History Question Paper 2016 [AHSEC Class 11 History Question Paper]

History Question Paper 2016
[AHSEC Class 11 History Question Paper]

Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 30
Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Answer the following questions / Choose the correct answer:    1x12=12
a) When was the first human-like creatures appeared on the earth surface?
b) Who were Hadza?
c) What is the nature of Islamic calendar?
d) What was the language of the sacred books of ancient Iran?
e) Name the sailor who discovered India.
f) From which word the term ‘Feudalism’ was derived?
g) Who wrote The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy?
h) Who led the Protestant Movement against the Catholics in Europe?
i) When was the ‘Bank of England’ established?
j) In which year the British arrived in Australia?
k) What was the original name of Tokyo city?
l) The close associate of Mao Tse-tung was
1) Dr. Sun Yat-sen.
2) Chiang Kai-shek.
3) Yuan Shih-kai.
4) Chou En-lai.
2. Answer the following questions in brief:          2x12=24
a) What is Ethnography?
b) What were the food products in Mesopotamia?
c) Where and in which year the Christianity originated first?
d) Name two powerful empires of Europe in the seventh century.
e) What was Shahnama?
f) Why was the Great Wall of China constructed?
g) What were the three orders in the society of medieval Europe?
h) Describe two features of early feudal society in France.
i) Write the name of any two new food items which were transmitted from South America to the rest of the world.
j) In which cities of Japan, America dropped nuclear bombs?
k) Give two reasons which preferred the industrialists to employ women and children in their factories.
l)What were the three important messages of Sun Yat-sen?
3. Answer the following questions:                                      4x10=40
a) Why did the Mesopotamian civilization famous?
          What were the significances of urbanism?
b) Write a note on ‘Amphorae’.
c) Explain the factors lead to the growth of towns.
d) Write a short note on ‘The Knights’.
e) Write briefly on the growth of humanist ideas during medieval Europe.
f) Explain the term “The Revolution in Science” in the 15th and 16th century Europe.
g) Suggest four measures for improving the conditions of child labour.
h) Who were the inventors of the following textile machines?
1) The flying shuttle loom.
2) The spinning jenny.
3) The water frame.
4) The power loom.
          What was ‘Gold Rush’?
i) How did the natives of America were exploited by the Europeans?
j) What was the Opium War in the nineteenth century?
4. Answer the following questions:                                                       6x3=18
a) What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of using ethnographic accounts to reconstruct the lives of the earliest peoples?
        What do you mean by Crusade? State briefly the Crusades of Europe in the eleventh century.
b) Compare the civilization of the Aztecs with the Incas.
        What were the factors inspiring European navigation in the fifteenth century?
c) What do you mean by ‘Meiji Restoration’? What reforms were introduced in Japan after this event?
        Analyze the causes of success of the Communist Revolution in China in 1949.
5. Draw an outline map of India and show the main four cities –                                 2+4=6
Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, and Kolkata
What factors were responsible for Industrial Revolution in England?                        6

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