Consumer Behaviour Question Paper 2016, Dibrugarh University B.Com 5th Sem Non CBCS Pattern

 Dibrugarh University B. Com 5th Sem Question Papers Non CBCS Pattern

2016 (May)

COMMERCE (Speciality)

Course: 404 (Consumer Behaviour)

Full Marks: 80

Pass Marks: 32

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. (a) State whether the following statements are True or False:      1x4=4
1. Television is a source of external information search.
2. Time-related costs and loss of opportunities are monetary costs.
3. Need for self-esteem are innate needs.
4. Motives concerned with satisfying biological needs of the individuals are psychogenic motives.

(b) Choose the correct option:   1x4=4
1. Consumer behaviour is micro/macro in nature.
2. Opinion leaders are known as initiators/influential.
3. Evolving/Emergency problems arise suddenly and the solution has to be found immediately.
4. Nominal decision making is also known as habitual/extended decision making.

2. Write short notes on (any four):        4x4=16
a)      Economic determinants of consumer behaviour.
b)      Consumer information search.
c)       Cultural factors.
d)      Life cycle stages.
e)      Self-concept.

3. (a) What do you mean by consumer decision making? Explain different types of consumer decisions.     4+10=14
(b) Define consumer behaviour. Discuss the importance of studying consumer behaviour.     4+10=14

4. (a) Explain the consumer research process.                    14
(b) “Marketers do not create needs, needs pre-exist marketers.” Discuss.                           14

5. (a) What do you understand by the term ‘reference group’? Explain the factors that affect the reference groups. 4+10=14
(b) What do you mean by opinion leaders? Discuss the characteristics of opinion leaders.    4+10=14

6. (a) Explain the concept of ‘VALS – Value and Life Style’.                                            14
(b) What do you mean by perception? Explain the different factors affecting perception.     4+10=14

Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 32

1. State whether the following statements are True or False:         1x8=8
a)      Consumer behaviour is macro in nature.
b)      Information search process is a three stage process.
c)       Culture is socially acquired.
d)      Sigmund Freud is one of the influential theorists in the areas of self-concept.
e)      SRI International developed ‘VALA’, i.e. value and life styles in 1987.
f)       AIO stands for awareness, interest and opinions.
g)      Intra-psychic theory is one of the theories of personality.
h)      Life Style is a group behaviour.

2. Write short notes on (any four) of the following:            4x4=16
a)      Consumer complaint behaviour.
b)      Consumer research.
c)       Opinion leadership.
d)      Information search process.
e)      Organizational buyer.

3. (a) What do you mean by consumer behaviour? Explain the determinants of consumer behaviour.   4+7=11
(b) Discuss in detail the different stages of consumer decision making.

4. (a) “Alternative evaluation and external information search often occur simultaneously.” Do you agree with the statement? How?       11
(b) Define consumer motivation. Explain its objectives.              4+7=11

5. (a) Define sub-culture and explain its division on different basis.     4+7=11
(b) Discuss the used of social class as a market segmentation process.                    11

6. (a) Explain the concept of personality. What are the determinants of personality?       4+7=11
(b) Discuss the factors affecting perception.    11

7. (a) Define consumer audit. Narrate the objectives of consumer audit.       4+8=12

(b) Explain the factors affecting organization buying behaviour.   12

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