contrast, a security with a beta of 1.13, is expected to gain, on average, 13 percent more than the benchmark in up markets, and lose, on average, 13 percent more in down markets. However, beta does not calculate the odds of macroeconomic changes nor does it take into consideration the herd-like behavior of investors and its effect on the securities market.

5. (a) What are the basic assumptions of Capital Asset Pricing Model? How would you evaluate a security with the help of Capital Asset Pricing Model?      7+7=14

Ans: Assumptions of CAPM

The capital asset pricing model is based on certain explicit assumptions regarding the behavior of investors. The assumptions are listed below:

1.       Investor make their investment decisions on the basis of risk-return assessments measured in terms of expected returns and standard deviation of return.

2.       The purchase or sale of a security can be undertaken in infinitely divisible unit.

3.       Purchase and sale by a single investor cannot affect prices. This means that there is perfect competition where investors in total determine prices by their action.

4.       There are no transaction costs. Given the fact that transaction costs are small, they are probably of minor importance in investment decision-making, and hence they are ignored.

5.       There are no personal income taxes. Alternatively, the tax rate on dividend income and capital gains are the same, thereby making the investor indifferent to the form in which the return on the investment is received (dividends or capital gains).

6.       The investor can lend or borrow any amount of fund desired at a rate of interest equal to the rate of risk less securities.

7.       The investor can sell short any amount of any shares.

8.       Investors share homogeneity of expectations. This implies that investors have identical expectations with regard to the decision period and decision inputs. Investors are presumed to have identical expectations regarding expected returns, variance of expected returns and covariance of all pairs of securities.

Evaluation of a Security with the help of SAPM

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) is a widely used method for evaluating the expected 


(b) What are the basic assumptions behind the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT)? Distinguish between Capital Asset Pricing Model and Arbitrage Pricing Theory.       7+7=14

Ans: Basic assumptions of Arbitrage Pricing Theory

a)    It is based on the principle of capital market efficiency and hence assumes all market participants trade with the intention of profit maximisation.

b)    The Investors have homogenous beliefs/expectations.

c)    Risk-return analysis is not the basis.

d)    It assumes no arbitrage exists and if it occurs participants will engage to benefit out of it and bring back the market to equilibrium levels.

e)    Capital markets are perfectly competitive.

f)     The security returns are generated according to a factor model. Several factors affect the return on a security.

g)    There are no transaction costs, no taxes, short selling is possible and infinite number of securities is available.

h)    The relationship between security returns and factors is linear.

Difference between APT and CAPM

a)       APT computes the expected return on a security based on the security’s sensitivity to movements in macroeconomic factors. Whereas, CAPM is a tool used by investors to determine the risk associated with a potential investment and also gives an idea as to what can be the expected return on the investment.

b)      The APT can be set up to consider several risk factors, such as the business cycle, interest rates, inflation rates, and energy prices. The model distinguishes between systematic risk and firm-specific risk and incorporates both types of risk into the model for each given factor. Whereas CAPM considers only systematic risk, reflecting a reality in which most investors have diversified portfolios from which unsystematic risk has been essentially eliminated.

c)       APT is based on factor model of return and arbitrage Whereas CAPM is based on investors’ portfolio demand and equilibrium.

d)      APT is a multifactor model whereas CAPM is a single factor model.

e)      APT places emphasis on covariance between asset returns and exogenous factors whereas CAPM places emphasis on covariance between asset returns and endogenous factors.

f)        APT model works better in multi period cases as against CAPM which is suitable for single period cases only. 

6. (a) Define portfolio performance evaluation. Discuss Jensen’s Differential Return Model in detail. 4+10=14

Ans: Portfolio performance evaluation can be defined as a feedback and control mechanism which is used by the portfolio managers and investment analysts to make the process of portfolio/investment management more effective. Expert Portfolio managers have to show superior performance over the market; for that they have to evaluate their performance in comparison with other portfolio managers. Portfolio manager have an objective to achieve an optimum risk return adjustment. Whether they are heading towards this objective or not will be found out only if they evaluate their portfolios periodically.

