Business Law Question Paper 2018 [Assam University B.Com 1st Sem CBCS Pattern]

  Assam University B.Com 1st Sem Question Papers

Business Law Question Paper 2018

TDC (CBCS) Odd Semester Exam., 2018
COMMERCE (1ST Semester)
Course No.: COMHCC – 102T
(Business Law)

Full Marks: 70

Pass Marks: 28

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions

Answer all questions

Business Law Question Paper 2018


1. Answer any two of the following:                        2x2=4

a)         Define contract.

b)         What is quasi contract?

c)          Define contingent contract.

2. Answer any one of the following:                        10

a)         “All contracts are agreement but all agreements are not contracts.” Discuss.

b)         What do you mean by discharge of contracts? What are the different modes of discharge contracts? Discuss.


3. Answer any two of the following:                        2x2=4

a)         What is Contract of Indemnity?

b)         Define the Contract of Guarantee.

c)          What is Agency by Ratification?

4. Answer any one of the following:                        10

a)         Compare the Contract of Indemnity and Contracts of Guarantee.

b)         Discuss the rights and duties of Sailor.


5. Answer any one of the following:                        2x2=4

a)         Define goods.

b)         Write down two essential elements of Contract of Sale.

c)          What is warranty?

6. Answer any one of the following:                        10

a)         Distinguish between Sale and Agreement to Sale.

b)         Who is an unpaid seller and what are the rights of an unpaid seller?


7. Answer any two of the following:                        2x2=4

a)         What is Partnership Deed?

b)         Write two features of Limited Liability Partnership.

c)          State any two properties of partnership firm.

8. Answer any one of the following:                        10

a)         Discuss the mutual rights and duties of partners.

b)         Distinguish between Partnership and Joint Stock Company.


9. Answer any two of the following:                        2x2=4

a)         What is meant by ‘payment in due course’?

b)         What is negotiable instrument?

c)          What is meant by ‘crossing of cheque’?

10. Answer any one of the following:                      10

a)         What is meant by ‘holder in due course’ and what are his privileges?

b)         What are the distinctions between bill of exchange and Cheque?

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2. Business Organization and Management:  2018  2019  2021
3. English Communication:  2018  2019
4. Business Communication: 2018
5. Business Laws:  2018 2021
6. Micro Economics:  2018


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