Finance [Banking] Question Paper 2024AHSEC Class 12 Finance Question Papers
For New Course Students
Full Marks: 80
Pass Marks: 24
For Old Course Students in lieu of Project works
Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 30
Time: Three hours
have been treated as Old Course students
The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. (a) When was the RBI established? 1
(b) Which is the first
development bank of India? 1
(c) Money market is the
market for short-term funds. (State whether true or false) 1
(d) What is meant by rate
of exchange in foreign exchange market? 1
(e) What is meant by merchant
bank? 1
(f) Name two subsidiaries
of SBI. 1
2. Write two advantages of underwriting. 2
3. What is meant by proportional reserve
system method of issuing note? 2
4. Write two features of foreign exchange
market. 2
5. Give the meaning of factoring. 2
6. Write three objectives of IFCI. 3
7. Write three differences between lease and
hire purchase. 3
8. State the minimum reserve system of note
issue. 3
9. Write three functions of NABARD. 3
Briefly discuss the structure of Indian money
10. Write five advantages of credit rating. 5
Write the advantages of investing in mutual
11. What are the promotional functions of
RBI? 5
Write the defects of Indian money market.
12. Write a note on wholesale market of foreign
exchange market. 5
What are the advantages of private placement
method of new issue market?
Also Read:
1. HS 12 Banking Chapter wise Notes
2. AHSEC Class 12 Banking Question Papers From 2012 Till Date
3. AHSEC Class 12 Banking Solved Question Papers From 2012 Till Date
4. Banking Chapter wise MCQs
5. Class 12 Banking Important Questions and Question Bank
13. Write the functions of merchant banking. 5
14. Discuss the objectives of State Finance
Corporations (SFC). 5
15. What are the advantages of hire purchase
to the seller? 5
16. Discuss the importance of venture
capital. 8
What are the instruments of money market?
17. What are the advantages of capital
market? Discuss. 8
Discuss the functions of modern commercial
18. Explain the characteristics of
non-banking financial institution. 8
Explain briefly about the different types of crossing of cheques with suitable examples.
For Old Course
Questions in Lieu of
Project work
Answer any
four from the following: 5x4=20
19. What are the objectives of World Bank?
Discuss. 5
20. Write five essential elements of valid
endorsement. 5
21. Write the functions of IMF. 5
22. Explain the duties of collecting banker. 5
23. Write the functions of stock exchange. 5
24. What are the objectives of LIC? 5
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