DODLDU - Business Environment 101 Question Paper 2014

DODLDU - Business Environment 101 Question Paper 2014
2014 (August)
Paper: 101
Full Marks: 80
Time: 3 hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks for the questions.
1. (a) “Business is the product of environment”. – Explain. How does the internal factors of environment influence the business policies of an organisation?                       8+8=16
(b) Argue the case for and against FDI in Multi-brand Retail in India.                         8+8=16
2. (a) Analyse the changes in the Industrial Policies of India since the adoption of New Economic Policy in 1991.  16
(b) Critically analyse the role of MNC’s in the Indian economy.        16

3. (a) Explain the main objective of Monetary Policy. Briefly discuss the Monetary policy of India.       10+6=16
(b) Describe the scenario of resource mobilization through direct and indirect taxes in India.         8+8=16

4. (a) Describe the redressal machinery under the Consumer Protection Act. What are the consumer’s rights and responsibilities under the Act?                       10+6=16
(b) Explain the trends of exports and imports of India in the post-liberalisation era.          8+8=16

5. (a) Explain the process of structural reforms in the Indian economy. Discuss briefly the impact of structural reforms on income generation and poverty alleviation in India.                 6+10=16
(b) Explain the features of Globalisation. Analyse the impact of globalisation on the business environment in India. 6+10=16


101 - Business Environment (Semester System): 2021  2022
101 - Business Environment: 2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018  2019


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