However, in conducting such an evaluation, a means for determining the appropriate standard or benchmark must be established. Two major factors which influence the performance are the rate of return earned and the associated risk over the relevant period. The return is defined to include changes in the value of the fund over the performance period plus any income earned over that period. Risk is the variability surrounding the return. The manager has to diversify completely into different industries, assets and instruments so as to reduce the unsystematic risk to the minimum for a given level of return. The systematic or market related risk has to be managed by a proper selection of beta for the securities.

Jensen Model

Jensen's model proposes another risk adjusted performance measure. This measure was developed by Michael Jensen and is sometimes referred to as the Differential Return Method. This measure involves evaluation of the returns that the fund has generated vs. the returns actually expected out of the fund given the level of its systematic risk. The surplus between the two returns is called Alpha, which measures the performance of a fund compared with the actual returns over the period. Required return of a fund at a given level of risk (b) can be calculated as:

Rt – R = a + b (Rm – R)

Where, Rt = Portfolio Return

R = Risk less return

a = Intercept the graph that measures the forecasting ability of the portfolio manager.

b = Beta coefficient, a measure of systematic risk

Rm = Return of the market portfolio

Thus, Jensen’s equation involves two steps:

(i) First he calculates what the return of a given portfolio should be on the basis of b, Rm and R.

(ii) He compares the actual realised return of the portfolio with the calculated or predicted return. Greater the excess of realised return over the calculated return, better is the performance of the portfolio.

Limitation of this model is that it considers only systematic risk not the entire risk associated with the fund and an ordinary investor cannot mitigate unsystematic risk, as his knowledge of market is primitive.

Graphic representation of Jensen’s model is a given in the following figure:

The figure shows three lines showing negative, neutral and positive values. The negative line shows that the management of the performed portfolio is inferior. The positive line shows that superior quality of management of funds. The neutral value shows that the performance of the fund is similar to the performance of the market portfolio.

A comparison between the three models shows that the intercept of the line is Sharpe and Treynor models is always at the origin, whereas Jensen’s model it may be at the origin (a = 0), above the origin (a > 0) and even be below the origin indicating a negative value (a < 0). The risk adjusted measures have been criticized for using a market surrogate instead of the true market portfolio. These measures have been unable to statistically distinguish luck or change from skill except over very long period of time. Moreover, these models rely heavily on the validity of CAPM. If in estimating the measures the analyst assumes the wrong from of the CAPM in the market place, he will get based measure of performance, usually in favour of low risk portfolios.


(b) (1) Discuss the components of performance as provided by E. Fama.                7

Ans: Components of Performance: E. Fama has provided an analytical framework to have a more detailed breakdown of the performance of the fund. This break down is done in the following three ways:

1.    Stock Selection: Overall performance of the fund can be examined in terms of superior or inferior stock selection and the normal return associated with a given level of risk. Thus, Total Excess Return = Selecting + Risk.

To earn average returns, the fund managers have to diversify. The market pays return only on the basis of systematic risk. The level of diversification can be judged on the basis of the correlation between the portfolio returns and the returns for a market portfolio. A completely diversified portfolio is perfectly correlated with the market portfolio, which is in turn completely diversified.

To earn the above average return, fund managers will generally have to forsake some diversification that will have its cost in terms of additional portfolio risk. Hence some additional return is needed for this additional diversification risk. Capital Market Line (CML) helps in determining the risk commensurate with the incurred risk.

2.    Market Timing: If investors want to maximize their returns, they must not only purchase the right security but must also know the right time to purchase and sell. To generate superior performance better than the market average, markets, have to be timed correctly. Market timing implies assessing correctly the direction of the market, either bull or bear and positioning the portfolio accordingly. When there is a forecast of declining market, the managers should position the portfolio properly by increasing the cash percentage of the portfolio or by decreasing the beta of the equity portion of the portfolio. When the forecast is of rising market, the managers should decrease the cash position or increase the beta of the equity portion of the portfolio.

3.    Cash Management Analysis: Cash management analysis was used by Farrell to assess the degree to which variations in the cash percentage around the long term average have benefited or detracted from fund performance. Two indexes were constructed for each fund by Farrell:

Ø The first index is based on the average cash to other asset allocation experienced by the fund over the period of analysis.

Ø The second index is based on a quarter to quarter changes experienced by the fund over the period.

(2) X gives the following information:





















Calculate the return on portfolio A, B, C and D according to the Jensen’s Performance Index. 7

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