Advertising Question Paper 2021, Assam University B.Com 5th Sem Question Papers

Advertising Question Paper 2021
Assam University B.Com 5th Sem Question Papers
TDC (CBCS) Odd Semester Exam., 2021 (Held in March, 2022)

2021/TDC/CBCS/ODD/COMDSE-501/502T (C)/351

COMMERCE (5th Semester)

Course No.: COMDSE-501/502T (C)


Full Marks: 70

Pass Marks: 28

Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.


In this Post you will get Advertising Question Paper 2021 of Assam University B.Com 5th Sem.


Answer any twenty questions of the following:       1x20=20

1. What is marketing communication?

2. What is meant by advertising?

3. Why is advertising important? Give one reason.

4. Mention one determinant of advertising budget.

5. Give one distinctive feature of advertising.

6. Define media.

7. What is internet advertising?

8. What is media choice?

9. Give one of the characteristics of media.

10. Mention one demerit of advertising through the Internet media devices.

11. What is advertising message?

12. What is advertising appeal?

13. What is advertising copy?

14. Give one reason for developing message.

15. Mention one demerit of advertising appeals. [Refer DTS App]

16. What is advertising effectiveness? [Refer DTS App]

17. What is meant by measuring advertising?

18. How are sales and advertising related? Give one reason.

19. What is pre-testing technique in advertising?

20. What is post-testing technique in advertising?

21. What is traditional advertising agency?

22. What is digital advertising agency?

23. What is full service advertising agency?

24. What is social media advertising agency?

25. What is creative boutique?


Answer any five questions of the following:                          2x5=10

26. What are the types of advertising?

27. Delineate the objectives of advertising.

28. Write an advisory note on making media choice.

29. What is media scheduling? [Refer DTS App]

30. Briefly explain emotional appeals in advertising appeals.

31. Explain the evils of sexual appeals in advertising appeals.

32. Write a brief note on measuring advertising effectiveness.

33. Why is the pre-testing of advertising tool done?

34. Briefly discuss the role of advertising agency.

35. What are the types of advertising agency?


Answer any five questions of the following:                          8x5=40

36. Delineate the processes involved in audience analysis in advertising.

37. Discuss the merits and demerits of one of the major methods of setting of advertising budget.

38. Discuss various factors influencing the media selection.

39. Explain the merits and demerits of advertising media.

40. Delineate the elements of advertising copy.

41. How do you prepare advertisements for different media?

42. In what ways advertising can have effects on sales? Explain.

43. Explain the benefits of post-testing of advertising tool after implementing it.

44. Discuss various factors influencing selection of advertising agency.

45. Discuss the ethical aspects of advertising in India. [Refer DTS App]

Also Read: Assam University B.Com 5th Sem Question Papers

1. Management Accounting: 2020 2021
2. Fundamentals of Financial Management: 2020
3. Principles of Marketing: 2020  2021
4. Human Resource Management: 2020
5. Auditing and Corporate Governance: 2020
6. Financial Market, Institutions and Financial Services: 2020  2021
7. Advertising: 2021


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