Communicative English Question Paper' 2021 (Held in 2022), Dibrugarh University B.Com 1st Sem Hons Question Papers

  Dibrugarh University B.Com 1st Sem Question Papers 
2021 (Held in January/February, 2022)
Paper: AECC – 1 (English Communication)
Full Marks: 40
Pass Marks: 16
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.

(Communication: Theory and Types)

1. (a) What is a communication model? Explain David Berlo’s model of communication.    2+3=5


(b) What is the difference between formal and informal communication.            5

2. (a) List out any four barriers to communication and state how they can be overcome.    2+3=5


(b) Write an illustrative note on postures, gestures, attire and appearance as facets of body language. 5


(Speaking Skills)

3. (a) What are the guidelines to be followed in appearing in an interview?            5


(b) You are Ritu, preparing for the Assam Public Service Commission examination. Write dialogues between you and your friend Ranjan on your preparation for the ensuing APSC examination.  5

4. (a) “group Discussion (GD) is one of the best tools to select the prospective candidates in a comparative and competitive environment.” Discuss Group Discussion in the light of the given statement.        5


(b) Prepare a public speech in about 100-150 words on any one of the following:          5

(1)       Google can replace a teacher’s role in modern age.

(2)       Spirit of sportsmanship.


(Reading and Understanding)

5. (a) What are the aims and objectives of close reading?                               5


(b) Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

Mahatma Gandhi has laid great stress on Satyagraha in his thoughts. Satyagraha means pursuance of truth. It means striving for truth even by undergoing physical pain. Gandhi relied on the methods of non-violence to strive for truth. Thus it was agreeable to him to suffer physical hardship of the sake of truth. He used to accept Satyagraha not simply as a means but as a principle by itself. He himself had written that Satyagraha is a spiritual principle based on love for mankind. There is no feeling of hatred towards the opponents in it. He used to regard Satyagraha as the most potent force. In ‘Hindu Swaraj’ he wrote, “Passive resistance (Satyagraha) is an all-sided sword, it can be used anyhow. It blesses him who uses it and him against whom it us used without drawing a drop of blood. It produces for reaching results. It never rusts and cannot be stolen.”

Gandhi considered four conditions to be necessary for a Satyagrahi. He stated, “After a great deal of experience it seems to me that those who want to become passive resisters for the service of the country have to (1) observe perfect chastity, (2) adopt poverty, (3) follow truth and (4) cultivate fearlessness.” Gandhi used to give enough stress on morality. In his view, truth was the essence of morality.

Gandhi laid great stress on non-violence along with truth. He used to consider non-violence as a symbol of strength rather than of cowardice. On 11 August, 1946 he wrote in ‘Young India’, “Even if non-violence means taking hardship consciously in a constructive manner, nevertheless this principle does not support surrendering oneself before the tormentor. On the contrary, it encourages one to face a tormentor with full soul force.” Elsewhere he said, “I believe that non-violence has the power to solve all problems. At the same time I have this faith that if any country in the world can find a solution to all problems through non-violence, it is only India.”


(1)       What is Satyagraha?                        1

(2)       What did Gandhi write about Satyagraha in ‘Hind Swaraj’?                          1

(3)       What, according to Gandhi, are the four conditions necessary for the success of Satyagraha? 2

(4)       In which country can one find a solution to all problems through non-violence?      1

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6. Answer any one of the following questions:

(a) What are the differences and similarities between summarizing and paraphrasing? 1

(b) Write a summary of the following passage:        5

With the advancement in technology, the internet has become a very important, rather, an indispensable part of our lives. It is the latest means to communicate and reach out to people as we eat, sleep and live in the virtual space today. Observe people in a public space and you see most of them with their heads bent over a phone, an I-pad or a laptop, fingers swiftly moving on the keyboard. No longer it is merely restricted to increasing one’s social contacts by way of communicating with friends or colleagues. More and more people are using it in their academic pursuits, to engage in business, to advertise, to help find a partner for marriage, to find the placements one dreamt of and for umpteen other purposes.

(c) Define translation. State two advantages and disadvantages of translation.                  5


What are source language and target language? Provide some examples of functional translation. 5


(Writing Skills)

7. (a) Why is documenting necessary? Discuss the methods of documenting.      2+3=5


(b) Prepare a report on the observation of Prize Distribution Ceremony of your college held at the end of the college week. (Do not mention the name of your college.)                5

8. (a) Make notes from the following passage using headings, sub-headings and recognizable abbreviations:          5

Sex ratio in India always remains a skewed proposition. Almost all states of India suffer from an imbalanced sex ratio grossly in favour of males. The national sex ratio according to 2011 Census is 940, that is, 940 women for every 1000 men. But even the sex ratio of some of our neighbouring Asian countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh and China is also equally disturbing. The People’s Republic of China has a sex ratio of only 926, even worse than India; Bangladesh has a sex ratio of 978, slightly better than India. Pakistan has a sex ratio of 943, almost equal to India. However, some developed countries have a better sex ratio than their Asian counterparts – the USA has a healthy sex ratio of 1025, Brazil has an even better sex ratio of 1042, Russian Federation has a sex ratio which can be considered best in comparison to America and Brazil, it is 1167 women for every 1000 men. But why in Asian countries, especially in India, the sex ratio is consistently going down in favour of men when it should have been balanced or in favour of women? The reason is not far to find; there is a history of cultural and social bias against women in India. In India and its neighbourhood, male child is always considered to be more valuable and an asset for the household whereas a girl child is considered a liability because of age-old socio-cultural attitude. So most expecting mothers want to have a male child rather than a female one. As a result of this lopsided attitude, in most cases, they go for a sex determination test and terminate the child if it is found to be a girl. This practice of pre-birth sex determination test has been declared illegal yet this heinous crime continues clandestinely as in most cases, it is patronized by a section of the unscrupulous medical practitioners.


(b) You are a resident of Dibrugarh town. You have observed the reckless motor bike riding of underage youths on the streets. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police (Traffic) to take necessary measures to curb this menace. (Do not mention the name of your college or your name anywhere in the letter.)                                        5


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