MCOM 2nd Sem Syllabus [Dibrugarh University DODLDU 2024]

 The M.Com. Programme in Commerce under Open and Distance Learning shall comprise of 16 (Sixteen) courses of hundred marks each.

There shall be 13 (Thirteen) compulsory courses till the fourth semester and 3 (three) optional courses in fourth semester to be selected from Group – ‘A’, ‘B’.

The snapshot of courses comprising the four semesters of M.Com. Programme in Commerce under Open and Distance Learning are as follows:


MCOM 2nd Sem Syllabus [Dibrugarh University DODLDU 2024]
Dibrugarh University DODLDU (Distance Education)


(All courses are compulsory)

Course Code

Course Name

No. of Assignments

In Semester Marks

End Semester Marks

Credit Value of the course


Organizational Behaviour and Theory –II.






Managerial Economics.






Financial Management-I.






Strategic Management-I





 Course: COM-201 (2nd Semester) - Organizational Behaviour and Theory-II (Credits: 4)

Block I: Organizational Behaviour.                                           Marks-30

Concept of Determinants of Organization Behaviour. Psychological foundation of Human behaviour – Perception, Learning, Attitude and personality. Individual and Group behaviour, Management assumption about people – Theory X and theory Y. Chris Argyris, Behavioural Analysis and Transactional Analysis.

Block II: Motivation and Directing of Organizational Behaviour.                                 Marks-30

Motivation – Need Hierarchy theory, Two factor theory, Expectancy model .Controlling and Behavioural dimensions of control. Leadership styles, Leadership effectiveness.

Block III: Organizational Effectiveness and Development.                                            Marks-20

Organizational Effectiveness – Concept and approaches. Communication and Making Communication effective. Management of change and Organizational Development.

Recommended Books and Suggested Readings:

1.Robbins, S.P., Organizational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

2.Luthans, Fred, Organisation Behaviour, McGraw Hill International, New York.

3.Prasad, L.M., Organisational Behaviour, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.

4.Ashwathappa, K., Organizational Behaviour, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.

5.Mishra, M.N., Organisational Behaviour and Corporate Development, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi.

Course: COM-202 (2nd Semester) - Managerial Economics (Credits: 4)

Block I: Fundamentals of Managerial Economics.              Marks-16

Objectives, Introduction: Concept of Management, economics and Managerial Economics; Nature and Scope of Managerial Economics: Fundamental nature of Managerial Economics, Scope of Managerial Economics, Management Decisions and Economics; Objectives of a firm: Profit Maximisation Theory, Growth Maximisation Theory, Baumol’s' Sales or revenue Maximisation Theory - Static Model, Economists: Role in Business decisions, Responsibilities of Managerial Economists; Fundamental Economic Concepts Concept of Scarcity, Incremental Principle, Opportunity costs, Discounting concept, Equi-marginal concept.

Block II: Demand Analysis and Elasticity of Demand.       Marks-16

Objectives, Introduction, definition of Demand, Law of Demand, Demand, demand Schedule and Demand Curve, Individual Demand and Market Demand, Individual Demand Determinants, Determinants of Market Demand, Demand Elasticity, Different types of elasticity of demand.

Block III: Demand Estimation and Forecasting.                   Marks-16

Objectives, Introduction: Demand Forecasting-Meaning, Scope of demand forecasting, steps involved in demand forecasting, Demand Estimation: Demand Estimation for major consumer durable, demand Estimation for Non-durable consumer goods, Demand Estimation for Capital (or producer's) goods. Demand forecasting Techniques, Criteria for the choice of a good forecasting method.

Block IV: Price Determination and Price Discrimination.                Marks-16

Objectives, Introduction: Concept of Price determination, Price determination in practices, Method of Price determination in practice. Competition oriented pricing, Pricing based on other Economic Consideration; Pricing in large enterprise and small business; Pricing of multiple products; Price discrimination: Meaning of price discrimination, Types of price discrimination, Degree of price discrimination, when price discrimination is possible, Price discrimination is not possible under perfect competition, Price discrimination and monopolistic competition; International price discrimination and dumping; Transfer pricing.

