MCOM 3rd Sem Syllabus [Dibrugarh University DODLDU 2024]

  The M.Com. Programme in Commerce under Open and Distance Learning shall comprise of 16 (Sixteen) courses of hundred marks each.

There shall be 13 (Thirteen) compulsory courses till the fourth semester and 3 (three) optional courses in fourth semester to be selected from Group – ‘A’, ‘B’.

The snapshot of courses comprising the four semesters of M.Com. Programme in Commerce under Open and Distance Learning are as follows:


MCOM 3rd Sem Syllabus [Dibrugarh University DODLDU 2024]
Dibrugarh University DODLDU (Distance Education)


(All courses are compulsory)

Course Code

Course Name

No. of Assignments

In Semester Marks

End Semester Marks

Credit Value of the course


Research Methodology.






Financial Management-II.






Marketing Management.






Strategic Management-II.





 Course: COM-301 (3rd Semester) - Research Methodology (Credits: 4)

Block I: Business Research Basics.                            Marks-40

Introduction to Business Research, Types of Research, Research Plan & Design, Collection of Data, Sampling, Measurement of Scaling Techniques

Block II: Descriptive Statistics.                   Marks-40

Processing of Data, an overview of Diagrammatic & Graphic Presentation, Measure of Central Tendency Measure of variation, skewness, Correlation & Simple Regression (two variable case). Time Series Analysis and Index Numbers.

Recommended Books and Suggested Readings:

1. Richard I & Levin, Statistics for Management (Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi).

2. B.L. Agarwal, Basic Statistics (New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers, New Delhi).

3. Larsen, Mark & Cooil, Statistics for Applied Problem Solving and Decision Making (International Thomson Publication, London).

4. S.C. Gupta, Fundamental of Statistics (Himalaya Publishing House, Delhi).

5. C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology (Wishwa Prakashan, New Delhi).

Course: COM-302 (3rd Semester) - Financial Management-II (Credits: 4)

Block I: Introduction to Long-Term Finance.                        Marks-30

Ordinary Shares: Ordinary Shares, Reporting of Ordinary Shares, Features of Ordinary Shares. Equity Financing: Pros and Cons of Equity Financing, Public Issue of Equity, Rights Issue of Equity Shares, Pros and Cons of Rights Issue. Debentures: Types of Debentures, Features, Pros and Cons. Preference Shares: Features, Pros and Cons. Term Loans: Features of Term Loans.

Block II: Short-Term Financing.                                  Marks-30

Trade Credit: Credit Terms, Stretching Account Payable. Accrued Expenses and Deferred Income: Accrued Expenses, Deferred Income. Commercial Paper Bank Credit Arrangement: Single-Payment Loan, Line of Credit, Committed versus, Uncommitted Credit Lines, Compensation for Credit Lines, Revolving Credit Agreement, Term Loan, Letter of Credit. Unsecured Borrowing and Secured Borrowing: Unsecured Borrowing, Secured Borrowing. Commercial and Captive Finance Companies: Captive Finance Companies.

Block III: Financial Derivatives.                                  Marks-20

Basic Financial Derivative: Options Futures Swap Participants and Functions. Global Derivatives Market: Global Derivatives Recent Trends Exchange-traded vs. OTC Market. Emerging Derivatives Market Structure in India: Market Structure, Forward Contracts.

Recommended Books and Suggested Readings:

1. Kuchal, S.C., Corporation Finance, Chaitanya Publications.

2. Khan, M.Y., Indian Financial System, Vikash Publishing House.

3. Kulkarni P.V., Corporation Finance, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay.

Course: COM-303 (3rd Semester) - Marketing Management (Credits: 4)

Block I: Foundations of Marketing.                                          Marks-16

Conceptual Framework: Marketing Concept & Function: Tasks and Philosophies of Marketing Management. Systems and Mix: Marketing System and Marketing Mix, Market vs. Marketing.

Block II: Consumer and Marketing Information.                                Marks-16

Consumer: Consumer Behaviour: Motives, Theories, Consumer Decision Making Process, Consumerism. Marketing information: Marketing Information & Research – necessity, procedures and approaches.

Block III: Product & Pricing.                         Marks-16

Product Decisions: Product Concept, Product line and Product-mix, New Product Development, Branding, Packaging, Product Life Cycle. Price Decisions: Objectives, Importance, Price-setting in practice& determinants.

Block IV: Distribution & Production.                        Marks-16

Distribution Decisions: Distribution Channels and Physical Distribution Decision, Channel Design, Channel Selection, Logistics of distribution. Promotion Decisions: Objectives importance, communication process, communication programmes& methods.

Block V: Marketing Strategic Decisions & Types.               Marks-16

Strategies Decision: Marketing Environment Analysis, Strategies Decision Making – Approaches, Analysis & Choice, Market Segmentation and Selection. Types of Marketing: Social Marketing, Service Marketing, International Marketing, Rural Marketing, Mass Marketing, Relationship Marketing, e-marketing.

Recommended Books and Suggested Readings:

1. Philip Kotter, Marketing Management: Analysis, Planning and Control (Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi).

2. Madhab Kacker (ed); Marketing & Economic Development, Deep & Deep Publications, New Delhi.

3. Philip Kotter, Principles of Marketing, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.

4. R.S. Davar, Modern Marketing Management, (Progressive Corporation Pvt. Ltd., Bombay).


- M.Com 1ST Semester Syllabus

- M.Com 2nd Semester Syllabus

- M.Com 3rd Semester Syllabus

- M.Com 4th Semester Syllabus

Course: COM-304 (3rd Semester) - Strategic Management-II (Credits: 4)

Block I: Strategy Formulation: Choice and Analysis.                                         Marks-40

Steps for Making Strategic Choice, Strategy Formulation, Tools and Techniques, Decision Stages, Subjective Factors in Strategic Choice, Diversification, Integration, Merger, Takeover and Joint Strategies, Corporate Turnaround, Disinvestment and Liquidation, Functional Strategies, Generic Competitive Strategies – Cost Leadership, Differentiation Focus, Value Chain Analysis, Benchmarking.

Block II: Strategy Implementation.                                                                          Marks-40

Nature of Strategy Implementation, Models of Strategic Implementation, Business Process Management, Resource Allocation, Reverse Engineering, Strategy Evaluation, Feedback Control System.

Recommended Books and Suggested Readings:

1. Strategic Management, Arpita Mehta, Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi.

2. Thomas L. Wheelen, J. David Hunger and Krish Rangarajan, “Strategic Management and Business Policy”, Pearson.

3. Harold Koontz and Cyril O’Donnel, “Essentials of Management,” McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York.

4. William F. Glueck, Business Policy and Strategic Management, McGraw-Hill.

5. John A. Pearce and Richard B. Robinson, “Strategic Management,” Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi.

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