Trade Unionism Question Paper May 2015, Dibrugarh University B.Com 6th Sem CBCS and Non-CBC Pattern

Trade Unionism Question Paper Dibrugarh University 
2015 (May)
COMMERCE (Speciality)
Course: 602 (Trade Unionism)
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32
Time: 3 hours
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

1. Answer the following as directed:          1x8=8

(a) The first All India Trade Union in India was

(i) National Labour Organization (NLO)

(ii) Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)

(iii) All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC)

(iv) Hind Mazdoor Sabha (HMS) (Choose the correct answer)

(b) The Trade Union Act, 1926 itself provided the scope for outside leadership of trade unions. (Write True or False)

(c) Name one white-collar trade union in India.

(d) What is a Managerial Association?

(e) Trade unions are composed of enterprises employers' organisations. (Write True or False)

(f) The principal organs of the ILO are the International Labour Conference, the Governing Body and the ___.  (Fill in the blank)

(g) One of the fundamental principles of the Philadelphia Declaration is that labour is not a . (Fill in the blank)

(h) In 1944, the ILO convened a conference at ___.  (Fill in the blank)

2. Write short notes on the following (any four): 4x4-16

(a) Recognition of trade unions

(b) Differences between white-collar workers and blue-collar workers

(c) Nature of Managerial Associations

(d) Advantages of a registered trade union le) Multiplicity of trade unions o International labour standards

3. (a) Explain briefly the problems of trade unions in India. What measures can you suggest to overcome these problems? 7+5=12

(b) Discuss the objectives and structure of trade unions.    8+4=12

4. (a) Explain with examples the meaning of white-collar workers. Discuss the features of white-collar workers' unions.      3+8=11

(b) Discuss the activities of Managerial Associations in India. 11

5. (a) Give a brief introduction of Employers' Associations. What are the various objectives of these Associations? 5+6=11


(b) Describe the organization and management of Employers' Associations in India. 11

6. (a) Give a brief outline of the historical background of ILO. 11


(b) Evaluate the influence of ILO on labour movement in India. 11

7. (a) Distinguish between conventions and recommendations of ILO.           11


(b) Discuss the impact of ILO's conventions and recommendations on the Indian Labour Legislation.

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