Block V: Business Cycle and Inflation.                     Marks-16

Business Cycle: Objectives, Introduction, Meaning of Business Cycle, Features of Business Cycle, Phases of Business Cycle-Recovery, Prosperity, Recession and Depression, Factors responsible for Business Cycle. Evil effects of Business Cycle, General measures to control Business Cycle Monetary Policy, fiscal policy. Inflation: Objectives, Introduction, Meaning of Inflation, Types of Inflation, Demand Pull Inflation, Cost Push Inflation.

Recommended Books and Suggested Readings:

1. Dean, Joel, Managerial Economics, Prentice Hall of India, Delhi.

2. John P. Gould; Jr. and Edward P. Lazear: Micro-economics Theory; All India Traveller; Delhi.

3. Browing Edger K. and Browing Jacquelence M: Microeconomic Theory and Applications; Kalyani; New Delhi.

4. Watson Donald S. and Getz Molcolm: Price Theory and Its Uses; Khosla Publishing House, New Delhi.

5. Koutsoyianni, A.: Modem Microeconomics; Macmillan, New Delhi.

6. Richard G lipsey: An Introduction to Positive Economics; ELBS, Oxford.

7. Stigler G.: The Theory of Price; Pentice Hall of India, New Delhi.

8. Nellis & Parker: The Essence of Business Economics; Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi

9. Ferguson P.R.and Rothschild R. and Ferguson G.J: Business Economics; Macmillan, Hampshire.

10. Ahuja, H.L: Business Economics; S.Chand & Co., New Delhi.


- M.Com 1ST Semester Syllabus

- M.Com 2nd Semester Syllabus

- M.Com 3rd Semester Syllabus

- M.Com 4th Semester Syllabus

Course: COM-203 (2nd Semester) - Financial Management-I (Credits: 4)

Block I: Introduction to Financial Management.                Marks-40

The New Concept of Finance. Evolution of Financial Management: Traditional Concept of Finance, Transition to the New Approach, Social Responsibility. Assumptions Underlying the Financial Objectives: Assumptions Underlying the Financial Objectives.

Block II: Financial Statements.                                                   Marks-40

Financial Statements: Analytical Process, Basic Procedures, Comparative Analysis, Common Size Analysis. Ratio Analysis: Types of Ratios: Liquidity Ratio, Profitability Ratio, Financial Leverage Ratios, Activity Ratios, DuPont System of Financial Analysis.

Recommended Books and Suggested Readings:

1. Kuchal, S.C., Corporation Finance, Chaitanya Publications.

2. Khan, M.Y., Indian Financial System, Vikash Publishing House.

3. Kulkarni P.V., Corporation Finance, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay. 

Course: COM-204 (2nd Semester) - Strategic Management-I (Credits: 4)

Block I: Introduction to Strategic Management.                 Marks-20

Introduction to Management & Strategy, Relevance of strategic management for an Organization, The SM Process, Strategic Management in India, Explanation of a Case let.

Block II: Environment and Strategy.                      Marks-30

Organization Environment (Characteristics and Dimensions), External Environment, Political Environment, Economic Environment, Technological Environment, Socio-cultural Environment, Environmental Scanning, Synthesis of External & Internal Factors.

Block III: Strategic Analysis: Models & Techniques.          Marks-30

Introduction, Forecasting Models, Strategic Models, Economic Models, Simulation Models, Decision Support Models, Sensitivity Analysis, Porter’s Five Forces Theory, Portfolio Evaluation, McKinsey’s 7S Framework, Contemporary Strategic Thoughts (Blue Ocean and Red Ocean Strategies).

Recommended Books and Suggested Readings:

1. Strategic Management, Arpita Mehta, Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.

2. Thomas L. Wheelen, J. David Hunger and Krish Rangarajan, “Strategic Management and Business Policy”, Pearson.

3. Harold Koontz and Cyril O’Donnel, “Essentials of Management,” McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.

4. William F. Glueck, Business Policy and Strategic Management, McGraw-Hill.

5. John A. Pearce and Richard B. Robinson, “Strategic Management,” Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,New  Delhi.

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